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Narative Report

I had no idea how different between school and work would be. There are many things you can

do in school that you cannot do in work. There are certain areas, including English, Mathematics,

and others, that I wish I had focused on developing back when we were still learning them in

school. These are some a few examples of academic learning that you might use in the


The most significant difference between work and school is this. Since teachers are there to make

sure you learn, try your best to show that you have fully internalized the material by creating the

greatest work you can in order to obtain the best score. On the other side, your bosses are there to

help you achieve your business objectives. Your KPIs are typically also her KPIs. She is actually

there to make sure you succeed, so. As a result, it is your responsibility to communicate with

your employer frequently, solicit his or her assistance, identify any new business problems, and

keep your word. Additionally, you will encounter various traditions, customs, and most notably,

environments. The environments at work and school are very dissimilar. If I may compare the

two, we study many things, hone our talents, and develop critical thinking while in school. On

the other side, it broadens your perspective on things in reality at work. You gain a new

perspective on the topics you didn’t or couldn’t study in school.

However, school might be different from work, but remember what you’re learning right now in

school will definitely help you succed in life. Stop procrastination and improve your overall

understanding towards reality. School sometimes become a reasons of our stress, but always

remember that the fruit will always sweeter when it’s from hardwork

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