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General Instruction: Read each item carefully and answer the following questions provided below. Please be
assured that all of the answer provided shall be kept personal. Please indicate () mark on the appropriate box.

Name (Optional):________________________________ Grade and Section: _______________

I. Students Profile:
1. Gender:
Male: ________ Female: ________
2. Parents Highest Educational Attainment:
______ College Graduate ______ College Graduate
______ College Undergraduate ______ College Undergraduate
______ High School Graduate ______ High School Graduate
______ High School Undergraduate ______ High School Undergraduate
______ Elementary Graduate ______ Elementary Graduate
______ Elementary Undergraduate ______ Elementary Undergraduate
3. Monthly Family Income:
______ Below 2,500 ____ 2,500-5,000 ____5,000-8,000 ____8,000-10,000
______ More than 10,000
4. Parent Occupation Status:
____ Permanent ____ Probational
____ Contractual ____ Casual
____ Unemployed ____ Other (Specify) _______________

II. Factors that affect Student’s on choosing their Strand

Read the item carefully. Use the provided scale below to help you in checking the appropriate column that
best describes your greatest factor that affect you on choosing your strand.

Score Qualitative Description Qualitative Statement

5 Strongly Agree Very Influencing
4 Agree Influencing
3 Neither Moderately Influencing
2 Disagree Less Influencing
1 Strongly Disagree Not Influencing

Academic experience 5 4 3 2 1

High school grades can be a factor that influences the most.

Your interest in a certain subject

Passion affects your decision to what course to take.

Talent, skill and ability based.

Valedictorian or a salutatorian factor.

Educational aspiration/expectation 5 4 3 2 1

Parents expectation on what you will be in the future

When you are worthy in literacy, it is required that you should take
a course related to your skill.
To be engaged in an activity that will enhance your ability and talent
can give a large impact in making decisions
Based on you wanted to become
Grades can affect your decision in choosing a course

Adviced of others 5 4 3 2 1
A person around you has a lot of knowledge than you, and then
makes them as a basis.
People who offer unsolicited advice from this motivation may have
a lot of knowledge in a firm area that pertains to your situation.

People offer advice just because of the simple purpose that they think
they can help you.
Some advice-givers would like to take the role of ‘more
knowledgeable person’ in the relationship dynamic, and giving
advice puts them in that position.
Advises can be worthy and relevant to your situation.

Friends/peer influence 5 4 3 2 1
Peer influence will take you on a right path.
I do believe on what my friends said.
The friend’s statement can influence career choice.
Friends in this new generation can be a tool in taking the right thing
included the course that you will take.

Friend’s course can be a factor in taking a course.

Family background 5 4 3 2 1
Having degree holder parents can be a factor on deciding what
course to take.

Poor parents will be the reason on the path that I will take.
Abundant parents can be one of the factors.
Single guardian.
Extended parentages.

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