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Навчальна мета: активізувати лексику по темі, вчити учнів вилучати головну інформацію

з прослуханого тексту, розпізнавати прислів’я по темі, вживати порівняльні структури,

описувати характер і якості людей.
Розвивальна мета: розвивати здібності учнів до слухової і зорової диференціації, до
здогадки на основі контексту, до логічного викладу змісту висловлювання.
Виховна мета: виховувати правильне поняття дружби, культуру взаємовідносин з
Хід уроку.
I. Оргмомент.
II. Мотивація навчальної діяльності, повідомлення теми, мети і задач уроку.
I want you to look at the blackboard and read the topic of our today’s lesson. There is a
sentence here, but all the words in it are written together. Try to divide these words and read this
sentence:” Friendship is a very great thing”. Tell me please; is friendship important in our life?
That’s why today we are going to discuss some problems of friendship, especially how to be a
real friend. So by the end of our lesson you should be able to speak about the qualities of a real
friend, to use vocabulary on the topic in your speech, to give advice for everybody how to be a
true friend. Also we’ll work on our grammar. To begin with I’d like you to start from the sounds.
At first let’s train our tongues.
III. Фонетична зарядка.
/f/ flag, flat, fat, forget
/e/ set, leg, pen, bed
/ei/ play, say, May
Poem “My friend” Every day.
My friend He always helps me
I’ve got a friend When I’m in need
We like to play, For he’s my friend,
We play together Good friend indeed.
IV. Мовна зарядка.
1) Friendship is really a very great thing and that’s why people of all countries have so many
proverbs about it. Now let’s check how well you know some of them. Look at the screen
and match the parts of the proverbs about friends and friendship. Check your answers (on
the screen). Who has no mistakes?
2) Do you understand these proverbs? Will you try to explain them? Give your examples,
3) Read the sentences and try to use the proverbs instead of the words in bold type.
V. Аудіювання: text “A man and his friends”
Once a man built a house. The house was nice but very small. He invited his friends to visit
him. He wanted them to see his house. His friends came and looked at the house. But no one said
anything good about it.
"The front of the house is not nice enough," said one. "The house is small and there are not
enough windows in it," said another.
"Look at these windows!" cried the third. "They are so ugly!"
"Look at the roof!" said the fourth. "It will probably fall down when it snows."
"And the doors! They are not big enough."
"Have you ever seen such rooms?" asked another. "They are too small even for one man."
The man listened to his friends in silence. At last he said, "It may be true that my house is
small. But it is also true that I haven't enough good friends who can live with me even in such a
small house."
Pre –listening task:
T Ps:
- Can every person be a real friend?
- Look at the words of exercise 4, page 27 and complete the table:
Good friend Bad friend

While – listening task:

Listen to the text about a man and his friend and say if his friends were true friends or not.
After- listening tasks:
T Ps:
- Were the man’s friends his real friends? Why?
- Should you always tell the truth to your friends? Why?
VI. Читання.
T Ps:
- What do you think about yourself? Can you be a real friend? Let’s check. Answer the questions
of exercise 3, page 26 and test yourself to find out if it is easy to be a good friend.
- Count your scores. What is your score? Who has 6-8 scores? Read about yourself according to
your results.
VII. Робота в групах.
Now let’s unite into two teams. Every team has a story with 12 spelling errors. Can you find
them? The team to discover the 12 errors correctly is the winner.
VIII. Письмо.
T Ps:
Now let’s remember how we can compare the two things with the words “like” and “as” and
make up sentences about our friends using a simile. For example: My friend is as busy as a bee.
My friend jumps like a rabbit. You can use the word-combinations of ex.7, p.27.
IX. Монологічне мовлення.
1) Last lesson we read a story “The devoted friend” by O. Wilde. And at home you prepared
a character sketch of the Miller and Hans. Let’s listen to them and find out the best one.
Whose sketch of the Miller is the best? Whose sketch of Hans is the best?
2) Look at the screen and agree or disagree with the Miller’s words: “…when people are in
trouble no visitors should bother them”.
X. Контроль засвоєного на уроці.
T Ps:
We have spoken much about friendship today. What does friendship mean for you? Complete the
sentence, please: Friendship is …. For example, I believe that friendship is like a beautiful
garden… The more you put into it the more it grows. Write your sentences on these flowers and
stick on the blackboard. Read your sentences and don’t forget to use our spoken phrases
XI. Підсумок. Мотивація оцінок.
Our lesson has come to the end, so let’s sum up our results. Thank you very much for active
work and I hope our lesson was interesting for you.
- What are your impressions of today’s lesson?
- Did you like to speak about friendship?
- What did you like to do at the lesson best of all?
Don’t forget that friendship is a very great thing, but at the same time it is also a delicate thing.
Try to keep it carefully. I’ll give you the following marks... because...

Д/З: Виконати вправу 2, с. 26 усно. * Написати чому егоїстичні люди не можуть бути
справжніми друзями.
Комунальна установа
Сумська загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів №21,
м. Суми, Сумської області

уроку англійської мови
«Дружба – це велика річ»
у 7-Б класі

учитель англійської мови,
спеціаліст другої
кваліфікаційної категорії
Заєць Л.М.

2014-2015 н.р.

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