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Vhon Aldrich R.

Pilapil April 26, 2023


Seatwork No. 2

1. This is where the 24,000 nerve endings terminate:

The cochlea.

2. A hollow coil of bone filled with liquid:

The cochlea.

3. Separates the outer ear from the inner ear:

The eardrum (also known as the tympanic membrane).

4. The tube that connects the outer ear to the eardrum:

The ear canal (also known as the auditory canal).

5. The outer and visible part of the ear:

The pinna (also known as the auricle).

6. The study of sound perception and its physiological effects:


7. It is a wave motion consisting of rarefaction and compression:

Sound wave.

8. A signal with irregular vibrations:


9. A signal with the fundamental frequency and harmonics:

Tonal sound.

10. A hearing defect caused by noise:

Noise-induced hearing loss.

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