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Nowadays, stressors in adult’s life is not an uncommon things.Those adult stressor can be

defined as a feeling of emotional strain and pressure in their enviroment. Stress is a type

of psychological pain by not only adult, but also all the generation of humans.Why do adult

has stress in their life ? What are the major stressors in adults life ? Major stressors can can

affect their adult social life, such as bad behavior, depression, etc and health, such as

migraine, high blood pressure, low sugar level,fatigue, loss of sexual desire, etc.There are

some points that are related to major stressors in adult’s life.

The first and the most stressful things in an adult’s life is the workplace stressors.

Workplace stressors is one of the biggest stressors in the adult life. About one quarter of all

the adult who are working said that the job is the biggest stressors in an adult’s life. In

addition, the common stress of the adult’s life may cause of stress include that afraid of being

sacked , too much of workload and burden, does not have a good management has lack of

control over their work activities. Workplace stressors of an adult can affect their behavior in

outside our workplace including home. Additionally, adult who have stress on their

workplace should have a counselling to handle stress in their workplace.

The second point and the most vunerable point of an adult’s stressors is the finacial

problems. Finacial worries is one of the most common major stressors for an adult’s life,

most commonly in the urban area. According to the Statistics stated that 80% of the adult are

facing finacial worries. The reason that having a finacial problem is high cost of living,

unemployement of a person, low salary in our job, gambling, alcohilic. Because of these

reason, adult ended up having stress by fear of ended up in poverty.So, a peson who are

having a finacial problem should have some finacial advice to find the solution to solve the

finacial problem.
Another problem of adult stressor that mostly affected by the older adult is the cronic

illness or an injury of a person. Long term health condition may cause stress by not only

themself, but also can affected their loves ones.In addition to the adult’s life everyday

stresses, this person could have added more stress in their life to handle their cronic illness by

having more finacial issues due to heavy cost of treatment . Further than that, their loves ones

or related person also could get stress due to fear of being paralysed and more burden of work

by taking care of illness person. To avoid cronic illness, the person should take care of their

health by having regularly exercise if the person are able and sholt reduce unhealthy foods.

Furthermore, starting a new job is also the major stressors of adult’s life. In this modern

life, starting a new job is another major cause no matter where they are in their carrer. It is

normal for a person for being nervous in their first day in their job as they were going to have

a new experience. As a result, a person who will started a new job feel stress by fear of

having a bad experience and learning some new things in the workplace. In sum, we must

understand that whenever job that we are going, it has more work and responsibilites to do.

In conclusion, stress can bring affect in adults social lifes and also health issues.

Therefore, we must bring up some solutions to reduce stress in adult’s life. For example, we

must have sone discipline life, so we can have a peacful life without stress. In addition, we

also should consult a doctor or counselling for tips and advice to avoid stress. If we did not

take some action, then we would have more stress in future.

( 649 words)

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