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“The Fly in the Ointment”

(1932) V.S.Pritchett

1. “Fly in the ointment” is an idiomatic expression which means what?

A drawback, one that is at first not apparent
2. Describe each of the main characters briefly. Who are they in relation to each other? What
adjectives describe them the best?
Father (superficial, closed-minded, materialistic, outer confidence, judgmental, two-
faced); Harold (inner confidence, true to himself, empathetic)
3. Why is Harold estranged from his father?
Harold is a poor lecturer with low financial standing and Father is obsessed with money
4. Why does Harold’s father need consoling?
His business has gone bankrupt (dirty 30’s)
5. Father says a lust for money is a curse – do you think he truly believes this? Why/why not?
Use textual proof.

6. Do you think it’s possible to live the simple, happy, contented life without money that Father
is describing? Do you think it’s possible for Father? Can you think of anyone else who can?
Not for Father, but Harold seems to. Monks
7. The literal fly enters the story. This has not happened before. Father wants this new, simple,
quiet life – what is the “fly” (or problem) with him and this life?
Fly can be his money-lust – he’s unable to truly shake it
8. Father can’t kill the fly. What could this failure mean, figuratively?
Father cannot change his nature – will always have the drive/need/lust for wealth
9. Father feels old and like his search for money has been a waste of his life. Why does he begin
to regret like this? Do you think he is being sincere? Why/why not?
Feels near death; hiding behind new public mask; insincere b/c of quick turnaround at
10. When Harold offers to raise money to restart Father’s business, Father refuses/ However,
when he believes Harold is being serious Father’s “mask” falls off – the ‘man who wanted to
live the happy, simple life without money’ is gone and the true businessman is revealed.
Compare/contrast these two ‘masks’ of Father’s. Prove each description you come up with
using the text (chart).

11. Describe the Father/son relationship in your own words. Use a comparison if necessary.

12. We all have two faces/personalities – one private and one public. Many have a nice exterior
and an uglier interior (hypocritical). Discuss this statement in relation to the story and its main

13. Human nature is unchangeable. Discuss this statement in relation to the story and its main
14. Think of a person/character who has tried to force a radical change in nature on themselves
– who were they? What was the change? Did it work?

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