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Introducing Jaran Bodhag

As The Local Culture of

The People Of Probolinggo
What That Jaran Bodhag
Jaran Bodhag is a local culture typical of the
Probolinggo area. This culture was created since the
beginning of independence. This bodhag jaran is a
modification of the kencak horse with an imitation
horse (horse). Made of wood it is connected with
complete equipment with accessories similar to the
original "Jaran Kencak", which allows one to can stand
inside and be surrounded by horse accessories as if
riding a horse, even though he stands and walks
supporting the neck of the horse's head complete with
accessories so that from afar it looks like a person
riding a real horse. That is what is called jaran bodhag.
This is a video
Jaran Bodhag
Our purpose for choosing this title

So we chose the title Introducing Jaran Bodhag as the Local

Culture of the Probolinggo People so that our young generation
doesn't forget the original culture of the area and starts to know
about it from now on.
Sekian Dari Kami
Wassalamualaikum WR.WB

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