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First of all,the image of people with disabilities is perceived as incompetent or

useless in the labour market ,they are reputed to be a low productive worker by the
old notions ,it creates barriers to employment for persons with disabilities. Also,
some people complain inadvertently and believed disabilities are trouble. For
example the sound people have to wait for a few more buses during peak hours , if
the wheelchair users get on the bus at the same time, it would slow down the speed.

Besides, Many people assume that "sound" is norm in the community, "disability" is
non-mainstream, so people with disabilities are required to meet the criteria of
mainstream society such as the cognitive ability.If they can not do so, it means they
are a problem ,especially in terms of working ability . This type of opinion causes the
opposition and demarcation between "sound" and " disability " to " high "and" low"
of ability unconsciously. 

On the other hand, some people might disagree with expending publicly funds on
providing a grant and convenience for people with disabilities . It seems a concept of
benefits delivery form superior to subaltern.

For the employers some of them are prejudice against disabilities,they doubt about
the working ability of people with disabilities or worry that they will incur more
expenses such as rebuilding offices and installing special equipment.

For the Colleague, there are conflict between sound people and disabilities, the
disabilities need to handle simple work only, but the salaries are the same.It will lead
to controversy in company.
All of the views above will be detrimental to the disabled.

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