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Delmasius Bau1, Eufragia Da Silva Guteres 2

1Department, Fakulty of Law, University East Nusa Cendana, Kupang, Indonesia

Research group, Institution, City, Country (10pt)

Email: ,

Received on Revised on Accepted on

The study was intended to identify the underlying factors behind the case and to cope with it. This
study is included in the type of empirical legal research located in East Malaka police department. The
method that used in collected data are interviews and documentation study. Data was collected then
Analyzed and then presented or desrcibed in a qualitative descriptive manner.

The result of Study regarding the factors that cause group fights between the martial art organization
and the people of Numponi sub-district there are internal and external factors. The internal factors are age,
revenge factor, anger has weak self-control, experiencing identity crisis. The external factors are are group
offense, due to a sense of solidarity, generation gap, excessive, social environment, family environmental
factors because of solidarity, generation disparity, excessive drinking, social environment, family
environmental factor, educational factor. The resulst of this research is regarding effort to overcome the case
are pre-emptive efforts, preventive efforts and repressive efforts. From the results of the research the authors
can conclude that fights between members of seven-seven and people in Numponi sub-district have two
casual factors, namely internal and external factors, it is suggested to the members of five-five and seven-
seven and other self- defense organizations so they can control their self so as cannot create chaos in society
and do not disturb the comfort of the society.

Keywords: Causative factors, fights of Members of Self-Defense Organizations, attempts at


A. Background
Indonesia is a unitary state consisting of various tribes, religions and cultures. Pluralism is a potential in
national development, but on the other hand pluralism can be a threat to the implementation of national
development if all these potentials cannot be empowered by Indonesia to participate in development.
The development of the times and technological advances that are very rapidly growing, lately have the
greatest influence on socio-cultural changes and culture of the Indonesian nation. Changes in life that result
in changes in humans that occur slowly or quickly and can cause a harmonious and disharmonious
This condition raises unhealthy competition in community life, especially adolescents, for example one
group of adolescents with another group of adolescents in the daily social environment, which raises new
conflicts in socializing that have never occurred before. A sense of injustice is also one of the factors that can
trigger conflicts between groups within the scope of adolescent association. The main factor in the emergence
of a sense of injustice according to Walker & Petigrew's theory of Relative Deprivation is: "The non-
fulfillment of expectations that they think should be fulfilled. This feeling of injustice arises when people
compare their situation with others around them". This problem is not a new phenomenon in several big
cities in Indonesia, but this problem also occurs in Malacca Regency, especially Numponi Village.
Numponi Village is a village located in East Malacca District, Malacca Regency, East Nusa Landmark
Province, has an increasing and dense population. Numponi teenagers compete to join martial arts
organizations so that it can cause discomfort to the Numponi community. These martial arts organizations are
like the Five-five and Seven-seven organizations.
Usually hostility between teenagers occurs starting from a small problem. Teenagers who are still
unstable have a high emotional level, the small problem is in the form of mutual ridicule. Another trigger is
usually a sense of resentment. Group fights or known as "War" by local teenagers. Group fights that occur
that can endanger the surrounding community, group fights are carried out using these tools including stones,
arrows, wood, machetes.
This is a phenomenon that often occurs in Malacca Regency. One of the cases that occurred in Numponi
Village was that members of the Lima-lima and Seven-seven self-defense organizations attacked the
community using sharp weapons, which began when Ose Rae (victim) and Ido Molo (victim) crossed the
scene, there were members of the Five-five and Seven-seven organizations while drinking sopi and then
blocking and taxing the victim, but the victim resisted and pulled out a knife from the motorcycle seat finally
the members of the organization ran away and felt revenge to the victim.
Therefore, the police as the authorities and competent to check, Tackling Tackling and follow up and
determine suspects in group fighting problems around the jurisdiction, especially the Numponi Village area,
as well as the Village Government that carries out various countermeasures will be examined by the author as
one form of government efforts in carrying out their duties. This happens because of deviations from the
norms that exist in society, especially legal norms, where deviations from these legal norms are referred to as
criminal acts.
Based on the above background, the formulation of the problem is as follows:

B. Formulation Of The Problem

Based on the background above, the problem formulation is as follows:
1. What factors caused the fight between members of the martial arts organization and residents of
Numponi Village, East Malacca District, Malacca Regency?
2. How are the countermeasures taken by the police to prevent fights between members of the self-
defense organization and residents of Numponi Village, East Malacca District, Malacca Regency?
C. Research purpose
a. To find out the factors that caused the fight between members of the martial arts organization and
residents of Numponi Village, East Malacca District, Malacca Regency.
b. To find out the countermeasures against the perpetrators of fights between members of self-
defense organizations and residents of Numponi Village, East Malacca District, Malacca Regency.


A. Types Of Research
Based on the formulation of the existing problem, the type of research is empirical research.

B. Data Types and Sources

The data sources carried out in this study are:

a. Primary Data
Primary data is a type of data obtained directly at the research location.
b. Secondary Data
According to Soerjono Soekanto, secondary data in the field of law in terms of binding strength can
be divided into three, namely: primary legal material, secondary legal material, tertiary legal
a. Primary legal materials, that is, binding legal materials.
b. Secondary legal materials, which provide explanations of primary legal materials, such as
legal plans, research results, works from legal circles, and so on.
c. Teiser legal materials, namely materials that provide instructions and explanations to
primary legal materials and secondary legal materials, for example materials from internet
media, dictionaries, encyclopedias, cumulative indexes and so on


Before discussing in depth the criminological review of cases of fights between members of martial
arts organizations and residents of Numponi Village, it is necessary to know together with a brief
chronology of the beginning of the fight between the martial arts organization group and the residents of
Numponi Village.

Habitual group fights triggered by several martial arts organizations, namely the Five-five martial
arts organization and the Seven-seven martial arts organization. The Lima-lima and Seven-seven martial
arts organizations are martial arts organizations originating from Timor Leste that were brought into
Indonesia, precisely in the area of Numponi Village, East Malacca District, Malacca Regency..

Victims At first the problem of seven members of the Five-five and Seven-seven organizations
who were drinking sopi precisely in Everywhere on December 31, 2019 at 13:00, then Ose Rae
(victim) and Ido Molo (victim) crossed the scene, there were members of the Five-five and Seven-
seven organizations blocking and turning on the victim, but the victim resisted and took out a knife
from the motorcycle seat finally the members of the organization ran away and had a grudge against
Ose Rae and Ido Molo and has the intention to search and attack.

The problem continued to January 1, 2021, where the perpetrator who still had a grudge
against Ose Rae and Ido Molo, then the perpetrator invited friends of Lima-lima, Seven-seven
(seven-seven) martial arts organizations to find and attack 2 (two) Ose Rae and Ido Molo people,
but before attacking Ose Rae and Ido Molo, the perpetrators or members of these self-defense
organizations previously attacked other communities causing many casualties. This was said directly
by Ose Rae as the community who was interviewed directly by researchers.

A. Factors Causing Fights Between Members Of Self-Defense Organizations And Numponi Village

Residents Through the author's interviews with several Numponi Village residents regarding the causes
of group fights in the Numponi Village area. There are several factors that cause group fights, namely:

1. Internal factors or internal factors.

Internal factors are factors that originate or originate from within oneself, in other words, drives or desires
that originate within a person.
a. Age Factors
Based on the results of an interview conducted by researchers with Mr. Alfonsius Yanurius Molo said
that age has a big influence in a crime. Group fights between martial arts organizations and citizens
The fact that their age is relatively young, namely the age of 12-17 years is in transition (adolescents)
still have difficulty adapting to the environment so that they are easily affected in things that are still
negative, or unstable nature.
b. Anger FactorIt
was the anger factor that caused the members of the Five-five and seven-seven martial arts
organizations to retaliate. As in the interview with Mr. Mundus Nana as a resident of Numponi
Village (victim of house destruction) said that, knowing that members of their martial arts
organization were threatened by Ose Rae and Ido Molo became members of other organizations, they
were furious, finally told other members to find people who threatened members of the martial arts
organization. Because there was no one to be wanted, members of the Lima-lima and Seven-seven
martial arts organizations destroyed the houses of Numponi villagers by throwing stones and wood
with sharp weapons such as machetes, knives, spears.
c. Revenge
"Actually, the cause of this group fight is because of the grudge factor, and heartache, because
before the group fight there were several members of the Five-five, Seven-seven palak organization
or in ordinary everyday language is a tax to Ose Rae and Ido Molo as residents of Numponi Village
everywhere, but Ose Rae and Ido Molo did not give money to members of the martial arts

organization, then there was a grudge against Ose Rae and Ido Molo, and the next day on January 1,
2020 there was a big problem that the organization attacked the people of Numponi Village".
d. weakness of self control
In line with the results of the researcher's interview with Hilarius Hane Tae, Secretary of Numponi
Village, said that members of the Five-five and Seven-seven martial arts organizations could not
control themselves, could not help themselves to create a chaotic, high emotional level. An example
of a problem like now with the residents of Numponi Village cannot be spoken to properly,
preferring to fight.

e. Experiencing an identity crisis

Through an interview, the researcher with Hilarius Hane Tae (Secretary of Numponi Village) said
that the identity sought by members of martial arts organizations needs to receive proper direction
and guidance from regional heads, traditional leaders, more mature people and especially their
parents, as well as sufficient social support from the social environment. If it is fulfilled. If this
happens with less positive peers who damage the environment of Numponi Village and themselves
in their future.
2. External factors

External factors are factors that influence the occurrence of a crime that comes from outside
oneself, namely group offense, due to a sense of solidarity, generation gap factors, excessive drinking,
social environmental factors of society, family environment factors.

a. Group Offence

Based on the results of an interview conducted by researchers with community leader (one of
the victims) Fiky Ramos on February 6, 2022, that the problem of offense or misunderstanding on
the new year on January 1, 2020 in the morning before noon some members of the Lima-lima and
Seven-seven martial arts organizations passed the road to her house Mrs. Densi Seran to wish her a
happy new year, but one of the people Adrianus Asa or the first victim who was drunk screamed
"wweeeee,," while heading to Mrs. Densi's house then Adrianus Asa was immediately attacked
without knowing the cause by the Five-five and Seven-seven martial arts organizations.

b. Generation Gap Factors

Through a researcher interview with Hilarius Hane Tae (Village Secretary) said that the generation
gap is one of the reasons why members of the Lima-lima and Seven-seven martial arts organizations
fight, because they do not accept the opinions of their elders, whenever given advice from traditional
leaders in Nomponi Village are not heard, the members of the martial arts organization prefer to
follow the current development, or follow your own opinion.

c. Because of Solidarity
According to the results of a researcher interview with Fiky Ramos on February 6, 2022, said that
the Five-five and Seven-seven martial arts organizations have a high sense of solidarity, it is
common for fights to occur because of the loyalty of friends. Sometimes influenced by friends of
the organization's own members to do group fights, out of a sense of revenge.
d. Excessive liquor
In line with the results of an interview with Hilarius Hane Tae, Secretary of Numponi Village who
witnessed the group fight, confirmed that some members of the Lima-lima and Seven-seven martial
arts organizations attacked residents drunk, because previously members of the organization drank
alcohol (sopi) everywhere during the day where the problem began, and that night the members of
the martial arts organization continued to drink liquor (sopi) at the house of Sigitu Oroujo as the
head of the Lima-lima and Seven-seven martial arts organizations. Hilarius Hane Tae also said that
this problem is not a new problem but has often occurred where they drink drunk on the side of the
e. Social Environmental Factors of Society
Through a researcher interview with the Chief of Police Sector (Kapolsek) Abilio Tefa on February
10, 2022 in the workspace, it was revealed that the environment is a place where a person lives who
has an important role to nurture and educate someone to be a person with a good personality so that
he will play an active role in community social activities. But in reality that there is a conducive,
safe and peaceful environment in which a person's social pattern will play a positive role with the
surrounding environment and there is also an environment that always offers things that can harm
him such as drunkenness, fighting, stealing, gambling, even killing, and other criminal acts. Such is
the case with the case of a group fight between martial arts organizations and residents of Numponi
f. Family Environment Factors
Based on the results of the researcher's interview with Alfonsius Yanurius Molo as the Head of
Numponi Village, said that there are members of the Five-five and Seven-seven martial arts
organizations in the family environment is not harmonious, so they spend more time all day with
friends of the martial arts organization. Family atmosphere that creates insecurity and unpleasant
feelings and poor family relationships can pose psychological harm to adolescents. What's more,
the absence of communication or the existence of disputes between family members can be one of
the triggers of negative behavior.
g. Education Factors
Education Factors Through an interview conducted by researchers with Mr. Alfonsius Yanurius
Molo as the Head of Numponi Village on February 10, 2022, said that the Numponi Village area
has many people with minimal education, this makes individuals (the majority) in the area prone to
fighting, very difficult to accept good or positive suggestions and more likely to violate the rules
that apply in the Numponi Village area. Many Five-Five and Seven-seven martial arts organizations
are uneducated, norms, morals, and religions so that their mindset is very narrow to commit a
crime, easily provoked by very low emotional control.

B. Countermeasures against Fights between Members of Self-Defense Organizations and Numponi

Village Residents
Group fights are an act that often occurs in Numponi Village which can disturb the order and comfort
of surrounding residents. Five-five and Seven-seven martial arts organizations that often carry out
fighting actions, fights between members of the organization and society, fights between individuals. The
two martial arts organizations often unite to attack the residents of Numponi Village, when friends of the
martial arts organization are threatened, cursed, beaten by other residents then the members of the
organization attack and gang up on residents or cause chaos.
From the results of the researcher's interview with the head of Numponi Village, Alfonsius Yanusrius
Molo (Head of Numponi Village) said that wild martial arts organizations or self-defense organizations
that do not have a license should be removed from the Numponi Village area because they endanger the
community and young people in terms of young people who want to join the organization. So
countermeasures are needed to prevent.
To be able to suppress the occurrence of group fights that often occur in Numponi Village,
countermeasures are needed. There are 3 efforts to overcome group fights carried out by the police and
the Numponi Village government:
a. Pre-emptive efforts
are the initial efforts made by the police to prevent the occurrence of a criminal act. Efforts
made in pre-emptive crime reduction are to instill good values/norms so that these norms can be
internalized in a person. Even if there is an opportunity to commit an offense / crime but there is no
intention to do so then there will be no crime. So, in pre-emptive efforts this factor becomes lost
despite the opportunity.
Based on information obtained by researchers through interviews with the Head of the East
Malacca Sector Police, Mr. Abilio Tefa, it is known that the police's efforts in tackling the crime of
group fights between self-defense organizations and residents of Numponi Village from a pre-
emptive aspect in the jurisdiction of the East Malacca sector are:
1. Conduct counseling on legal sanctions against criminal behavior.
2. Creating guard posts around areas prone to crime, especially group fights.
3. Efforts to create characterizations in society.

The effort was made so that members of the self-defense organization could know and realize
that the group's fighting actions were categorized as criminal acts.

b. Preventive Efforts

Preventive efforts are follow-up efforts to pre-emptive efforts that are still in the level of
prevention carried out so that a crime cannot occur. This effort is a preventive measure taken by the
authorities (police) before a crime occurs or it can be said that this effort is carried out with the
intention of closing the opportunity not to commit a crime. This effort emphasizes prevention which is
considered much better than making an effort to overcome a criminal act that is felt to have harmed
certain parties.

Preventive efforts are not only the police who take part in it, but also the cooperation of
the village government in minimizing the case. Through an interview with researchers with Toni
Dala, S.H as KANIT RESKRIM, stated that the efforts made by the police are to socialize the law
to ordinary people about the law so that the public can understand and understand well that if
someone commits a crime that according to the law is prohibited, that person will be threatened
with criminal sanctions according to applicable regulations. On the other hand, the positive
influence of these efforts is to make people feel psychologically afraid not to commit various kinds
of crimes prohibited by the provisions of applicable laws and regulations.

As for the countermeasures from the village government, namely Mr. Alfonsius Yanurius
Molo, through an interview he said that there was a need for efforts to apply sanctions to the
perpetrators of group fights so as not to repeat the same crime, and carried out by inviting
residents, heads of hamlets, RT / RW, community leaders, traditional leaders, to give severe
sanctions to martial arts organizations that often disturb the comfort of the people of Numponi

c. Repressive Efforts
Repressive Efforts are countermeasures made by the authorities after a crime has occurred.
This effort is carried out with the intention that someone who has committed a criminal act, it is
hoped that his actions can be corrected again so that the person can realize that the actions
committed are unlawful and detrimental to society.
Through an interview with KANIT RESKRIM, East Malacca Sector Police, Toni Dala, S.H
said that the repressive efforts carried out by the police were efforts made directly to eradicate
crimes such as group fights by providing measures so that perpetrators were deterred and did not
repeat crimes.
The repressive efforts referred to as follows:
1. Receive and take action on reports or complaints of crime.
2. Conduct a series of investigative actions and investigations into a crime.
3. Conduct arrests, detentions and examinations of perpetrators of crimes.
4. Detention of perpetrators of group fighting crimes in accordance with the provisions
of applicable law.
A. Research Conclusion

Based on the discussion in the previous chapter, the author draws conclusions about fights between
members of the martial arts organization and residents of Numponi Village as follows:

1. There are two factors that cause fights between members of the martial arts organization and
residents of Numponi Village:

a. Internal factors or factors that come from within; Age factor, anger factor, resentment,
because of a sense of solidarity, having weak self-control (wekness of self control),
experiencing an identity crisis.
b. External factors or factors from outside oneself include; group offence, generation gap,
due to a sense of solidarity, excessive liquor, social environmental factors of society,
family environment factors.
2. Countermeasures carried out by the East Malacca sector police are through three forms of
countermeasures including pre-emptive efforts, preventive efforts, repressive efforts.
a. Pre-emptive efforts on the part of the Police to take some initial actions to instill good
values from the beginning in a person and increase public legal awareness of the
dangers of committing a criminal act, especially group fights between martial arts
organizations and the community.
b. This Preventive effort is a continuation of previous efforts with the intention to close
the opportunity for crime, concrete actions from this effort carried out by the Police are
socialization of the law to the community
c. Repressive efforts where this effort is carried out after a crime, the purpose of this
effort is to uphold the law and provide guarantees of legal certainty and justice for both
parties concerned, both victims and perpetrators of crime.
B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions above, the author can suggest that several things are as follows:

1. It is recommended to members of the Five-Five, Seven-seven and other martial arts

organizations to be able to control themselves, so as not to create riots in society, and not to
disturb the comfort of society, especially group fights.
2. It is recommended to the police to patrol during the day and night, create guard posts in every
place prone to fights so that there are no more group fights, or actions that disturb the
3. It is recommended to the police, village government, traditional leaders, to continue to educate
the community not to do things that have a bad impact on the environment, so as to create a
good environment, increase social activities, and provide counseling about the law.
4. It is recommended to the Numponi Village government to improve people's welfare to reduce
unemployment, which in itself will reduce the crime rate.


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