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Criteria Excellent (10) Good (7) Fair (5) Needs Improvement (3)

The report presents a The report presents a well- The report presents a The report presents a
comprehensive and well- researched analysis of the somewhat shallow analysis superficial analysis of the
researched analysis of the topic, including several of the topic, with limited topic, with little to no
topic, including multiple sources of information and sources of information and sources of information and
sources of information and thoughtful analysis basic analysis limited analysis
insightful analysis
The report is well- The report is mostly well- The report is somewhat The report is poorly
organized, with a clear organized, with a clear disorganized, with a vague organized, with a
introduction, body, and introduction, body, and introduction, body, and confusing introduction,
conclusion that effectively conclusion that conclusion that do not body, and conclusion that
communicate the main communicate the main effectively communicate fail to communicate the
points and flow logically points but may lack some the main points or flow main points or flow
logical flow logically logically
The report is written in The report is mostly The report is somewhat The report is difficult to
clear and concise language, written in clear and concise unclear or wordy, with understand or filled with
with correct grammar, language, with mostly some errors in grammar, errors in grammar,
Language spelling, and punctuation. correct grammar, spelling, spelling, or punctuation. spelling, or punctuation.
The reporter speaks English and punctuation. The The reporter speaks its own The reporter discusses the
all the time. reporter speaks English dialect often. topic in its own vernacular.
The report is visually The report is mostly The report is somewhat The report is unappealing
appealing, with appropriate visually appealing, with unappealing visually, with visually, with little to no
use of headings, images, some use of headings, limited use of headings, use of headings, images, or
and other visual aids to images, and other visual images, or other visual aids other visual aids to
enhance the presentation aids to enhance the enhance the presentation

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