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Mental Health Behind The Curtain

The entertainment industry has always fascinated us with its glitz, glamor, and the chance

to achieve worldwide recognition. Celebrities like actors, musicians, and performers seem to live

in a world of awe and admiration. However, beyond the dazzling surface, there is a story that

often goes unnoticed, a story marked by emotional struggles, relentless pressure, and constant

scrutiny. In this essay, we will explore how being part of the entertainment industry affects a

person's mental health. From the demands of fame to the stress of performing and the constant

judgment from the public, we will unravel the complex and sometimes difficult journey that

those who pursue their dreams on the grand stage experience. By shedding light on these

challenges and their potential consequences, we aim to understand the importance of mental

well-being within an industry that has shaped our culture and captivated our collective

imagination. So, how does being in the entertainment industry impact one's mental health?

The entertainment industry's demanding nature and lack of mental health support

contribute to a higher prevalence of mental health challenges among individuals involved in

various roles, as substantiated by reliable sources. The entertainment industry, encompassing

actors, musicians, stage production, and roadies, subjects those both in front of and behind the

set/stage to a significantly higher likelihood of grappling with mental health challenges, with a

particular emphasis on substance misuse. According to Jennifer Leff, a licensed clinical social

worker, individuals working in the entertainment industry, including actors, musicians, stage

production, and roadies, are approximately three times more likely to struggle with mental health

challenges (Good Therapy). Additionally, there is a disproportionate prevalence of substance

misuse within this population. The staggering statistics revealed by this study underscore the

profound impact of the entertainment industry on mental health. The demanding nature of their


work, coupled with the high-stress environment and absence of adequate support, contributes to

heightened vulnerability among these individuals, leading to an increased risk of mental health

struggles, including substance misuse. According to Julie Crosby, a former actor and now a

cofounder of showbizing, "It's a high-risk business that's rife with uncertainty, job insecurity, and

brutal hours." Crosby’s firsthand experience highlights the inherent challenges and stressors that

pervade the entertainment industry. The unpredictable nature of the business, combined with

unstable job prospects and grueling working hours, can be detrimental to mental well-being. The

strain caused by these factors further accentuates the need for comprehensive mental health

support within the industry. Another crucial aspect to consider is the lack of training for

producers in handling mental health problems. Crosby also states: "Like many things producers

are held responsible for, most are not trained to handle mental health problems." Her statement

emphasizes a significant gap in the industry's infrastructure, as mental health concerns often fall

outside the purview of producers' expertise. This lack of training and preparedness further

exacerbates the challenges faced by individuals within the entertainment industry, hindering

effective support and treatment for mental health issues. As stated by an actor I interviewed

named Bernard Robichaud, "I think that we all kinda wanna feel like we're gonna get there and

be judged positively by our peers, that's not always the case... And a lot of people wanna hold

you back because they don't wanna see you get ahead of them". This quote highlights the

cutthroat dynamics within the industry, where competition can breed jealousy, animosity, and a

sense of constant comparison, further exacerbating the mental health challenges faced by actors.

By considering these pertinent quotes, it becomes evident that the demanding and uncertain

nature of the entertainment industry, coupled with inadequate mental health support, contributes

to a higher prevalence of mental health challenges. The statistics reveal a heightened


vulnerability to mental health struggles, including substance misuse, among those involved in

various roles within the industry. Additionally, the lack of training for producers in handling

mental health problems underscores the need for comprehensive support structures and resources

to promote better mental well-being in the entertainment industry.

The alarming prevalence of mental health challenges within the entertainment industry is

substantiated by multiple studies and expert opinions, shedding light on the significant disparities

between industry professionals and the general population. According to extensive research

conducted in the United Kingdom, North America, and Australia, rates of suicide, suicidal

thinking, depression, anxiety, and substance abuse are notably higher among individuals working

in the entertainment industry compared to the general population (Harbor Mental Health). These

findings emphasize the gravity of the mental health crisis within the industry, highlighting the

urgent need for comprehensive support systems and resources. Jessica Sassoon, a licensed

marriage and family therapist (LMFT), underscores the distressing reality faced by many

entertainers, including struggles with anxiety and depression, which can contribute to a

heightened risk of suicidal ideation (Harbor Mental Health). Additionally, despite the efforts of

many, there remains a pervasive stigma surrounding mental health within the entertainment

industry, hindering open discussions and access to proper care. Although, not everything is

always bad, the other interview I conducted with an LFMT named Anne Courtney has said that

“There are plenty of people in the industry who do get the help they need and deserve and they

try to be a positive role model”(Courtney, Anne). But still, these quotes from studies and expert

opinions emphasize the alarming disparity in mental health outcomes between entertainment

industry professionals and the general population. The elevated rates of suicide, depression,

anxiety, and substance abuse indicate a pressing need for widespread awareness, advocacy, and


destigmatization efforts. It is imperative to address these challenges holistically, focusing on both

individual well-being and systemic changes within the industry to foster a supportive

environment that prioritizes mental health and well-being.

The challenges faced by individuals in the entertainment industry encompass financial

instability, irregular hours, transient work, and the impact on relationships, leading to a lack of

permanency (Good Therapy). According to the same source, bullying, harassment, and

intimidation can occur, while leaders often struggle to provide adequate support, making people

even more vulnerable. Additionally, it is not uncommon for those working in the entertainment

industry to lack insurance coverage for behavioral health costs. As emphasized by a pertinent

quote, "Industry workers don't want to jeopardize their reputation or perceived reliability should

they take time off or admit to needing support. It's okay to not be okay, and it's human to need

help" (Good Therapy). The fear of tarnishing one's reputation and the pervasive belief that

vulnerability is a weakness contribute to the reluctance of industry professionals in seeking

assistance for their mental health concerns. Furthermore, the dialogue surrounding mental health

and wellness in the entertainment industry has seen a notable increase, particularly propelled by

the impact of the pandemic. As stated, "We've seen an uptick in the entertainment industry

talking about mental health and wellness; the pandemic has further fueled this discussion" (Good

Therapy). The pandemic has underscored the importance of prioritizing mental well-being within

an industry already grappling with multiple challenges, encouraging open conversations and

initiatives to destigmatize mental health struggles. These direct quotes shed light on the systemic

factors affecting mental health in the entertainment industry. The combination of financial

instability, irregular work patterns, and lack of support contribute to the vulnerability

experienced by industry professionals. Moreover, the reluctance to seek help due to concerns


about reputation and the growing awareness of mental health's significance, heightened by the

pandemic, calls for continued efforts to create a supportive environment that values mental


First-hand accounts from actors provide compelling insights into the impact of the

entertainment industry on their mental health, highlighting the detrimental effects of intense

physical transformation, comparison, and the pursuit of constant success. Zac Efron, renowned

actor and heartthrob, candidly shared his experience while preparing for the movie Baywatch,

stating, "I started to develop insomnia, and I fell into a pretty bad depression for a long time.

Something about that experience burned me out" (Forbes). Efron attributed his mental health

struggles to the extreme measures he took for the role, including an intense diet and physical

fitness regimen that involved prolonged use of diuretics. This account underscores how the

pressure to conform to idealized standards of physical appearance can take a toll on an actor's

mental well-being. Similarly, actor Blake Webb opened up about his battle with deep depression

and anxiety, tracing the origins back to comparisons with other actors and an obsession with

controlling audition outcomes. Webb's introspection led him to seek therapy, which became

instrumental in his journey towards mental well-being. Through consistent therapy, Webb

learned to understand his mind, cultivate healthier habits, and find balance in his life (Forbes).

His account highlights the importance of recognizing the detrimental effects of self-comparison

and the pursuit of external validation, emphasizing the significance of a holistic and balanced

approach to life. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, a celebrated actor and former professional

wrestler, shared his wisdom on depression, stating, "I found that with depression, one of the most

important things you could realize is that you're not alone" (Today). The Rock's sentiment

captures the universality of mental health struggles, reassuring individuals within the industry


that their experiences are not isolated. His advocacy for mental health normalizes discussions

around depression, encouraging actors and industry professionals to seek support and

understanding. These accounts from actors Zac Efron, Blake Webb, and Dwayne Johnson

provide firsthand insights into the mental health challenges faced within the entertainment

industry. The pressures of physical transformation, comparison, and the relentless pursuit of

success can have detrimental effects on an actor's well-being. However, their stories also shed

light on the importance of seeking therapy, finding balance, and promoting open discussions

surrounding mental health. By sharing their experiences, these actors contribute to a more

compassionate and supportive environment within the industry.

Efforts to support actors' mental health within the entertainment industry are crucial, with

calls to address the stigma surrounding mental illness, promote open conversations, and provide

accessible mental health resources. David Hoberman, a producer who personally experienced

mental health challenges in his childhood, emphasizes the need for open dialogue and increased

exposure surrounding mental health in Hollywood. He highlights the devastating impact mental

illness can have and likens it to a serious disease that requires treatment. Hoberman

acknowledges the persisting stigma surrounding mental health issues and emphasizes the

importance of discussing and addressing them within the industry (Harbor Mental Health). As

previously mentioned, the fear of jeopardizing one's reputation or perceived reliability hinders

industry workers from seeking support or taking time off for their mental health (Good Therapy).

It is crucial to reinforce the understanding that it is acceptable to not be okay and that seeking

help is a natural and essential part of being human. The ongoing conversation surrounding

mental health and wellness within the entertainment industry has experienced a notable increase,

particularly due to the catalyzing effects of the pandemic (Good Therapy). This heightened


awareness presents an opportunity to further foster discussions, remove the stigma, and create a

supportive environment for individuals facing mental health challenges. Recognizing the

importance of seeking professional help, it is essential to destigmatize therapy and other mental

health options within the industry. As expressed, "Seeking a professional to talk to is not

something to be ashamed of. Hopefully, the entertainment industry can continue to seek ways to

provide mental health options to the many out there who are quietly suffering" (Forbes).

Encouraging individuals to seek professional support and normalizing mental health care are

pivotal steps towards addressing the unique challenges faced by actors. These quotes underscore

the need for concerted efforts within the entertainment industry to support actors' mental health.

By addressing the stigma surrounding mental illness, promoting open conversations, and

providing accessible mental health resources, the industry can create a safer and more supportive

environment for individuals facing mental health challenges.

In conclusion, the entertainment industry exerts a profound impact on the mental health

of individuals who work within its demanding and often unforgiving realm. Through an

exploration of various perspectives and firsthand accounts, it becomes evident that actors face

unique challenges that can significantly influence their well-being. The pressure to conform to

idealized standards of physical appearance, the constant pursuit of success, and the inherent

instability of the industry contribute to increased rates of depression, anxiety, eating disorders,

and substance abuse among entertainment professionals. The first body paragraph illuminated

the detrimental effects of intense physical transformation, drawing attention to actors such as Zac

Efron, who experienced insomnia, depression, and burnout as a result of extreme dieting and

fitness regimens. The second body paragraph shed light on the damaging consequences of

comparison and the obsession with controlling audition outcomes, with Blake Webb sharing his


battle with deep depression and anxiety in his pursuit of success. These accounts emphasize the

need to prioritize mental well-being alongside career aspirations. Furthermore, the third body

paragraph highlighted the systemic challenges faced by individuals in the entertainment industry,

including financial instability, lack of support, and the absence of adequate insurance coverage

for mental health costs. These factors, coupled with the fear of jeopardizing one's reputation or

perceived reliability, create significant barriers to seeking help and contribute to the ongoing

stigma surrounding mental health. Nevertheless, there is hope for positive change. The fourth

body paragraph emphasized the importance of destigmatizing mental health issues, encouraging

open conversations, and providing accessible mental health resources within the industry.

Recognizing the value of seeking professional help and promoting a culture of support can

empower actors to prioritize their well-being and address their mental health needs without

shame or fear. As the entertainment industry continues to evolve, there has been an encouraging

shift towards increased awareness and discussion surrounding mental health. The quotes

highlighted the growing dialogue within the industry, fueled by the pandemic's profound impact.

This heightened awareness presents an opportunity for continued progress, fostering a more

compassionate and supportive environment that prioritizes mental well-being. To answer the

question, being in the entertainment industry significantly affects one's mental health. The

industry's unique demands, combined with systemic challenges and societal expectations,

contribute to higher rates of mental health disorders among actors. However, it is essential to

recognize that change is possible. By addressing the underlying issues, challenging stigma, and

providing accessible support, the industry can pave the way for a healthier and more sustainable

environment for those involved. In conclusion, the entertainment industry must take proactive

steps to prioritize mental health, fostering a culture that values well-being and supports


individuals in their pursuit of artistic excellence. By acknowledging the challenges and

implementing comprehensive measures to address them, we can create an industry that not only

showcases talent and creativity but also safeguards the mental health and overall well-being of

those who contribute to its vibrancy and success.


Work Cited

Crosby, Julie. “Mental Health in the Entertainment Industry.” Showbizing, 2 June 2021,

Health, Harbor Mental. “Mental Health Issues in the Entertainment Industry: Harbor Clinic

California.” Harbor Psychiatry & Mental Health, 10 June 2022,



Jenkins, Ryley. “Anne Courtney.” 7 Apr. 2023.

Jenkins, Ryley. “Bernard Robichaud.” 23 Mar. 2023.

Leff, Jennifer. “What’s Going on behind the Scenes? Mental Health and the Entertainment

Industry.” GoodTherapy.Org Therapy Blog, 6 Dec. 2021,

TodayShow. “‘Have Faith’: See Dwayne Johnson’s Inspiring Advice for People with

Depression.” TODAY.Com, 17 Nov. 2015,


Wilson, Josh. “Breaking down Mental Health in the Entertainment Industry Post Pandemic.”

Forbes, 24 Nov. 2022,




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