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The airbag is a cushion blew up by a gas and used for softening an impact.

the reaction that takes place at the trigger(déclenchement) is

10sodium+ 2potassium nitrate deal potassium oxide + 5sodium oxide + dinitrogen

Created in 1953 by John Hetrick the first airbag in a commercial car is used in 1973 by Buick, Cadillac,
and Oldsmobile and this airbag is triggered in 0.17 seconds.

In the United States the airbag is obligatory since 1998.

At the same time the airbag jacket was created. Developed by Tamás Straub in 1976 she was
commercializing in 2006 by Helite. This jacket is used in the first time for the motorcycling sport and
is readapt for the riding sport after.

This airbag was connect to the motorbike or to the horse wis a cable.

In riding sport the airbag jacket have an inconvenient because it is useless when the rider falls with
the horse. (Sorry for the quality of the video but it’s a personal archive)

But it is useful when the rider falls alone.

The airbag jacket is triggered in 0.80 seconds.

The airbag cyclist elmet is created in 2005 by Anna Haupt et Terese Alstin, in Norway and in this
country we vas used this airbag to replace the elmet.

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