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Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a relaxation technique that involves tensing

and releasing different muscle groups in the body. It is a simple and effective way
to reduce stress and tension in the body, and it can be done almost anywhere. PMR
can help you achieve a deep state of relaxation and calmness, and it can be
particularly helpful for people who have trouble sleeping, suffer from anxiety, or
have muscle tension.

Demonstration Script:

Let's begin by finding a comfortable and quiet place where you won't be disturbed.
You can either lie down or sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground and
your hands resting on your lap.

Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. As you exhale, allow your body to sink
into the chair or the floor. Let go of any tension you may be holding in your body.

Now, let's start with the muscle groups in your calf muscles. Tighten your calf
muscles by pointing your toes upward and holding for a few seconds, then release.
Now, flex your calf muscles by pointing your toes downward and holding for a few
seconds, then release. Again, notice the difference between the feeling of tension
and relaxation in your calf muscles.

Let's move on to your thigh muscles. Tighten your thigh muscles by pressing a your
knees together and holding for a few seconds, then release. Now, tense your thigh
muscles by straightening your legs and holding for a few seconds, then release.
Notice the difference between the feeling of tension and relaxation in your thigh

Next, move on to your abdominal muscles. Tighten your abdominal muscles by pulling
your belly button towards your spine and holding for a few seconds, then release.
Now, relax your abdominal muscles and let your belly expand as you take a deep
breath in, then release. Notice the difference between the feeling of tension and
relaxation in your abdominal muscles.

Now, move on to your chest muscles. Tighten your chest muscles by taking a deep
breath in and holding it for a few seconds, then release. Now, relax your chest
muscles as you exhale completely, then release. Notice the difference between the
feeling of tension and relaxation in your chest muscles.

Next, move on to your arm muscles. Tense your biceps by bending your elbows and
bringing your hands up to your shoulders, then release. Now, tense your triceps by
straightening your arms and holding for a few seconds, then release. Notice the
difference between the feeling of tension and relaxation in your arm muscles.

Finally, move on to your facial muscles. Tense your forehead by raising your
eyebrows as high as you can, then release. Now, tense your eyes by squinting them
shut, then release. Next, tense your mouth by clenching your teeth together, then
release. Finally, tense your neck muscles by tilting your head back and holding for
a few seconds, then release. Notice the difference between the feeling of tension
and relaxation in your facial muscles.

Take a moment to scan your body and notice how you feel. You may feel more relaxed
and calm than when you started. Repeat this exercise whenever you feel stressed or

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