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The word personhood is controversial in every topic or every

study criterion. The main idea of personhood is all about the
status of being the person or in Tagalog is pagkatao. In every
aspect of the topic, they have different allegations and
opinions about this topic. The difference between the two based
on the topic of personhood is western idea was more about
independent development over time and they are influenced by
religious tradition or culture which means the self is more
developed until learn to absorb the environment of one specific
place. While the concept of Filipino personhood idea was about
being an inner persona or the person, the specific idea for this
is that personhood is known as the concept of distinctions and
characteristics of one person to another. Filipino notation of
personhood is being unique and different from one another. Even
if they have differences the main concept of the two ideas is
being self as individual, people as uniqueness and differences
but in the inner, us has unity and peace as a human.

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