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My grandma

My grandmother died when I was in elementary

school, I forgot exactly what grade. The
grandmother I mean is the mother of my father. My
father is the youngest of 12 siblings. My
grandmother's name is Liliek Koestantina. She was a
physically strong person, because even at her old
age my grandmother still traded around on foot,
which was very far away.

My grandmother loved to make green bean

porridge, and chili sauce as well. I still remember
when Idul Fitri came, all relatives gathered together
at my grandmother's house. The dishes were sambal
rice and green bean porridge. Even though the
gathering moment only appears once a year, on the
feast day, some of my grandmother's children who
are Catholic joined together.

Grandmother was never angry, and loved her

children or grandchildren so much. And she was
quite patient with her annoying children. My
grandmother also patiently lived life as a single
parent, while her husband was in prison and finally
died. But I was not that close to her because maybe
she was too tired of working and has no one to talk
to. But I was abled to see her daily life when I lived
with her for some times at her house.

My grandmother's favorite grandchildren were the

children of my father's older sister. Because they
lived at grandma’s house, no wonder if their
relationship was closer. This made me so jealous, I
wished I could be her favorite grand-daughter as
well, but…it’s alright.

There are many memorable moments when telling

grandmother, some are sad, some are happy, some
are upsetting. Unfortunately when grandma passed
away I was not around, so I didn't see and talk to her
at her final breath. But anyway, I love her so much.
That is a brief story about my grandma, thank you,
Jesus bless you!

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