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HOME iROUP Ref No: MHCPL/OL/ocT22/18-19 ‘04.0e¢-2018, Me. Vamsi Krish, Fat No.303, ACE Uina-2, Block 8;Roed No26, Kondapur, Hyderabad Phone No: 91 8008105822 malo: yamslhud@xmaiLcom Offer ofemolovment ‘ear Mr Vamel Kish, ‘hiss in reference to your application and subsequent interview we had with you, we are peated to Inform you that you have been selected forthe postion “Assistant General Manager-Contact" at ‘ur My Home Constructions Pvt Ltd (Corporate Ofc). Your appointment wil be applicable subject, 1 pining the duties on or before 19.Nov 2038. 'ssved upon oning your duty with us. Youre requests to bring the following photocope tthe time of ining ducatonal testimonials, Experience certificates ofthe last 02 Companies, Relieving letter from the lst company 8 105 Particulars ofthe current Employer, aN & Aadhar Cord, Bank Statement for 2 months, UAN car, Passport siz color photographs 6 Nos ‘We request you to return the duplicate copy of thisletter asa token of your aceptaneeof theo. Thanking, Forty Home Conseco Pat, oe Rasheeda, OLY \O Sever Manager My Home Constructions Pvt. Ltd. cone uesnoroiaeriansts) ear mcmomstaamcan cB 4 bas Fa 6 28

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