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Nishreen Shiela S.

Hoque MGT113 B7-2

This book, which discusses the divinity of Christ, was published for Christians. It is a
book that is pro-Islam, not Christianity. However, in his capacity as a prophet of the
Islamic Faith, Jesus is supported in this book. The book examines many Christian
doctrines and disproves them using Islamic concepts. The writer is very polite.
Members of the protestant and catholic churches may find this book to be highly
persuasive. However, since many of our ideas diverge from those of conventional
Christianity, I can readily agree with the author and many of his statements.

It introduces you to the real Jesus. The author uses the Bible to prove that he was
not what Christians believe he was. It is the most informative and eye-opening book I
have ever read about Jesus, the most misunderstood person in history. It discuss the
different view of Jesus at early Christianity, the contradiction in Bible, how Judaism
view Jesus, how Paul preach the gospel & differentiate from mainstream Jew until
how Quran view all this thing. Every Muslims knows that Jesus is described as
Messiah and was rejected by the Jewish establishment.

As a Muslim this book ask us to reflect on & strengthen our faith by examining the
evidences, proofs & finally come to logical conclusion that Quran came from Allah. I
found this book very informative, full of facts and show clearly the corruption of the
old scriptures. simple and easy to understand. Beyond believing Jesus is one of
the five elite messengers of God, Muslims believe that Jesus will return to bring
justice to the world. Muslim theologians call this “the descent of Jesus” to earth.

At the first chapter of the book, I’ve read about the History of the Trinity, No
Trinitarian doctrine is explicitly taught in the Old Testament. Sophisticated
Trinitarians grant this, holding that the doctrine was revealed by God only. It was
extremely interesting to the point both Christians and Muslims have different views
and that Muslims don’t really get the concept of the holy trinity, although it is
understandable. One of the most misunderstood event that happened is the
crucifixion. “God gave someone else Jesus's appearance and it was this other
person who was substituted for Jesus on the cross, causing his enemies to believe
that Jesus was crucified.” This made me see the whole truth about the crucifixion, in
bible many believed that he was crucified for him to sacrifice for the safety of the
people, but in fact as a Muslim, I didn’t believed that because he is of course the
anointed one. As I’ve mentioned, This book is clearly an eye opening to me,
hopefully for everyone too.

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