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New York is the city with the largest population in the United States. UU., It is located in
the North American continent. It is between Canada and Mexico.
In the United States the climate is variable, it is defined according to the season.
At this moment there is winter, it starts from December 21 to March 21; There are rains,
snows and icy winds. It's cold, between 5 and 10 degrees. Ideally, enjoy the snow and the
different sports.
Spring begins from March 21 to June 21. The weather is warm, while at night, cool. This
station is characterized by its constant, but drizzle. Between 11 and 20 degrees. The climate
is ideal for walking and attending different outdoor events.
Summer starts on June 21 to September 21. The climate is humid. Between 32 and 38
degrees. It is ideal to enjoy festivals and outdoor activities.
The autumn begins from September 21 to December 21, the climate maintains the intense
heat of summer, with cool breezes. This time is ideal for traveling, because the rates go
The secondary goes up to grade 12.
The calendar is B, classes start after the July holidays.
The schools are public, which are free.
There are Universities or Collage, private as well as public.
Throughout the USA there are high quality universities with worldwide recognition, for
1. Princeton University.
2. Harvard University.
3. Yale University.
4. California Institute of Technology (CALTECH).
5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
6. Stanford University.
7. University of Pennsylvania.
8. Duke University.
9. Columbia University.
10. New York University.
Among many others, they also have scholarship programs.

The people who live in the USA, are people who have many daily activities, consume too
much fast food, and all the time they are in a hurry. However, they are friendly and happy.


1. Independence Day, celebrated on July 4, is a national holiday, very important.
2. Thanksgiving Day, it is traditional to serve a turkey dish and give thanks for what you
have received.
3. Martin Luther King Day, is the third Monday in January a holiday is celebrated in
commemoration of the birth and life of Martin Luther King.
4. Christmas, celebrated on December 25, is very important because it unites families.
5. President's Day, celebrated on the third Monday of February, a tribute is paid to all the
President, but especially it is a tribute to George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
Among other.

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