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Chapter 1




Author(s): Jusdtrou Añperbos

Date Published: May 13 2023


Background of the Study

The career decision-making process is a crucial step for students as it can affect
their future career path and life satisfaction. This study aims to identify the
factors that affect the career decision of Grade 11 GAS students in Saint Vincent
College of Cabuyao.

According to a study by DR. JOSEPHINE P. MANAPSAL (2018) Grade 11 GAS

students encounter problems and difficulties in making career choices, which can
lead to undecidability. Another study by Allen Nazareno, Geleena Gestiada, Asia
Pacific College, Marisol P Martinez, Ranzivelle Marianne L. Roxas-Villanueva
(2020) analyzed data from 3,813 Grade 11 students to determine the variables
associated with career track choice and the extent of influence of factors.

For students, choosing a career path is a complex process that involves both
internal and external factors. Students have to consider their own interests,
values, strengths, and priorities. They also have to consider the realities of the job
market, economic factors, and the influence of family and mentors. The
interaction between these internal and external factors often creates uncertainty
and indecision in students.

This research aims to understand these complex factors in the context of Grade
11 GAS students in Saint Vincent College of Cabuyao. By identifying the key
factors that influence the career decisions of students, educators and counselors
can gain valuable insights into how to better guide students through this
important life decision. Career planning and guidance programs can also be
tailored based on the needs of students.

The factors that affect students' career choices can be categorized into two:
internal and external factors. Internal factors refer to individual preferences,
interests, values, abilities, and personalities. Students' interests and passion in a
particular field or job role can drive their career choices. Their strengths, talents
and skills are also instrumental in determining suitable career options. External
factors, on the other hand, refer to the realities and conditions of the
environment that students have to consider. These include parental or family
influence, peer influence, teacher or mentor recommendations, and opportunities
or limitations in the job market.
In summary, choosing a career path can be challenging for students due to the
interplay between internal motivations and external conditions. This study aims
to provide insights into how these factors manifest among Grade 11 GAS students
as they make this important life decision. The findings can help educators and
counselors in guiding students to make well-informed choices that maximize their
interests and potentials.

Statement of the Problem

1. How important is choosing the right career path to you, and why?

2. What are the top three factors that you are considering when choosing a career?

3. How do you think your personal interests and strengths influence your career choices?

4. Do you have any concerns or fears when it comes to making a career decision? If so, what are

5. Have you received any guidance or advice from someone who you think has made a good
career decision? What did they say, and how did it impact your thinking?

Significance of the Study:

The present study aims to identify the factors that affect the career decision-making process of Grade 11
GAS Students in Saint Vincent College of Cabuyao. The findings of this study can be significant in the
following ways:

Students: The study can benefit the Grade 11 GAS Students in Saint Vincent College of Cabuyao. By
identifying the key factors that influence their career decisions, students can gain a better understanding
of themselves and their career goals. This understanding can help students make well-informed career
choices that align with their interests, values, and abilities.

Educators and Counselors: The study can be beneficial to educators and counselors. By understanding
the factors that affect Students career decisions, Educators and counselors can develop more effective
career planning and guidance programs that cater to the needs of Grade 11 GAS students in Saint
Vincent College of Cabuyao. This can help students explore their interests and potential career paths,
learn about the realities of the job market, and develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in
their chosen careers.

Parents and Guardians: The Study can also benefit parents and guardians of Grade 11 GAS Students in
Saint Vincent College of Cabuyao. By gaining a better understanding of the factors that influence their
children's career choices, parents and guardians can provide more effective support and guidance to
their children as they navigate the career decision-making process.

Future Researchers: The study can also be significant to future researchers as it can contribute to the
existing literature on career decision-making among high school students in the Philippines. The
research findings can provide a basis for comparison with other studies in the field and can inform
future research on the topic.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study aims to identify the factors that affect the career decision-making process of Grade 11 GAS
students in Saint Vincent College of Cabuyao. The study's scope is limited to Grade 11 GAS students in
Saint Vincent College of Cabuyao and the research will be conducted within a specific timeframe.

The study will use a survey questionnaire to collect data from the identified population. The
questionnaire will be designed to examine the internal and external factors that influence students'
career decisions. However, the study has several limitations. First, the findings of the study will be
limited to Grade 11 GAS students in Saint Vincent College of Cabuyao and may not be generalizable to
other populations. Second, the study will rely on self-reported data, which may be subject to bias.
Finally, the study will only consider the variables included in the survey questionnaire, and other factors
that may affect students' career decisions may not be included.

Defination of Terms

Career decision-making process: The process by which a person chooses a career and decides on a
particular occupation. It involves considering interests, skills, values, opportunities, and other factors.

Grade 11 GAS students: Refers to the General Academic Strand students in Grade 11. These are high
school Senior students in the Philippines.

Career path: The progression of occupation(s) a person undertakes over their lifetime.

Life satisfaction: A person's cognitive evaluation of their life in relation to their own ideals and

Factors: Something that influences an outcome or result. In this context, referring to things that
influence students' career choices.

Internal factors: Factors within the individual that influence their career decision, such as interests,
values, abilities, personality traits.
External factors: Factors outside of the individual, originating from the surrounding environment, that
influence career choice. These include family influence, peer influence, job market realities, and

Career planning: The process of identifying short-term and long-term career goals and developing a plan
to achieve them.

Career guidance: The process of advising individuals on suitable career choices based on their interests,
values and abilities. This includes providing career information and support for career-related decision

Theoritical Framework
This study is supported by the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT), which explains how
interests, choices, and success in education and careers are influenced by psychological and
social factors (Lent, 2013). The theory is based on Albert Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory and
General Social Cognitive Theory, which emphasizes the role of self-efficacy, outcome
expectations, and goals. SCCT suggests that career choice is affected by four sources of
learning: mastery experiences, vicarious learning, social persuasion, and physiological states
and reactions.

According to SCCT, an individual's career path results from the interaction between multiple
career elements (Wang, Liu, & Deng, 2022). The theory provides a framework for
understanding and facilitating meaningful learning experiences and career development. By
considering the role of individual cognitive variables (self-efficacy and outcome expectations),
learning experiences, and personal interests on career development, SCCT focuses on not only
environmental but also individual factors that influence one's career decision making.

The theory behind this study is that by applying the principles of SCCT to the career decision-
making process of Grade 11 GAS students in Saint Vincent College of Cabuyao, educators and
counselors can better support students in making informed choices about their future careers.
By providing guidance and resources to help students navigate challenges in choosing a career
path, they can make more confident decisions about their education and career paths.

- DR. JOSEPHINE P. MANAPSAL (2018)Factors of Undecidability in Career Choices of Grade 11
General ... - GRIN.

- Allen Nazareno, Geleena Gestiada, Asia Pacific College, Marisol P Martinez, Ranzivelle
Marianne L. Roxas-Villanueva (2020) Factors Associated with Career Track Choice of Senior High

- Derived from Albert Bandura's Self-Efficacy Theory and General Social Cognitive Theory (Lent,

- Wang, D., Liu, X., & Deng, H. (2022). The perspectives of social cognitive career theory
approach in current times. Frontiers in Psychology,

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