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Name: _________________________

Piano Scavenger Hunt!

1. What kinds of materials is the piano made of? _________________________________________________!

2. To make sounds with the piano, the pianist must press the ____________. !

3. What colors are the piano keys? ______________________ and ______________________. !

4. How many keys does the keyboard have? ___________!

5. The keyboard has ________ white keys and _______ black keys. !

6. Write the letters on each white piano key below. !

7. The keys on the [circle] left / right side of the keyboard make HIGH sounds, while the keys on the left /

right side of the keyboard make LOW sounds. !

8. There are different types of pianos: grand pianos, upright pianos, and digital pianos. Circle the kind of piano

you have at your house.

© 2014 Joy Morin |

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