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Right back / 5:30 pm / Hawaiian / follow me / help / review / new restaurant / for two

A: This __________________ is good?

B: Yes, I read the _________ in twitter and its nice

A: Okey lest meet in the restaurant at ___________


C: Good afternoon, how can I _______ you?

A: We want a table _________, please

C: Of course, ____________

C: I can take your order?

A: Yes, I would like a ____________ Pizza

B: For me a lasagna

A: to drink a lemonade

C: Okey, I will __________________

Tuna salad / lemonade / juice / milk shake / fried chicken / soda / red spaghetti / seafood / hamburger / vegetable
soup / cold tea /

Main dishes Drinks

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