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The research group "Law in Sustainability, Compliance and IT" works at the

interface between law and IT in the Institute for Information Systems at Hof
University of Applied Sciences. We see ourselves as "enablers" of projects, work in
interdisciplinary technology-open teams and help shape the product development
process from the very beginning. In this way, we want to contribute to the further
development of the legal framework, especially on legal issues of digitalisation,
Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, data protection, privacy by design, compliance
and legal fact research through IT methods. The aim is to find solutions that are
suitable for application in line with the law and compliance. Law in innovative
technology fields is always also risk management. Here, the research group develops
application-suitable solutions at the interface between law and IT with the latest
findings from current research projects together with the users. We visualise these
with business process management tools and research IT integration, e.g. through
process mining or in agile structures.

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