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S E C O N D A R Y / K E Y S T A G E 3 M U S I C – F O R M A N D S T R U C T U R E

Ternary Form

A piece of music in TERNARY FORM divides into three sections ABA – making a
“If you look at
kind of ‘musical sandwich’.
music, you see
theme, variations,
you see symmetry, A B A
asymmetry, you
Statement Contrast (an episode) Repetition
see structure and
these are related The A sections use the same music. B presents a contrast in some way – the
to the skills in the filling in the sandwich! We call B an ‘episode’, meaning a section which
real world.”
contrasts with the music heard before and after it, and which usually appears
- Dave Van Ronk once only.

When the A section returns at the end again, it may be exactly the same as
when it was first heard, or the composer may decide to change it in some way
to add more interest. But it will always be recognizable as a return of section A
after contrast of music in section B.

If the final A section is an exact repeat of the music heard in section A at the
beginning of the piece, then there is really no need for the composer to write
Questions to think about: out the music of A all over again. So you may find at the end of section B the
1. The B section in Italian words da capo. This means ‘repeat again from the beginning’ and you
a piece of music must then look for the word fine, meaning ‘end here when the music is
in Ternary Form
provides some repeated’. What the composer is simply saying is ‘after B, play A again’, so in a
ternary form piece printed in this way the design is quite clear – da capo will
Think about the be found at the end of B, and fine will mark the end of section A. The origin of
Elements of
Music and what this is found in many arias from operas and oratorios written during the 18 th
you could century. As the final A section was often an exact repetition of the first A
change in the
music in the B section, composers rarely bothered to write out the music of A again. Instead,
section to
achieve some
then merely wrote da capo at the end of the B section. Arias written out this
musical way are called ‘da capo arias’.
contrast. Pitch
is one – there
Points to remember about Ternary Form:
are many other
• The music divides into three sections ABA
2. The song
“Twinkle, • The A sections are recognizably the same music. B is a contrast.
Twinkle Little
Star” is in
Ternary Form.
• The final A section may be an exact repetition of the first A section, or
Write the it may be varied in some way.
words out and
label the three
• The final A section may be followed by a coda or ‘rounding-off’.
• The music may be printed in abbreviated da capo layout.

© W W W . M U S I C A L C O N T E X T S . C O . U K

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