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Mauricio Nicanor Carbajal Ninaja 2021-117040

1.- A cup of ice cream and a banana make a delicious combination for a dessert.

2.- Students are very busy and are also stressed when final exams are coming.
2.a.- He spends his night watching series and plays with his younger sister.

3.- The kid who spend the day in the park were happy of playing all day long.

4.- The committee or the director, decides if there is holidays on an emergency situation.

5.- Neither the teachers nor the auxiliaries are fulfilling their obligations in the school.
5.a.- The florist or the seller sells dahlias during only a season of the year

6.- No one was free the last Friday to go to your party at the hour you wanted.
6.a.- Neither of us believes what happened yesterday at the school.
6.b.- Several have suggested a Christmas dinner in the classroom for the end of the year.
6.c.- Some of the students have been bullied during this year.

7.- HIV develops more possibilities to increase risk of some types of cancer

8.- There is efficient client service.

8.a.- There are many culprits in the case of the murder of maria

9.- The herd hunts together

10.- The Lord of the Rings takes a lot of time to watch and it isn’t even entertaining.

11.- Measles is a childhood disease

11.1.- Maths is a boring subject.
11.2.- The statistics of the last month were wrong and the business had a downgrade in the
11.3 The trousers are in the laundry / the pair of trousers is in the laundry
14.- These tweezers are made of gold with little diamonds on it
11.b.- Mats is the only one of those guys who enjoys of gothic literature.

12.a.- The number of infected decreases each day because of the security measures taken by
12.b.- a number of dogs are very hyperactive

13.- Every employee, contractor and supervisor earns a good amount of money during
13.1.- Many an adolescence hopes entering the college after finishing school

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