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Winter Semester 2022-2023

Slow Learners -Assignment

Course Name & code: Computer Architecture and Organization-BCSE205L Program & Branch: B-Tech
Class Number: VL2022230504133

Faculty Name: Dr.S.M Prabin Last Date: 10-4-2023

General instruction(s):

1. Answer all questions


1. Draw the flowchart for Booths Algorithm multiplication and Restoring Division.
2. Perform multiplication of -11 x 5 using Booths Algorithm
3. Multiply 12 x- 4 using Modified Booths Algorithm
4. Perform 17 divided by 5 using non-Restoring Division Algorithm
5. Perform 14 divided by 2 using Restoring Division Algorithm
6. Operation of IAS computer with a neat flow chart.

Description of each step should be given. Verification of the answers should be highlighted

Note: To be written in A4 paper with proper highlights for all the answer and diagrams should
be drawn using pencil.

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