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VAVIOLN) RDS oe TALK ABOUT CONTENTS The Family (alata) The family 6 It’s time to wake up 8 Let's get dressed 10 Breakfast-time 12 Going to school 14 Lesson-time 16 Indoor playtime 18 Outdoor playtime 20 Snack-time 22 In the kitchen 24 Dinner-time 26 In the bathroom 28 Let's relax 30 Bedtime 32 Happy Birthday, David! 34 It's sunny today! 36 Our pet show 38 Our school concert 40 Berek At the fast-food restaurant 42 At the supermarket 44 At the shopping centre 46 At the bird park 48 At the zoo 50 At the beach 52 At the circus 54 In the playground 56 At the park 58 On the farm 60 At the swimming pool 62 At the library 64 The postman 66 The dustman 68 The policeman 70 The fireman 72 The builder 74 The hairdresser and the barber 76 The dentist 78 The doctor 80 Let's go for a car ride 82 At the garage 84 Let's ride in a bus 86 Let's ride on the underground train 88 Let's go for a boat ride 90 At the railway station 92 At the airport 94 The family iS © What is the family doing? @ Who is Grandfather holding? © Whose teddy bear is Grandmother holding? ‘© Whyis the dog barking? @ What do you think the cat will do next? © Where is Father? © What is Mother doing? © Is Susan awake? What's she doing? © What does Baby want to do? © Where is David? What do you think the children will do next? mattress vase of z flowers wardrobe TL bedcover 8 Baby wants to get out of his cot. Who do you think Gita is calling on the telephone? Why? x ~~ f ; ” Carol is ironing ironing board iron Be (in the home corner. $ Puppet box David is painting The children are playing a picture. with dough. mil oe 4 Se ee \ yp a EX is playing with SP Susan is building SPP with blocks. Outdoor playtime © Who is playing ball? © What is Carol doing? © Can you see Gita? What's she Hl looking at? ‘© What is Aziz going to do? © Who is blowing bubbles? ! What was Gita playing with before she saw the worm? Who do you think Aziz was playing with before he saw the scooter? 3 stop sign ‘scooter spade bucket 20 ' Gitais looking at a worm. Carol is digging ~~ in the sandpit. nde oe ome”. sand worm ] 5 i 2 * Snack-time @ What's the teacher doing? @ Who's serving the drinks? @ Where’s Susan? What's she doing? © Who are the helpers today? © Who is helping to wipe the table? What did the children have to eat and drink for snack-time? What do you think all the children will do next? tumbler biscuits apple banana , plate apple core banana skin full : sandwich 22 " 5 & eH { The teacher is eating with the children. ‘ " t push in » 2 Mrs Lee is serving 6 the drinks. 7 = Wi - fe | ra eee 2) David and a) ace Ni A hel i fal Ley? _ ial 9 today ca f es J a a SI j | _(/*q A, Ny . « Aziz is helping to wipe Susan is pushingin _ the table. her chair. Qe o> ‘<> ¢ . wipe wash bite stack up Baby is watching the washing. Grandmother is cooking. David and Grandfather are washing up. plug refrigerator spoon cake mixer 4 In the kitchen © What is Baby watching? © Who is cooking? @ What are Grandfather and David doing? @ What are Mother and Susan doing? © What will Mother and Susan do with their cakes next? Why is David standing on a stool? What do you like to do in the kitchen? ‘N Mother and Susan | are making cakes. laundry basket mixing bowl cup cake wok kitchen cloth dry Dinner-time © Who is feeding Baby? © Why is David unhappy? © What is Susan doing? © Who is carrying the fruit salad? © What is Gita carrying? What do you think the family had to eat first? What do you think they will have now? Will David get some? Susan is giving out Les dishes. ice-cream enn Se = ee, table mat cushion saucer tablecloth ) tray napkin 26 -2” JM David does not want to eat G his vegetables. i Gita is carrying the ice-cream. Mother is carrying the fruit salad. sideboard high chair a7 give out In the bathroom ‘© What's David doing? © Who's shaving? © Where's Baby? © What’s Susan doing? © Who do you think is having a shower? © Who do you think will bathe Baby? © Do you bathe yourself? shower bath towel @ wash-basin shower curtain bath b toilet 28 4 ‘ talcum powder toothpaste —_ bathroom scales shave 2” Let’s relax © Who is watching television? ‘© What are the girls playing? © Where is Baby? What is he doing? © What are Mother and Father doing? What time is it? How do you know? What do you think the children will do next? blind ja i board game radio-cassette player S&S dice _ video tape cassette tape carpet Father is reading, the newspaper. is watching television. Susan and Gita are playing | Baby is crawling after a board game. the toy helicopter. clock spectacles side table watch 31 Bedtime © Where's Baby? © Who's reading to David? © What's Susan doing? f I iC © Who's spending the night with | co qd / Susan? : SAI i Where do you think Susanand Gita will sleep? What will Father do next? Baby is asleep in his cot. stickers aN bookcase photograph hanger 32 N » ! Gita is spending oes x | { 3 the night with Susan. switch kissing Mother I good night. | 2 {——~ = ~ SIRES, —— Father is reading a story to David. mobile clothes sleep 33 Mother is lighting the candles. It is David's birthday. He is five years old. 4 5 A) 3 iC TPO The children are enjoying the party. 2900 Sa meer at a OOOO SS BANG oy, Ses streamers < scarf >} a My light presents party game 34 Happy Birthday, David! © Whose birthday is it? © How old is he? © What is Mother doing? © What is Father going to do? © What are the children doing? * What do you think the children will do next? » What game have the children already played? Ss sausages Father is going to take a picture. S a jelly chocolates fruit pie birthday cake 35 It’s sunny today! © What is Mother doing? @ Where is David? @ What is Grandfather doing? © Who is mowing the lawn? » Who do you think has been painting the fence? What can you smell in this garden? » What weather do you like? ryan fe ee eee | , eee David is in the paddling pool wheelbarrow | aint paddling pool Mother is hanging out the washing. hie leaves Ben is whistling at his bird. Sam is crawling after his tortoise. Our pet show © What is David doing? © Who is whistling at his bird? © What is Sam crawling after? @ How many white mice does Jack have? © What is Susan doing? Susan is stroking J © Why do you think the children Rentece / are having apet show? oe - © Which pet do you think will win first prize? @ Which pet would you like? fish cael S goldfish bird terrapin Jack has two white mice. ; perch white mouse cage i: rabbit core Our school concert @ What are Susan and David doing? © What instrument are Carol and Aziz playing? @ Where is the teacher? © Can you see Grandfather? What is he doing? © What is Gita doing? ® What part do you think Gita is acting? © Why is the boy peeping from behind the curtain? The teacher is at the piano. Zé triangle drum — tambourine Al At the fast-food restaurant © What is the waitress doing? © Who has a takeaway meal? @ Where do David and Aziz want. to eat? ‘© What are the girls having? © Who is eating a cheeseburger? @ What do you think Father and Mother are talking about? © Where do you think they will sit? @ What do you think Baby wants? chocolate french | sauce fries ll = my a Ss mustard strawberry topping tomato sauce Sam is eating acheeseburger. menu milkshake hamburger cheeseburger 2 a a The waitress is bringing out i ; an order. David and Aziz want to eat Uncle Fred ( has a takeaway * zi The girls are having sundaes and “& a staircase | it fern @ wallet | a) ice cube a serviette apple pie = onionrings — hotdog pancakes 43 p canal takeaway At the supermarket © Where is Father? @ Who has Mother met? @ What are Grandfather and Grandmother doing? @ What is the checkout assistant doing? What will Father do next? What do you think Sam wants to buy? Who do you think Gita is waiting for? Grandfather and Grandmother are still shopping. customer cashier assistant packet of biscuits freezer . counter a B Father isat / the checkout. > “The os assistant = is packing i> the shopping. | —— > S cat food << ae rice Zo powder > cash register carrier & G2 45 At the shopping centre © What's Mother buying? © Where's Father going? © What are David and Ben doing? © Who can you see in the lift? © Is Susan in the shopping centre? What's she doing? Where do you think Grandfather, Grandmother and Baby are going? ® What do you think Mrs Lee is doing? Do you think she will buy the blue shoes? | Father is going to the carpark. 46 le bd | David and Ben are looking in the toy shop. [ 5 ; Susan is looking at watches. At the bird park © Where is Uncle Jim? © What does Aunt Julie want? © Who has found a pelican? © What has David found? © What are Susan and Penny doing? How did the families get to the aviary? What do you think the kingfisher has caught? Which bird would you go to see? Why? Uncle Jim is at the entrance. - =P RE 2S = pelican > = € Qo an us < 5S ga 32 no 2 ° £ = So a o Ss 5 2 5 David has foundeé a feather. kingfisher At the zoo @ What are David and Eric doing? © Which animal is sitting with Mother and Susan? © Who's carrying a lion cub? © What's Penny doing? © What do you think Jack is saying about the hippopotamuses? © Do you think Father likes the snake? © What would you like to do at this zoo? gal? a gS Sz a David and Eric e are having a camel ride. giraffe hippopotamus 50 Mother and Susan are sitting with the orangutan. Penny is talking = to the monkey. snake SD At the beach aC © Where is Mother? . ee © What is Gita looking for? © Who can you see fishing? canoe mask © What has Susan made? © What do you think Susan has been doing? © Why js Aziz looking happy? frisbee paddle in © snorkel flippers Gita is looking Mother ..¢ for shells. is sitting : : on the sand. a ‘ye = hermit crab Aziz and David are a7, y 53 starfish At the circus © Can you see David and Susan? What is the family doing? @ Where is the circus? @ What animal are the ladies riding? @ Where are the trapeze artists? © What is the sad clown riding? © Why do you think the clown is sad? ®@ Who is in the cannon? What will happen to him? / \\ trapeze he ladies are riding =» bareback on the horses ere spectators ( oe ( Je8) ayy The sad clown is riding Gunicycle. a = ae candy h 7 fos apy s popcorn sad Cons ri elephant In the playground © Who is on the see-saw with Gita? © Who is David playing with? @ Where is Grandmother? What is she doing? © What is Penny trying to do? © What is Jack going to do? © What do you think Ben was playing before he climbed the monkey bars? © What do you think Susan wants to play next? © Where are Mother and Father? bush merry-go-round skateboard to try out his skateboard. &. slide roller skates hopscotch => skipping 4 rope Grandmother to Mrs Lee. &p° park bench marbles 56 Susan is on the see-saw with Gita. David i is pouipgr marbles & my : Sy Penny is trying to roller-skate. OY At the park @ What are Father and Susan doing? @ What can David see? @ What has Carol found? © Who is jogging? © What does Baby want to see? What do you think the ducks want? » What do you think Ben is saying to David? spider V = ee eg duck sl. ducklin: fi Carol has found dragonfly acaterpillar. ht snail S, f Dea YZ ante QS 58 Father and Susan are feeding the swan. } ) David can see f_|.. tadpoles. 59 On the farm @ Which animal does Susan want to feed? © What is the brown cow doing? © What is the farmer doing? @ Where are David and Eric? Where do you think the farmer is going? Why do you think the goat is tied up? What sounds would you hear on this farm? farmhouse Susan wants to feed the donkey. The brown cow is drinking Yq mj ,from the pond. 2 a } } ! The farmer is driving the tractor. J eS At the swimming pool @ Where is Father? @ What are Susan and Gita doing? © Who is diving? © Which of the boys are having a swimming lesson? @ Who is racing with Ben? @ What do you think the coach is doing? © Do you think Sam can swim? _Mr Nathan is diving. Father is with Baby in the baby pool. deckchair sunglasses swimming cap swimming swimsuit trunks 62 David and Aziz are having a swimming lesson. Sect is Fae a with Bon At the library © What is Mother doing? @ Who is looking at a book about frogs? © Who is returning her books? © Why is Jack waiting? © Can you see the male librarian? What's he doing? © Why is Baby looking at his book upside down? © What do you think might happen to Aziz? David is looking at a book about frogs. rocket computer flap book step stool 65 po any This postman is riding a scooter. ae The postman has aletter for Gita. Grandfather is going to post [7 The postman is clearing the mailbox. 66 The postman © David and Susan are watching a postman. What is he doing? © Why is Gita happy? © Who is riding a scooter? © What is Grandfather going to do? © Who else is going to the post office? What will he and Grandfather buy at the post office? bunch of keys postman 67 The dustman © What are the dustmen doing? © Where are they putting the rubbish? © Who is picking up some litter? © What is David doing? © Why is David’s dog barking? © Why do you think the red car is overtaking the truck? David is carrying dustbin a bag of rubbish. refuse truck dustmen 68 The dustmen ne, are collecting ~ the rubbish. They are putting the rubbish in the truck. A shout & GO AS Ra ark pick up throw overtake 69 A - The policeman ‘© What is the policeman showing Aziz and David? © Who is Father talking to? © What is the policeman in the mittens doing? © Who is at the desk in the police station? ®@ Why do you think the man in the police station is handcuffed? © Where do you think the police car is going? A policewoman is at the desk. lamp post police car policeman policemen 70 The policeman is showing Aziz and David his whistle. - report ook handcuffs buttons This policeman is directing the traffic. 7 are watching the firemen. @ Who are David and his friends The fireman J and watching? fire © How many fire engines are rahe, fighting the fire? extinguisher © Where is the fire? 4 © Can you see the fireman with the (( & megaphone? What is he telling the people? om © Why do you think the fireman is ’ pleased with Jack? spotlight What do you think David and his friends have been doing? fire engine n *" stretcher first-aid ambulance the block of flats. This fireman i is telling the people to stand back. The fire is in y~% breathing oxygen tank mask fireman’s 7 axe rss. fireman @ Kéi (or GG flames firemen The builder © Where are the workmen? © Who is looking at the plans? © What is the dump truck doing? © Who does Grandfather know? ° Why are all the workmen wearing safety helmets? Do you think David and his friends like to visit the building site? Why can’t they go inside? What do you think the builders ‘are making? t SP? ae — The dump truck is dumping sand. Yas CxXee Sy Poe Grandfather knows one of the workmen. at the plans. —-2 eee. Las —— a aa safety helmet plan SF ladder hook shovel metal bar shake hands barrel 75 Mrs Lee is having her hair cut. The hairdresser is blow-drying ___Susan’s hair. straight curly long short The hairdresser and the barber © Who's having a shampoo? © Who's having her hair cut? © Who is blow-drying Susan’s hair? ‘© What is the barber doing? © Why do you think Susan and David are having their hair cut? Who will be finished first? | | hairdresser ™ Ww) hairdryer The barber is David’s hair. barber curler POT ; ae _{9 ae, hair cream hair a Te hand mirror = hairnet hair spray cape 7 The dentist @ What's the dentist going to do? © Who's looking at an X-ray? This man has @ Where's Susan? @ What's the matter with the man. in the waiting room? © Who do you think will be the next patient? © Do you think David likes going to the dentist? Can you tell why? Susan is in the waiting room. ‘aquarium waiting room dentist’s chair 78 The nurse is looking at —_(@) an X-ray. / The dentist is going to look at David’s teeth. \ 4 an iP air and LL 4 teeth water jet mirror 9 denture tig, &? toothache The doctor @ What's the matter with Susan? © What's the doctor doing? ‘© Who has just been to see the doctor? @ What's the matter with the lady in the waiting room? How do you think Susan feels? ® What do you think has happened to Ben? Have you been sick or had an accident? a thermometer syringe \ needle doctor’s kit nurse doctor 80 not medicine handkerchief | } Mr Nathan has just been | tosee the doctor. tongue kidney dish torch depressor cotton wool all ‘bandage al Let’s go for a car ride © Who is going for a ride with Father? © What is Ben doing? © Which car is going fast? © Who is Grandfather talking to? © What has Uncle Fred bought? © Why do you think Mr Nathan is running? bus-stop | road sign — lestrian ped Grandfather is talking to Uncle Fred. double-decker bus newsagent = drill litter bin cyclist 82 David is going for a ride with Father. Zea Nm W» the road. 000008 © Oa > ‘ “ Mf Fi / at J Mother is going to vos d & for the petrol. Uncle Fred needs petrol for his motorbike. Atthe garage petrol . © What is Father doing? cap © Who else needs petrol? © What is Mother going to do? @ Who is putting air in the tyres? Which vehicle is leaving the garage? © Can you see Ben? What do you think he wants? » Who do you think David is @: wheel waving to? £ spanner screwdriver motorbike can of oil petrol pump 84 Grandfather is putting Father is filling ‘the car up air in the tyres. with petrol. car wash attendant drink dispenser 85 ie coins used ticket box Let’s ride in a bus © Who is getting on the bus? © Where is Susan sitting? ‘© Why are some people standing up? © What is David doing? © Where do you think David will sit? Who do you think has left the umbrella behind? © Where is the bus? bus driver [ie & ticket machine coin ticket machine handle = | Ge advertisement le handbag umbrella 87 Let’s ride on the underground train © Which train is coming into the station? © What is Father doing? @ What does David want to do? @ Where are Mother and Susan? Why is Mother holding Susan’s hand? © Which train will leave the station first? Passengers carriage sliding door Mother and Susan are coming down the escalator. David wants to get on { the train. 88 tunnel sae This train is coming re into the station. _ = sign Ss 1 —— tourist Gz) a ee ip ap ae $i bag “7 = @ closed / ‘ 1 listen hold Let’s go for a boat ride ‘© Where is the ferry going? © Whois steering the ferry? © Where are Mother and Baby? © What is the sailor doing? © What do you think Father is showing David? © What do you think Susan is asking Grandfather? © What will the family do on the island? tugboat lighthouse anchor ferry steering wheel 90 Mother and Baby are in the cabin. The sailor is checking) >= the lifeboat. , a TT At the railway station © What's Grandfather doing? © What can Ben and David see? © Which train is leaving? © What's Father doing? Can you see Grandmother, Mother, Susan and Baby? What are they doing? Where do you think they are . __-Platform number The an barrier ticket collector porter railroad 92 ¥ Grandfather is looking at the timetable. Father is talking to the ticket collector. ‘OB, YT waiting room 3 The blue aeroplane is taking off. _ silt tnt At the airport © Who can David see? © What is the air hostess doing? © Which aeroplane is landing? doing? hangar | © What is the blue aeroplane © Which aeroplane do you think jE will be the next to take off? ntrol tower ‘© Why are the bus and baggage train cont empty? Where are they going? baggage train wing © What do you think Eric is doing? airport bus helicopter’ o> The red aeroplane @& wind-sock earmuffs marshaller take off See ~» et = runway ~ 95 accept accepting, accepted Kathy accepts a gift from her father. answer answering, answered Helen is answering the telephone. add adding, added Mother is adding some milk to her coffee. attend attending, attended We are attending Jane's birthday party. ct acting, acted Jimmy acted os a wolf in the school play. add up Teacher asked me to add up these numbers. awake waking, awoke admire admiring, admired The alarm clock awoke me Jane's friends admire her beautiful from sleep. new doll. 99 arrive arriving, arrived We arrived at the station too late. The train had left without us. agreeing, agreed Peter agreed to help me with my bags. GiM aiming, aimed Andy aims carefully ct the apple. arrange crranging, arranged Father is arranging the bags on the shelf. Advise advising, advised allow allowing, allowed The policeman advised us to Dogs are not allowed in this cross the road carefully. station. 100 A bright star appeared suddenly in the sky. ~ attack attacking, attacked The fierce dog attacked the burglar. announce ‘announcing, announced The station master announces the arrival of the train. amuse amusing, amused The clown amused us with his tricks. GNNOY annoying, annoyed Kathy is annoyed at her brother for spilling coffee gver her favourite dress. ache aching, ached Willy's stomach aches because he ate too much. ask asking, asked Jasked mother for another slice of cake. lol bleed bleeding, bled Jimmy's arm is bleeding. The nurse is bandagit 1g Jimmy's arm. belong belonging, belonged This book belongs to me. bake baking, baked Icis mine. Mother is baking a cake for Kathy's birthday. barbecue barbecuing, barbecued a Father is barbecuing in bark barking, barked bath bathing, bathed the backyard. The dogs are barking loudly Mother baths the baby ‘at the cat. in warm water. Se beat beating, beat Mandy is beating onegg. —_Jimmyis beating the drum. —_ Helen beats Willy in the race. 102 break ay breaking, broke 42 Willy broke the stick i into two pieces. é break down Father's car broke down on his way to work. blush blushing, blushed es Linda blushed when Jimmy Fa) gove her a kiss. bend bending, bene Benny bends down to Willy is bending a stick. pick a coin. 1 block blocking, blocked box egee lanoee ; The fallen tree is blocking the road. That big boy boxed Andy on the chin. HF, button S bow bowing, bowed buttoning, buttoned bounce bouncing, bounced The magician is bowing Helen is buttoning up her Andy is bouncing a ball. to the audience. jacket. 103 beg begging, begged The clever dog begs for a bone. bring bringing, brought ¥ Mother is bringing us some food. > boil boiting, boited The water is boi Mother wil switch the kettle off borrow borrowing, borrowed Helen is borrowing books from the library. balance batancing, balanced Andy is balancing a ball on his forehead. Uncle Roy is blowing his nose. He has a cold. blow blowing, blew The wind is blowing through the trees. bite biting, bit The dog is biting a bone. x blow out blow up Jone blows out the candles Andy is blowing up a balloon. on her birthday cake. 104 bury burying, buried The dog is burying a bone. burn burning, burnt Father is burning some leaves. Lcccacwt i _ a brush brushing, brushed Jimmy is brushing his teeth. breathe breathing, breathed Kathy is brushing her hair. We breathe through our noses. )> © d burst bursting, burst bump _ bumping, bumped The bollcen burst With a Willy bumped into a street lamp. loud bang. build buitding, buite Peter is building a spaceship. buy buying, bought Mandy is buying some flowers. bully buttying, buttied That big boy is bullying the little children. 105 CAMP camping, camped The scouts camped at the beach. call for call calling, called alll the firemen to put out the fire. Willy called for help when he got into trouble while swimming. a a call off ~ The teacher had to call off the picnic because it was raining. \ Care caring, cared Simon cares for his pet rabbit. catch cotching, caught ¢ He feeds it and cleans its cage Jimmy held out both hands to every day, catch the ball. $ ~ change changing, changed Willy changed out of his wet clothes into dry ones. catch up The snail cannot catch up CQUSE causing, caused with the rabbit. Willy's sneeze caused the He is too slow. glass of water to fall over. 106 COPY carrying, carried Mother is carrying the baby. cheat cheating, cheated Jimmy cheated at cards. chase chasing, chased The dog chased the cat up a tree. carry on Grandmother let me carry ‘on watching television although it was past my bedtime. Pier i SS choose choosing, chose Itis hard to choose which sweets to buy when they all look so nice. ss 3 \Q wes = “se CQrve carving, carved Peter is carving a piece of wood into a boat. 107 celebrate celebrating, celebrated Jone is celebrating her birthday by having a party. chat chatting, chatted Kathy is chatting with her friends. Chip chipping, chipped Andy dropped a plate and chipped it. 7+8 (a) 5 (b) 10 ()(45 2 circle circting, circled Helen is circling the right answer to the sum. pene] «check in We checked in to the hotel at the start of our holiday. check checking, checked Linda is counting her school books to check if she has them all. check out We were sad to check out of the hotel at the end of our holiday. cling clinging, clung The baby koala clings tightly to its mother. check up chop We are going to see a movie tonight. chopping, chopped Simon is checking up on the times of Uncle Roy chopped y choppes the shows. down the tree. charge charging, charged The rhinoceros charged cat the fence. cheer up - cheer cheering, cheered The cartoon show cheered up CLP clapping, clapped The girls are cheering the children and made them When the show ended, the their team at the race. laugh. children clapped their hands. log clean up Mother told Jimmy to clean up his room. clean cteaning, cleaned Father cleans the car on Sundays. chew chewing, chewed The dog is chewing a bone. clear clearing, cleared / 1am clearing the desk so that | have room to do my homework. clear away Kathy helps father clear away the dishes after dinner. clear off clear up The thief cleared off when he The children are clearing up saw a policeman coming. the mess after the funfair. J lam § 3 fs 2 wv wg climb climbing, climbed cluck ctucking, clucked clear out © The baby climbed up Ahen clucks loudly after Dad is clearing out the a chair. it has laid an egg. garage. 109 complain complaining, complained \ Kathy complained to mother thgt Andy had torn her book. \ — —@el & clip ctipping, clipped Mandy is clipping the papers together so that they will collect not get lost. collecting, collected Peter collects stamps from around the world. is colour colouring, coloured © COMb combing, combed ‘Andy is colouring a picture _Jane is combing her long hair. ofalion. codch coaching, coached Mr Thomson coaches the soccer team. He shows them how to kick the ball. congratulate congratulating, congratulated Everyone congratulated the winner. close closing, closed o 7 Mother is closing the door. Qe g ott. went ; : ? COIL coiling, coiled Father coiled the garden hose collapse collapsing, collapsed after he had watered the plants The tent collapsed in the strong wind. 110 collide cottiding, collided confuse confusing, confused The car collided with a van. The signs confused the driver. LPR J ~@ compare comparing, compared Benny is tall compared with Helen. COME coming, came come off Come with me. A button came off Kathy's I'll show you the way. coat. come apart The shirt was too small and came apart at the seam when Willy put it on. come ou The moon and stars come out _ at night. Pe eet eee come across come back come on Andy came across a gold Boomerangs always come The magician came on the stage chain while looking for his back when thrown. wearing a long black cape. lost marble. Wi “ a J G consist consider consisting, consisted considering, considered This gift set consists of two Mother and father are considering storybooks and two tapes. what to get for Kathy for her e birthday. construct connect constructing, constructed connecting, connected Uncle Roy connected the aerial to the television. Peter constructed a spaceship from clothes pegs. control controlling, controlled Andy controls the robot continue by remote control. continuing, continued “Mother, don’t stop now. Please continue reading the story,” the children asked. ry a Q — COOL cooling, cooled cool off cool down Mandy is cooling her feet The children felt hot, so The porridge was hot, so the in the stream. they jumped into the water three bears left it to cool to cool off. down. 12 contain cont COVEF covering, covered Kathy covered her face with cover up 19, contained This bottle contains ink. her ands Andy covered up the ink stain so his mother would not see it. = i COPY copying, copied contribute Linda copied the sums contributing contributed eee The children contributed some money to buy a present for their mother. COOK cooking, cooked ; Mother cooked a delicious COSt costing, cost roast chicken. This hamburger costs $1.30. Em « o' eo 'e © COUNT counting, counted Zo The rich man is counting his money. \ cough coughing, coughed < Willy coughed because he te had a sore throat. crack cracking, cracked The vase cracked when it was dropped. 113 crash crashing, crashed create creating, created The car crashed into the wall. The magician created a monster with his spells. crawl crawling, crawled The baby is crawling across the room. crouch crouching, crouched CreeP creeping, crept Jimmy crept up behind Kathy crouched behind a Linda to frighten her. chair to hide from Willy. em q atom CFOSS crossing, crossed We looked left and right before crossing the street. 2 Baa. croc croaking, croaked g The frogs are croal iS song. 4 d CFY crying, cried cross out Jane cried when she fell down Peter crossed out a mistake and hurt her knee. in his book. -/ cuddle cuddling, cuddled The baby is cuddling a -ddy bear. crumple — crumpling, crumpled crumble crumbling, crumbled Andy crumpled up the Mother is crumbling the biscuit drawing, into a bowl CrOW crowing, crowed The rooster crows loudly in the early morning. cycle cycling, cycled crush crushing, crushed Bobby cycles home from school. The soccer ball was crushed by the steam roller. y 4 curl curling, curled The cat curled up on the bali cushion, a crowd crowding, crowded Curtsy curtsying, curtsied The children are crowding around Cinderella curtsied to the queen. the friendly chimpanzee. 1s the cake into slices. we > Cut cutting, cut y ic Aunt Molly is cutting ; Father cut down a tree in the garden. damage damaging, damaged The ship was damaged when it hit the rocks. Bobby is cutting off the sleeves from his T-shirt. dance dancing, danced The children are dancing happily round the Christmas tree. Linda is cutting out pictures dare daring, dared from a magazine. Andy didn’t dare touch the snake. a. ) cut up Kathy cuts up the ~ vegetables to make © asalad * darn dorning, darned Mother is darning a hole in Jimmy's sock. 6 =<. —— dash dashing, dashed The dog dashed across the street. describe describing, described Jimmy is describing to the policeman the dog that he has lost. demanding, demanded The spoilt child demanded the biggest ice-cream. delight decorate delighting, delighted Jone was delighted with her ew puppy. decorating, decorated Mandy is decorating the hall. ing, delivered The postman delivered a parcel to Linda’s house. decide deciding, decided Helen could not decide whether to wear shorts or a dress. deserve deserving, deserved Bobby practised hard for the swimming contest and deserved first prize. deal deating, dealt You deal all the cards to play Snap. U7 die dying, died The bear died after the hunter shot it. defend defending, defended The soldiers are defending their country from attack. rr om, B ri Siz ae ) develop ‘ Je developing, developed diedawn die away The bodybuilder sonbineaioy Welet the firediedown The music died away at the 9 7 after the barbecue. end of the song destroy destroying, destroyed © The big boy destroyed, >» #: os Andy's sandcastle. # dig digging, dug Uncle Roy is digging a hole to plant the tree. dial dicting, diated Helen dialed 999 to call the police. demonstrate demonstrating, demonstrated design designing, designed Aunt Molly is designing a party The fireman demonstrated how dress for Kathy. to put out the fire. lg direct directing, directed himself as an old lady. ‘The policeman is directing the traffic at the crossroads. isguised At the end of the day the children are dismissed from class. disappearing, disappeare The wizard disappea in a puff of smoke. discover discovering, discovered The scientist discovered a new plant in the forest. dip dipping, dipped The cat dipped its paw into the fish tank to try to catch Ud ANT display rahe displaying, displayed The new books are displayed in the shop window. discuss discussing, discussed Willy, Linda and Jimmy discussed where they wanted to go for a picnic. disturb disturbing, disturbed Do not disturb Dad. He is sleeping. 119 do away % Jock did away with the N giant. do doing, did Jimmy must do his homework. He cannot play with Andy now. do up Bobby did up an old bike. Now it looks like new. dream dreaming, dreamed or dreamt donate donating, donated Helen dreams of being a dress dressing,dressed Mandy donated her savings pilot. een to the old folk's home. for Halloween. divide dividing, divided Jimmy is dividing the sweets into two equal piles. dock docking, docked The ship docked at the wharf to unload its cargo. dislike distiking, distiked Andy dislikes vegetables. dive diving, dived Bobby is diving into the pool. ! 120 drift drifting, drifted drown There was no wind and the drowning, drowned boat up onto the beach. boat drifted on the sea. The lifeguard rescued Willy who was drowning. drag dragging, dragged The men are dragging the draw drawing, drew h Andy is drawing a =) rabbit. drill dritiing, dritted Uncle Roy is drilling a hole in UL. — doze dozing, dozed Dogs love to doze in the sun. drive driving, drove | i] | b | $ Father drives the car to work each morning. \* i) ) bos 6 F drip dripping, dripped doodle doodling, doodied drain draining, drained Water is dripping from Helen is doodling on a piece Kathy let the dishes drain the ceiling onto the floor. of paper. after she washed them. 121 dry drying, dried After a bath, you dry yourself well with a towel. drink | drinking, drank Willy drank a glass of milk with breakfast. The elephant drank up all the water in the bucket. ty r dust dusting, dusted eee Mother is dusting the furniture. . dry out The puddle dried out in the hot sun dump dumping, dumped The truck dumped the rubbish in a heap. duck ducking, ducked The giant ducked his head to get through the door. drop off Mother dropped Kathy off at school. drop in Andy dropped in to see his grandmother. drop dropping, dropped Linda dropped an egg on the floor. 122 edge edging, edged The clown edged his way carefully along the narrow plank. eat eating, ate Elephants eat a lot. eatup The mouse ate up all the cheese. elect ctecting, elected fy (2 A The team elected the captain from among themselves. G embrace embracing, embraced Father embraced mother emerge emerging, emerged oe lovingly. Suddenly a shark emerged from the water. embarrass QFN earning earned Bobby earns pocket money ‘embarrassing, embarrassed by washing cars. ‘Andy embarrassed his father by being rude in front of Aunt Molly. 123 Ul A ESCAPE escaping, escaped \ The monkey escaped from the cage. entertain entertaining, entertained The clown entertained us with his funny tricks. \ ~ ENJOY enjoying, enjoyed The burglar is entering Mandy enjoys watching the house by the window. television. empty emptying, emptied The baby emptied the box of blocks onto the floor. / end ending, ended The road ends at the cliff edge. 124 enter’ entering, entered” engrave ‘engraving, engraved Andy is engraving his name in the tree trunk. Or ) employ employing, employed Sam is employed to clean windows. [t+] = 2 equal equaling, equalled One and one equals two. The cat js erase erasing, erased Itis easy to erase mistakes with a rubber. explain explaining, explained The teacher explained to the children how to jump over 7 the hurdles. ¢ examine examining, examined f The doctor is examining the sick boy. LL ak EXCUSE excusing, excused Jone is excused from sports because she has hurt her ankle. rt excite exciting, excited Mandy was excited when she saw the gold cup. expand expanding, expanded EXPECE expecting, expected 4 balloon expands when exercise | expect it will rain today. you blow it up. exercising, exercised There are a lot of dark clouds Bobby exercises everyday in the sky. to keep fit. explore exploring, explored A Kathy is exploring the Ce rock pools looking for . _— crabs. exchange exchanging, exchanged Willy is exchanging shorts with Peter. face up It is hard to face up to your teacher when you have not done your homework. fade fading, faded The curtains have faded. face facing, faced Linda faced the clock to Cc» see what time it was. faint fainting, fainted Mandy saw a ghost and fainted. fall tatiing, feu fall off Willy tripped over a stone and Andy felll off his chair fell on his hands and knees. in fright. fake faking, faked Andy faked a stomachache because he did not want Aunt Molly fanned herself to go to school. to keep cool. fan fanning, fanned 126 farm farming, farmed Uncle Roy farms a small piece of land behind the house. The holy mon is fasting. He is not eating any food. feed feeding, fed Simon feeds his pet rabbit carrots and lettuce. LZ 5 S eS Rabbits feel soft and cuddly. fear fearing, feared ye Kathy fears snakes ° a i fetch fetching, fetched ‘ The dog fetches the stick for Jimmy. aes feel like 25 On a hot day we feel like ‘a cold drink. co fasten fastening, fastened Willy is fastening his seat find out cee find finding, touna Jimmy looked in the phone Mandy found a coin on the book to find out Peter's footpath. phone number. 27 fit fitting, fitted Cinderella's foot fitted the shoe perfectly. fit in Only five people could fit in the car. eo finish finishing, finished The rabbit finished first in the race. finish with Helen had finished with the book, so she returned it to the library. a fence fencing, fenced Uncle Roy is fencing the fill suing, sited fill up tree with wire. Andy is filling the pool Jane filled up the bucket with water. with sand, film fitming, fiimed They are filming a fight. fight fighting, tought Bobby and jimmy are fighting. 128 flap ftapping, flopped The washing is flapping in the wind. flag tagging, tagged The people flag the buildings to celebrate the king's flag down birthday. We flag down a taxi. flash fishing, flashe: The light from the lighthouse flashed across the sea. flow ftowing, flowed The river flows down to the sea. @ float foating, floated Kathy can float on her back. flood tooding, flooded flush fushing, flushed Andy left the tap on and flooded the floor. Jane is flushing the toilet. 129 & pS fizz fizzing, fizzed fold folding, folded This drink fizzes for a flatten fttrening, flattened Andy folded a piece of while when | pour it out. Willy flattened the plasticine. paper to make a dart. eo ia flip fipping, flipped I can flip a coin in the air. freeze freezing, froze When water freezes it becomes ice. fling finging, ftung The lazy boy flung his clothes on the floor. foam foaming, foamed The beer foams over the glass. form forming, formed Jimmy forms a K with his body. forget forgetting, forgot —* ai. we, Poor Willy cannot write. fi . He has forgotten to bring TOWN frowning, frowned his pencil. Bobby frowns when he is worried. 130 fire fi " The hunter is firing at the rds. : fly fying, flew Vl fo Birds fly in the sky. fish fishing, fished Jimmy likes to fish with his father. flick ‘ticking, flicked The cow is flicking the flies with its tail. =) fluff fusting, utfed The hen is fluffing out by its feathers. flit fitting, nite The butterfly flits from flower to flower. flee teeing, flea The animals are fleeing from the burning forest. follow following, followed The dog followed Jimmy Y” home from school. free freeing, freed Linda is freeing the bird from its cage. a gallop gattoping, galloped Jimmy was afraid when his horse galloped down the hill. gamble gambling gambled These men are gambling. frighten frightening, frightened Little Miss Muffet was frightened by the spider. fry frying, fried Mother is frying an egg for Andy. garden » gardening, gardened gather’ gathering, gathered Father is gardening. cconaonieg gathered fruit He is planting roses. fe trees. furnish furnishing, furnished Aunt Molly furnished her room with a bed, dressing table and chair. QGSP gasping, gasped The water was so cold, QQZe gazing, gazed Bobby gasped with shock. Kathy is gazing at the stars. 132 Give giving, gave Mother gave Andy a bag. give away Jimmy didn’t want his pencils ive u so he gave them away. g P The robber gave himself up to the police. give back The teacher is giving back the exercise books. give out ; . The headmaster is giving out give off prizes to the best pupils. A fire gives off smoke. glue gueing, glued Kathy glued a picture in the book. glare glaring, glared The two boys have stopped fighting, but they are still glaring. — / Glow glowing, glowed ‘ The cat's eyes glow in the dark. 133 get getting, got Jimmy got a pail of water from the river. get down Simon climbed a tree and couldn't get down. get away \ Get away from the fire! You might get hurt. get on Linda got on the horse without any help. get back The runners were tired when 5. they got back from the ) cross-country run. get across Jimmy got across the river ‘on a bridge. get over Peter couldn't get over the wall. get off Bobby got off the bus at the swimming pool get around Pilots get around a lot. They visit many countries. get up / Andy gets up at 7 o'clock. jet in IY" Ali Baba got in a jar to “Abide from the thieves. get dressed It is late. You must get dressed at once. Giggle giggting, giggled The playful puppy made Kathy giggle. get into Father got into the car and drove off. get along Helen is a sweet girl who gets along with all her classmates. 135, “ gobackk —> Linda forgot her umbrella. She went back home for it. Mandy went on the roller coaster. rip ripping, gripped Kathy gripped her mother’s ‘arm when they were on the ferris wheel. GO going, went Andy goes for a drive in his toy car. oot Wile” a vette roar roaring, roared wore The lion is roaring because he is angry. repeat repeating, repeated The parrot is repeating) the same word over and cover again. receive receiving, received Andy received many presents on his birthday. FEMOVE removing, removed Peter is removing his dirty boots. 174 rake raking, raked { regret Grandfather is raking the , regretting, regretted leaves into a pile. Andy regrets that he can't go on the picnic. He is sick. @ — Hi { oo — \ \, reflect reflecting, reflected Cad The moon is reflected in the lake. TeSErVE reserving, reserved This table is reserved for the Brown family. FESCUE rescuing, rescued The fireman rescued Jane from the fire. ae Of ruffle ruffiing, ruffed Uncle Roy is ruffling Jimmy's hair. reveal ling, revealed respect ing, ted ; revealing, reveal ps respecting, respect ruin, risieg cuinea The artist removed the sheet _Jimmy respects old people and - - and revealed the statue. gives them his seat on the bus. The painting was left out in the rain and was ruined. 175 we remain a a a remember eee remembering, remembered reply replying, replied Willy had'foun sweets. Father remembered it was He had eaten three. oeee ean mother's birthday. “What's your name?" asked the robot. ‘Andy,’ | replied. roller-skate roller-skating, roller-skated Bobby is roller-skating down the path. TOW rowing, rowed Jimmy is rowing the boat across the lake. rest resting, rested After hiking all day, Linda is resting her feet. rub rubbing, rubbed Willy rubs himself dry after his shower. 6 result resulting, resulted A Mandy made a mistake The race resulted in a tie. FIP ripping, ripped but she rubbed it out. Bobby and Terry shared The naughty dog is ripping the first prize. the curtain to pieces. 176 rise rising, rose The smoke is rising return returning, returned from the chimney. Father returns from work at 5.30 p.m. roast roasting, roasted Mother is roasting chestnuts over the fire. The bell rings when you press the button. rock rocking, rocked ring u Kathy is rocking the baby SUP in its cradle. Kathy is ringing up her best friend to have a roll rotting, rotted f >» chat. AN The ball is rolling down I 7 ; \ the hill Ul ; "FUSE rusting, rusted ring off ‘na ot roll up Some of the nails have cathy is ringing off because Fother is rolling up the carpet. rusted. her mother is calling her. He wants to vacuum under it. 7 rule ruting, ruted The king rules his country wisely. FrOadM roaming, roamed The girls are roaming around the park, looking at the flowers here and there. SQQ sagging, sagged The top shelf sags because the books are too heavy. rob robbing robbed The thieves are robbing the man of his money. scold scolding, scolded The teacher is scolding Jimmy because he has not 3 3 done his homework. scrub scrubbing, scrubbed scream We scrub the floors screaming, screamed to get them clean. Mandy screamed when a bee landed on her arm. ( ) '¢ Shape shaping, shaped The potter is shaping the — clay to make a pot. SCFEW screwing, screwed Uncle Roy is screwing the shelf to the wall. 178 salute saluting, saluted The children are saluting the flag. SAVE saving, saved Terry saves ten cents from his pocket money every day. \ TW save up He wants to save up enough money to buy a pair of roller skates. SCOFE scoring, scored Bobby scored a goal for his team. scratch scratching, scratched The cat is scratching the flag pole to sharpen her claws. ¢ SCFAPe scraping, scraped ‘scratch out Jimmy fell down and Kathy is scratching out the words scraped his knee. "so that no one can read them. select selecting, selected The judge selected the search searching, searched I le best painting in the show. Linda is searching everywhere to find the lost crayon sail sailing, sailed Father is sailing his yacht ‘around the buoy. sink | sinking, sank The boat sank in the storm. Zz aR e g suck sucking, sucked Terry is sucking the juice up through a straw. SCOOP scooping, scooped Jone scooped a bucketful SWIM swimming, swam cane Terry is swimming in the sea. \ = ‘ee scoop out . Mother is scooping out scoop up ice-cream for the boys. Jimmy scooped up the kitten from the water. shout shouting, shouted Willy is shouting for help. He cannot swim. SQY saying, said Linda says, ‘I'm going for a swim.’ Andy is splashing water on Helen's face. SUN sunning, sunned Willy is sunning himself e on the beach. - = strike striking, struck - Bobby struck the ball g a with his hand. r shade shading, shaded The umbrella is shading Kathy from the sun. smoke smoking, smoked Grandfather is smoking a pipe. 19, skipped 1g with spread spreading, spread her skipping rope. Father is spreading the cloth on the ground ready for the picnic. share shoring, shared Mandy and Helen are sharing the sweets. SOD sobbing, sobbed Jone is sobbing because her sandcastle is ruined. SCQFe scaring, scared Our fierce dog scares off Simon. send sending, sent Mother sent Andy to buy some sugar. ) send back Rusty followed Kathy to school so she sent him back home. send off The soccer player was sent off the field for kicking another player. sell setiing, sold Simon helped his father sell oranges. sell out ll The oranges sold out in an hour. There were none left. set setting, set Andy is setting the table for dinner. set about set down set off Andy set about his homework Willy set down his books The boys set off on their right after dinner. ‘on the desk. hike at daybreak. 182

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