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Trisha Alexis Calonia BSREM 3


1. As Operations Managers, discuss the Demand-and-Supply Chain and enumerate the

advantages and disadvantages which you think may exist along the process. What should be
done to sustain the organization?

The procedure of balancing supply and demand to suit the needs of an entire market is
known as supply and demand management. The products that are made or the services that are
being provided must be accessible when needed and affordable for everyone who wants such.
This is important because the supply chain's demand management integration puts the client first
and satisfies their wants while preserving profit margins. Organizations that prioritize
profitability frequently streamline their operations and build adaptability and fluid scheduling to
take advantage of market changes. As a result, I draw the conclusion that the supply chain is
crucial to operations management because it controls the flow of resources inside the company.
To guarantee that the appropriate resources are accessible at the appropriate time and location,
operations managers must plan and coordinate the supply chain's actions.

2. Managing projects effectively means delivering the desired results on time and within
budget. As Operations Manager, what must be done for this to be achieved and what should be
avoided to deliver the desired results.

As an Operations Manager, there are several key actions you can take to manage projects
effectively and deliver desired results on time and within budget. Additionally, there are some
common pitfalls to avoid. Here are some important considerations:

1. Clear project goals and objectives: Start by clearly defining the project goals and objectives.
Ensure that all stakeholders have a shared understanding of what needs to be achieved.

2. Comprehensive project planning: Develop a detailed project plan that includes specific tasks,
timelines, and resource requirements. Break down the project into manageable phases or
milestones and allocate resources accordingly.

3. Resource allocation and management: Assign the right resources to each task based on their
skills, expertise, and availability. Regularly monitor and track resource utilization to ensure
optimal allocation and identify any potential bottlenecks or shortages.

4. Effective communication: Establish open and transparent communication channels with all
stakeholders, including team members, clients, and vendors. Encourage regular updates, provide
clear instructions, and address any concerns or issues promptly. Effective communication helps
avoid misunderstandings and keeps everyone aligned.
5. Risk assessment and mitigation: Identify potential risks and uncertainties associated with the
project and develop a risk mitigation plan. Regularly assess and monitor risks throughout the
project lifecycle, and take proactive measures to minimize their impact.

To deliver the desired results, it is important to avoid:

1. Inadequate planning: Insufficient planning can lead to scope creep, delays, and budget
overruns. Take the time to plan thoroughly and involve relevant stakeholders in the planning

2. Poor communication: Lack of clear and timely communication can result in

misunderstandings, rework, and delays. Establish effective communication channels and
encourage open dialogue among team members and stakeholders.

3. Inadequate resource management: Failure to allocate and manage resources effectively can
lead to resource shortages, burnout, and decreased productivity. Regularly assess resource
availability and make necessary adjustments to avoid bottlenecks.

4. Scope creep: Uncontrolled changes or additions to the project scope can negatively impact
timelines and budgets. Ensure that any changes are properly evaluated, documented, and
approved through a change control process.
3. Forecasting, planning, and scheduling form and integral part of your responsibilities as
Operations Manager. Discuss the importance of forecasting, planning, and scheduling and
mention how these responsibilities could better the processes within and outside the

Forecasting, planning, and scheduling are crucial responsibilities within an organization

as they play a significant role in improving processes and ensuring efficient operations both
internally and externally. Forecasting involves analyzing historical data and making informed
predictions about future trends and events. It helps organizations anticipate changes, identify
potential risks and opportunities, and make informed decisions. One of the key benefits of
forecasting is Demand Management. Accurate forecasting enables organizations to better
manage their inventory, production, and supply chain. By understanding customer demand
patterns, organizations can optimize their resources and avoid overstocking or stockouts,
reducing costs and improving customer satisfaction. Planning involves setting objectives,
determining actions, and allocating resources to achieve organizational goals. It provides a
roadmap for success and ensures that resources are utilized effectively. Planning improves
processes by goal Alignment. This is because planning ensures that all individuals and teams
within an organization work towards a common set of goals. It promotes coordination and
collaboration, eliminating redundancies and ensuring that efforts are aligned with the
organization's overall strategy. In Scheduling, it involves allocating time slots and assigning tasks
to individuals or teams. It ensures that activities are executed in a timely manner and optimizes
resource utilization. Scheduling enhances processes by having Time Management. This is
because efficient scheduling ensures that tasks and activities are completed within the allotted
timeframes. It helps organizations meet deadlines, avoid bottlenecks, and reduce project lead
times, leading to improved efficiency and customer satisfaction. To conclude, by focusing on
accurate forecasting, robust planning, and efficient scheduling, organizations can enhance their
overall operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and profitability. These responsibilities
enable proactive decision-making, effective resource management, and streamlined processes,
ultimately contributing to organizational success.
4. As Operations Managers, discuss why there is a need to also consider and be socially
responsible with the rest of the community outside the premises of the organization?

As Operations Managers, we have a responsibility not only to the success of our

organization but also to the broader community outside our premises. Incorporating social
responsibility into our operations is essential for several reasons. Engaging in socially
responsible practices helps build a positive reputation and brand image for our organization.
When we demonstrate care for the community and contribute to its well-being, it enhances our
standing among customers, employees, investors, and the public at large. This positive
perception can translate into increased trust, customer loyalty, and a competitive advantage in the
market. Our organization exists within a network of stakeholders, including customers,
employees, suppliers, shareholders, and the community. By considering and addressing the needs
of the wider community, we enhance stakeholder satisfaction. When community members
perceive that our organization is making a positive impact, they are more likely to support our
business and advocate for our success. Lastly, as members of the broader community ourselves,
we have an ethical responsibility to contribute positively and not cause harm. By integrating
social responsibility into our operations, we align our business practices with ethical values,
demonstrating respect for human rights, fairness, and environmental stewardship. In conclusion,
as Operations Managers, it is crucial to recognize that our organization's success is
interconnected with the well-being of the community beyond our premises. By embracing social
responsibility, we can enhance our reputation, stakeholder satisfaction, employee engagement,
and risk management, while also fostering sustainable development and fulfilling our ethical

5. What best qualities do you think should an Operations Manager possess for him/her to
become productive and effective in the organization?

To ensure having a smooth functioning of an organization as an Operations Manager. You

must have Strong Leadership Skills. An effective Operations Manager should be able to inspire
and motivate their team members, set clear goals, and provide guidance and support when
needed. They should be able to lead by example and foster a positive and productive work
environment. You must have Excellent Communication Skills, because it is vital for an
Operations Manager. They should be able to effectively communicate with team members,
superiors, and other departments within the organization. Clear and concise communication helps
to ensure that everyone is on the same page and can contribute effectively to the organization's
goals. Problem-Solving Abilities as well, to face various challenges and obstacles. It is important
for them to have strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think critically. They should be
able to identify problems, analyze situations, and come up with effective solutions in a timely
manner. And lastly, you must be Adaptable and flexible. You should be able to adapt to changes
and embrace new technologies, processes, and strategies. They should be open to new ideas and
be willing to modify existing processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness. These qualities,
when combined with relevant experience and expertise in the field, can greatly contribute to the
productivity and effectiveness of an Operations Manager within an organization.

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