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1. Sale, concept

2. Elements of a Contract of Sale

2.1. Essential Elements (more on page 2)
2.2. Natural Elements
2.3. Accidental Elements

3. Characteristics of a Contract of Sale

4. Sale distinguished from

4.1. Dacion en pago
4.2. Cession de bienes
4.3. Piece of Work
4.4. Barter
4.5. Contract to Sell
4.6. Agency to Sell

5. Forms of a Contract of Sale

6. Rules in Case of Sale by Auction

7. Promise to buy and/or sell.

8. Obligations of the Vendor

9. “Sale or return” or “Sale on Approval”

10. Rules on injury to or benefit from the thing sold before or after perfection.

11. Sale by Sample; description; and same and description

12. Remedies of vendor in installment sales of personal property (Recto Law) (Art.1481), and contracts
purporting to the leases of personal property with option to buy, when the lessor has deprived the lessee
of the possession or enjoyment of the thing.

13. Sale of Real Property in Installments (R.A. No. 6552, the Maceda Law)

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