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Wilria C.


Assessment and Recording

1. Assessment and recording are very important for teachers because it helps teachers to know
and understand the strength and weakness of every student they are teaching. Teachers may
become aware and they can identify where students may be struggling and how they may teach
every student according to how the student can absorb and catch up easily. These methods are
essential to ensure that students receive the possible type of teaching they need. Teachers may
also know if the student is progressing or not and if their teaching was effective.

2. It is important to know about the ideas and contributions of great educators because they have
shaped the field of education and influenced the way that people think about teaching and
learning. By learning about their ideas and contributions, we can gain a deeper understanding of
the history and development of education and how it has evolved over the years. These great
educators have a very important role in sharing their knowledge and their way of teaching to
give us awareness of how education is improving and how teaching techniques changes
according to resources from time to time.

3. Authentic assessment is a type of evaluation that seeks to measure a student's ability to apply
their knowledge and skills to real-world situations. It is the creative learning experience of a
student or it is also their performance task, projects and work activities which they will be
graded appropriately. It is designed to be more meaningful and relevant to the student's life and
future career, rather than just testing their ability to recall and reproduce information.

4. There are several purposes of assessment, including:

1. Assessment for Learning, wherein teachers provide feedbacks on how their students are
learning and how to make more teaching strategies according to their learners.
2. Assessment as Learning, it is about student’s feedback or how they have learned as learners.
3. Assessment in Learning, assist teachers to use evidence of students achievement against
learning goals and standard.

Assessment can be used to motivate students to learn and improve, as it provides them with
feedback on their progress and gives them an opportunity to see how they are doing and

1. Curricullum Planning is a process where you can plan what you are going to teach and who are
your students and what are their learning capabilities. It contains how to teach and how the
students will cope with the teaching process you will be using in able to them to learn
easily.Teachers also need to determine how it will be organized and presented to students. This
may involve creating a lesson plan or syllabus, as well as deciding on the appropriate pacing and
sequencing of the material.

2. Essentialism is an educational philosophy that emphasizes the importance of teaching a core

body of knowledge and skills that are considered essential for a well-rounded education. It is
essential for all students to learn, regardless of their individual interests or needs. Essentialists
also tend to place a greater emphasis on traditional teaching methods, such as lectures and
rote learning, and place less value on student-centered approaches such as discovery learning
and problem-based learning.
Progressivism, on the other hand, is an educational philosophy that emphasizes the importance
of student-centered learning and the development of critical thinking skills. Progressivists
believe that education should be focused on the needs and interests of the individual student,
and that students should be actively engaged in their own learning process. They argue that
students should be given the opportunity to explore their own interests and to learn through
hands-on, experiential activities.

3. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs and goals of the students and is implemented in
schools at all levels, including elementary, secondary, and higher education.
The curriculum in the Philippines is guided by the Philippine Department of Education (DepEd),
which is responsible for establishing the standards and guidelines for the curriculum. The
DepEd sets the learning outcomes, content, and assessments for each subject and grade level,
and it also provides resources and materials to support teaching and learning.At the elementary
level, the curriculum includes subjects such as Filipino, English, Mathematics, Science, Social
Studies, Health, Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Values Education. At the secondary level,
the curriculum includes these subjects as well as additional elective subjects, such as Technical-
Vocational-Livelihood Education, which prepare students for technical or vocational careers.
Higher education in the Philippines follows a similar structure, with colleges and universities
offering a variety of programs and courses in a range of fields, including the arts, sciences,
engineering, education, business, and more.
Overall, the curriculum in the Philippines is designed to provide students with a well-rounded
education that helps them develop the skills, knowledge, and values needed to succeed in their
studies and in their future careers.

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