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Fill in the blanks with the following:

On the blink, weigh a ton, nuts and bolts, on line, surf the Net, come in handy, see the light, in the
pipeline, a carbon copy, teething problems.

1. Most of our sales staff now work on line.

2. They're good guys, but I'm not sure how familiar they are with the nuts and bolts of the
banking system.
3. We can only hope the mayor will see the light and close down all these sex shops.
4. A recent survey shows that about half of all users surf the Net from their homes.
5. The robbery is a carbon copy of one that took place last year.
6. Your computers must be on the blink, the network works just fine.
7. A hospital spokesman admitted there had been teething problems , but now everything’s
8. I'm saving the memo - it might come in handy someday.
9. After considerable market research, several new products are now in the pipeline.
10. That piano weighs a ton. You'll need four men to lift it.

on sb’s/sth’s last legs = about to fail due to age/exhaustion/poor health, etc
on the back burner = postponed till a later time
kill two birds with one stone = to fulfil two purposes with one single action
as clear as a bell = very easy to hear/understand
make head or tail of = to understand
mind-boggling = amazing or confusing
go back to the drawing board = to plan again from the beginning
a flash in the pan = popular for only a short time
past sb’s/sth’s sell-by date = no longer effective/interesting
sell like hot cakes = to sell many of sth very quickly

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