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Cassino 1

Drew Cassino

Ms. Michko

AP Lang

5 December 2022

Hillary Clinton’s Speech to the Fourth World Conference on Women

In her Women’s Rights Are Human Rights (1995)speech to the United Nations Fourth

Conference on Women, first lady and women’s rights activist Hillary Clinton instagates a call to

action in order to “create a world in which every woman is treated with respect and dignity”, and

she argues the way to do this is for governments to accept the responsibility of promoting

internal human rights. Clinton defends her call to action with her implementation of words such

as “continues” and “long” to emphasis how these are long standing issues and have been

haunting women for centuries, as well her he repetition of the phrase “It is a violation of human

rights” and following by listing hardships that women face afterwards to express the numerous

injustices women face in the world, furthermore, she compares the ideals of the American

Constitution to those that the international governments should adapt with her reasoning being

America is progressive with women’s rights, and the world would benefit from adapting these

ideals. Clinton’s purpose is to unite the international governments through the injustices in their

countries in order to inspire them to fight for women’s rights. Clinton employs a commanding

and stern tone to her audience of international leaders who influence the laws in their respective

countries to guide them to provide fair rights, and fight for an equal future for all.

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