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What would you do in this situation? Answer 10 questions below by

writing Yes/ No only in your paper!

1. If someone lit up a cigarette in a non smoking area, would

you tell him to put it out? Yes/No

2. If someone parked his car in front of your house, where your

father usually parks his car, would you ask him to move it?

3. If you were in a shop and wanted to change Rp 100.000,-

would you buy something small first before asking for a
change? Yes/No

4. If you badly wanted a glass of water while you are in town

and run out of money, would you go to a food stall and ask
for it? Yes/No

5. If a group of friends wanted you to go out with them, would

you do so, even if you felt very tired? Yes/No

6. If you were late for a flight, would you go to the front of

queue without waiting for your turn? Yes/No

7. If someone pushed you to the front in the queue in a bank,

would you say something to the person? Yes/No

8. If you bought a pair of shoes and heels came loose after a

week, would you take them back to the shop and complain?

9. If you didn’t enjoy a play in the theatre, would you stay till
the end? Yes/No
10. If a good friend asked to borrow Rp 1 million, would you
lend it if you have it? Yes/No

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