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Course Preference among Students of the Generation Z



Course preference is a very important decision that an individual has to make in his lifetime. It

can spell success or failure, and happiness or unhappiness, as well. It should not be a spur of the

moment decision or as a result of peer and parental influence, but it should undergo a careful

self-examination and self-reflection of one’s strengths and weaknesses, including all the factors

that influence the selection of a course (Bobiles, 2014). The College year is one of the most

critical parts of being a student. Besides the pressures and stress brought about the different

activities, examinations and projects they are undergoing, this is the turning point of their

future career will be decided. As person undergo with the decision making to choose the right

course, student are having trouble for factors that could affect the course he prefer or like.

Decision making is an essential skill for career success and effective leadership particularly. It is

true that for an individual there’s a success, however, the person must possess good decision-

making skill (Martin, 2010). Every student has a different preference that they will consider in

choosing the career path that will dictate the right course for them. According to Hewitt (2010),

factors influencing course preference can either be intrinsic, extrinsic or even both of it. He

further stated that most people are influenced by courses that parents favor. However, some

choose to follow their passion regardless of how insufficient their income in it would, while

others choose the career that would give them high income In this context the researcher

conceptualized this study on the factors affecting course preference among first year college.

There are a variety of factors that affect agricultural students. McGraw et al. (2012) reported

that college students who major in agribusiness have been most influenced by factors that

include great advancement opportunities, salary and benefits, and the work atmosphere. The

people who most affect a student’s choice of major are friends, parents, teachers, and alumni

(Herren et al., 2011). The people affecting a student’s career choice tend to provide more

insight about the career field including factors such as how big of a salary it offers, how fast a

student can advance, or the benefits that come with that job field.

There are many outside factors that can affect how a young man or woman will choose their

career. The environment in which a student grows up plays a vital role in their choice of career

path. If a student grows up in an environment where all young men and women go straight to

work after a high school, that student will be more likely to go straight into the workforce as

well (Swanson and Fouad, 1999).


According to the survey, what is the exactly what Gen Z wants is “The most important factor

Gen Z looks for is opportunity for advancement,” and “two-thirds of GenZ say that their goal in

life is to make it to the top of their profession.” Yet, despite these goals, according to other

surveys, “they’re not necessarily interested in moving quickly up the corporate ladder.“

According to Gary Helly, as cited by Cinco (2008) making a course preference as a phase of the

educative process consists of the appraisal of the abilities, interests and needs of individual

pupils and students in order to formulate plans for realizing their capacities and the

adjustments which will promote their wellbeing in school, and in life.

According to O’Hare (2012) concluded that studying for a new qualification can often be one of

the most effective ways of boosting your career prospects, whether by enhancing or by

equipping you with professional qualifications that will enable you to move into a new line of

work. Some factors should be considered before signing up to a course, ensuring that you find

the right one, theories and concepts, whereas vocational courses teach the hands on skills

relating to a specific profession such as nursing. One of the things student should consider is

whether to choose an academic or a vocational course. And often the best way to get a feel for

a course and the benefits it is likely to have is to organize chats with former students.

Young students have diverse dreams and interests in life. There is an old adage which inspires

people to succeed: 'If there is a will, there is a way'. In choosing a career, suitability to the

interests of the students is given importance. Students must know on what degree must pursue
in college, one interest them and must also fit their abilities so that it will not hard for them to

choose the right career path.

Being adolescent can be extreme lonely. It is not unusual to have a feeling that there is no one

turn to when problem arise. This is the stage where major decisions and deep concern affect

the courses of their lives. Most adolescents are pressured to perform and succeed, which

experience severe stress in meeting these expectations.

Every year, graduating high school students are faced with the problem of having to decide on

future career paths. The decision whether or not to continue with post secondary education

and the choice of an institution to attend are two critical decisions that students make at this

time in their lives (Johnson & Chapman, 1979).


Therefore, the main point of our topic is to find the problems about course preference and its

solutions. It will provide some information about course preference to the students of the

Generation Z, so it can help them what kind of courses that they will choose. According

toJohnson & Champman, the decision whether or not to continue with post secondary

education and the choice of an institution to attend are two critical decisions that students

make at this time in their lives.


Sarah Kessler. (October, 2018). Exactly What Generation Z wants According to all of the Survey


Elmedulan, Sergio. "Factors Affecting Course Preference Among First Year College"

Clarisse. (June, 2016). "Factors Affecting the College Course Preference"


Darren Fizer. (December, 2013). "Factors Affecting Career Choices of College Student Enrolled in


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