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1. a- ask edward about his experience in shops What's your favourite part of
working in shop?

b- ask Edward about a regret connetede to Isabel: If you had regretted traveling
to Tahiti, ¿would you have returned with Isabel?

2- What had Bateman done before he told Isabel about Edward? He had traveled
to Tahiti, to speak with Edward

3- according to the end of the story, what are Isabel and Bateman like? I think
the end of the story shows that the only thing Isabel and Bateman care about is

4. What did the three young people expect to get in life when they first met? As
members of rich families, they probably expected to grow in business, to run the
family business and to be active members of society.

5. Why wasn’t Arnold Jackson accepted by Isabel’s family and people in

general? Because he was “dirty”. As he had been in prison, it was a spot, a dark
mark in the family’s name.

6. Why couldn’t Bateman understand Edward’s life in Tahiti? Because he

couldn’t understand that somebody can be happy with simple things and not with a
lot of money and important contacts, etc.

7. Was Bateman discriminatory in any way? Was Isabel? Yes. Bateman was very
aggressive when he spoke to Edward about his new job, as if working in a simple job
were a bad thing. So was Isabel when she learnt that Edward was not coming back;
she thought that there was something bad in Edward (who had rejected her)

8. Is there any stereotype in the story? yes. One possible stereotype has to do with
living in the city as opposed to living in a more distant place. The other could be that
Native people can’t have “a good life” probably because they are not important or
rich or don’t do business.

9. What did Arnold Jackson really teach Edward? Why did he take the decision
to stay? Arnold probably taught Edward that there is a possible life without business,
social events, money and that one can be happy without all that.

10. How different would Isabel and Bateman’s life be from what they had
imagined? Their life will probably be what they expect; business, money, social
contacts, etc. There is no mentioning of a family or love.
11. What similarities/ differences do you think there are between the working
environment at Braunschmidt and Co and the store in Tahiti? At Braunschmidt
and Co employees probably have to wear suits or follow a dress code, but at the store
the clothes are more informal. Whereas Braunschmidt and Co employees are stressed
out due to the kind of work they do, Edward it feels relaxed in the store.
Braunschmidt and Co has no flexibility in terms and schedules and is very
demanding. However, you can earn more money than in the store.

12. If Edward were an animal, what would he be and why? I think it would be a
monkey, because monkeys are smart and great problem solvers

13. which opportunity was Edward given in Tahiti?

14. do yo think that saome people were discriminated against in some way in
san francisco? why/ when? Yes I agree. For example when the story mentioned a
Arnold Jackson who was previously a respected figure in Chicago society, but he
served time in prison for financial fraud and was treated in discriminatory way

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