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Name: Oladoke Simeon Temitope

Number: 2021/142743CS
1 Apr 2023 - 09:15PM


Correct 66.7% 20
Wrong 33.3% 10 67%
Skipped 0% 0

Note: This score is not final

1. PHP stands for ------

Hypertext Preprocessor
1/1 Marks

2. Who is known as the father of PHP?

Rasmus Lerdrof
1/1 Marks

3. Variable name in PHP starts with -

$ (Dollar)
1/1 Marks

4. Which of the following is the default file extension of PHP?

1/1 Marks
5. Which of the following is not a variable scope in PHP?

1/1 Marks

6. Which of the following is correct to add a comment in php?

Both (b) and (c)

1/1 Marks

7. Which of the following is used to display the output in PHP?

Both (a) and (c)

0/1 Marks

8. Which of the following is the use of strlen() function in PHP?

The strlen() function returns the length of string

1/1 Marks

9. Which of the following is used for concatenation in PHP?

+ (plus)
0/1 Marks

10. Which of the following starts with __ (double underscore) in


Inbuilt constants
0/1 Marks

11. What does PEAR stands for?

PHP extension and application repository

1/1 Marks

12. Which of the following is the correct way to create a function

in PHP?

function myFunction()
1/1 Marks
13. Which of the following PHP function is used to generate
unique id?

0/1 Marks

14. Which of the following is the correct way of defining a variable

in PHP?

$variable_name = value;
1/1 Marks

15. What is the use of fopen() function in PHP?

The fopen() function is used to open folders in PHP

0/1 Marks

16. What is the use of isset() function in PHP?

The isset() function is used to check whether variable is set or not

1/1 Marks

17. Which of the following is the correct way to open the file
"sample.txt" as readable?

fopen("sample.txt", "r");
1/1 Marks

18. Which of the following function displays the information about

PHP and its configuration?

1/1 Marks

19. Which of the following function is used to find files in PHP?

0/1 Marks

20. Which of the following function is used to set cookie in PHP?

1/1 Marks
21. Which of the following function is used to get the ASCII value
of a character in PHP?

0/1 Marks

22. Which of the following function is used to unset a variable in


1/1 Marks

23. Which of the following is/are the code editors in PHP?

All of the above

1/1 Marks

24. Which of the following is used to end a statement in PHP?

; (semicolon)
1/1 Marks

25. What will be the output of the following program? <?php  

echo "Welcome " , "to " , "Computer " , "Science ". "Department" ;  

Welcome to Computer Science Department

1/1 Marks

26. What will be the output of the following program? <?php  

$var1 = "Hello";   $var2 = "World";   echo $var1, $var2;   ?>  

1/1 Marks

27. What will be the output of the following program? <?php  

$var1 = "Hello";   $var2 = "World";   echo "$var1$var2";   ?>  

1/1 Marks

28. What will be the output of the following program? <?php  

$a;   if ($a)   {   echo "hi";   }   else   {   echo "How are you";   }   ?>  
Hi How are you
0/1 Marks

29. What will be the output of the following program? <?php  

$a = 0;   while ($a++)   {   echo "$a";   }   echo $a;   ?>  

0/1 Marks

30. What will be the output of the following program? <?php  

$a = 15;   function show()   {   $a = 20;   echo "$a";   }   show();  
echo "$a";   ?>  

0/1 Marks

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