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Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102824

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Journal of Building Engineering

Assessment of construction workers’ perceived risk using physiological data

from wearable sensors: A machine learning approach
By Gaang Lee a, Byungjoo Choi b, *, Houtan Jebelli c, SangHyun Lee d
a PhD Candidate, Tishman Construction Management Program, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, 2350 Hayward St., G.G. Brown
Building, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, United States
b Assistant Professor, Department of Architect, Ajou University, 206 World Cup-ro, Suwon Si, Gyeonggi-do, 16499, South Korea
c Assistant Professor, Department. of Architectural Engineering, Pennsylvania State University, 104 Engineering Unit A, University Park, PA, 16802, United States
d Professor, Tishman Construction Management Program, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan, 2350 Hayward St., G.G. Brown

Building, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, United States


Keywords: Considering that workers' safe or unsafe behaviors are responses to their perceived risk when working, under-
Construction safety standing workers' perceived risk is vital for safety management in the construction industry. Existing tools for
Perceived risk measuring workers' perceived levels of risk mainly rely on post-hoc survey-based assessments, which are limited
Wearable sensor
by their lack of continuous monitoring ability, lack of objectivity, and high cost. To address these limitations, this
Physiological signals
study develops an automatic method to recognize construction workers’ perceived levels of risk by using physio-
Machine learning
logical signals acquired from wristband-type wearable biosensors in conjunction with a supervised-learning al-
gorithm. The performance of the model was examined with physiological signals acquired from eight construc-
tion workers performing their daily work. The model achieved a validation accuracy of 81.2% for distinguishing
between low and high levels of perceived risk. This study provides a new means of continuous, objective, and
non-invasive method for monitoring construction workers' perceived levels of risk.

1. Introduction cluding EU countries [7,8], Canada [9], China [10,11], and Australia
Despite significant advances in construction technologies, construc- Studies have reported that the vast majority of accidents can be at-
tion safety records have not improved significantly [1]. Unacceptable tributed to workers' unsafe behaviors [14–16]. Based on an investiga-
injury rates in the construction industry have been a worldwide phe- tion of 75,000 accident cases, Heinrich et al. [17] reported that more
nomenon for a long time [2]. In the US, the construction industry has than 80% of occupational accidents could be attributed mainly to hu-
reported the highest number of fatalities among all industries for man errors. Haslam et al. [18] conducted a focus group study on 100
decades. The US construction industry reported 971 and 1008 fatalities construction accidents and found that more than 70% of these accidents
in 2017 and 2018, respectively (US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2019), could be attributed to human factors. Suraji et al. [19] examined more
which accounted for more than 20% of all work-related deaths in the than 500 construction accidents recorded by the Health and Safety Ex-
country [3]. The rate of fatal injuries was 2.7 times higher than the all- ecutive (HSE) of the United Kingdom and reported that approximately
industry average rate of 3.5 [4]. Given that the construction industry 80% of the construction accidents were mainly caused by workers’ un-
accounts for only 4.3% of the US workforce [5], this disproportionate safe behaviors. Workers' safety behaviors can be understood as the re-
rate of incidents is one of the primary concerns in the US construction sult of interactions between workers' decision-making processes and
industry. Severe construction-related accidents occur in other countries unsafe work conditions [20]. Workers exposed to a potential hazard
as well. In 2017, for example, 579 fatal occupational injuries were perceive the risk and determine their response to that risk. If a worker
recorded in the Korean construction industry, amounting to almost 30% believes that the perceived risk has a great potential to cause significant
of all fatalities across all industries in the country [6]. Moreover, the fa- harm, the worker may select an appropriate proactive behavior (i.e.,
tal injury rate was 1.8 times higher than the average of all industries risk compensation behavior). If not, they ignore the potential hazard
[6]. Similar patterns have been observed in many other countries, in- and may commit unsafe acts. As such, risk perception is a key process

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (B.G. Lee), (B. Choi), (H. Jebelli), (S. Lee).
Received 4 March 2021; Received in revised form 10 May 2021; Accepted 31 May 2021
Available online 7 June 2021
2352-7102/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B.G. Lee et al. Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102824

through which workers' cognitive processes interact with unsafe work significant modifications. However, System 2 (i.e., conscious process
conditions, and these interactions determine their safety behaviors. system) plays a major role in the decision-making process when System
Given the significance of perceived risk for understanding safety be- 1 (i.e., automatic activation) encounters a difficulty [56]. As such, both
haviors, sustained efforts have been made to measure workers' per- systems should be considered to understand the risk perception process.
ceived risk levels at construction sites. These efforts have mainly relied Especially, System 1 (i.e., automatic activation) may play a pivotal role
on the behavioral psychology perspective. In other words, self- in the risk perception of construction workers given that risk perception
reporting perception surveys are commonly administered to measure is an immediate response to potential hazards encountered during
workers' perceived risk levels [21,22]. Although psychological data are work.
easy to work with, they suffer from several limitations in terms of con- However, the post hoc survey-based method, which is the prevalent
tinuous monitoring, objectivity, and high cost [23–25]. Survey-based method for measuring risk perception, may not be capable of capturing
methods have several limitations in terms of assessing the dynamic the response of System 1 (i.e., automatic activation) in the risk percep-
changes in perceived risk during work. Moreover, the volatility of an in- tion process. Studies have measured risk perception based on workers'
dividual's memory may degrade the reliability of self-reported measure- subjective assessments of the probability and severity of potential inci-
ments. In this sense, there has been increasing interest in continuous dents at the construction sites where they work [29]. The respondents
and objective methods to assess construction workers' perceived risk were asked to provide an overall assessment of the risk levels based on
levels without interfering with their work [26]. To address these limita- their memory of work. In this process, it was suggested that the respon-
tions, this study attempts to use a new data source, physiological signals dents should recall their work experiences and analyze them to deter-
acquired from wearable biosensors, to assess construction workers' per- mine the overall risk of the project. Although these approaches are use-
ceived risk levels. With this background, the present study aims to de- ful for assessing the overall risk perceptions of the workers at a site from
velop and test a viable method to assess workers' perceived risk levels the perspective of System 2, they are ineffective for measuring immedi-
by using physiological signals collected from wearable biosensors. ate and automatic responses (i.e., the response from System 1) to haz-
ards during the work. Moreover, considering the dynamic and uncon-
2. Research background trolled nature of construction environments, an overall assessment of
the hazards of a project by using the survey-based method may not be
2.1. Risk perception and construction safety adequate for understanding the changes in construction workers' risk
perceptions over time as they work at the site. Therefore, it is necessary
Risk perception generally refers to one's subjective judgment and to develop a new method to continuously measure workers' immediate
evaluation of the probability and severity of adverse outcomes owing to responses (i.e., the response of System 1) to the hazards encountered
a hazard that one is exposed to Refs. [27–29]. Because subjective as- during work. Furthermore, asking workers to respond to the question-
sessment (i.e., risk perception) determines workers' responses to haz- naire during work hours may interfere with their ongoing work (Jebelli
ards (i.e., safety behaviors), risk perception is the key to understanding et al., 2019c), and the reliability of the responses strongly depends on
workers' safety behaviors [30,31]. In the same vein, risk perception has the accuracy of the respondents’ memories and reconstruction of their
been mentioned in multiple theoretical models of safety behaviors. experiences, which are not uniform across the respondents [23,57].
Wickens [32] presented an information-processing model that included Therefore, any new risk perception assessment method should be non-
four cognitive phases, namely sensory processing, perception, response invasive and objective, in addition to being capable of continuously
selection, and response execution, to explain how individuals respond monitoring the responses of System 1 (i.e., automatic activation).
to their environment. Similarly, Endsley [33] suggested a model of situ-
ation awareness (SA) that comprised three steps of “perception of ele- 2.2. Risk perception and physiological signals
ments in the environment, comprehension of the current situation, and
projection of future status” to demonstrate an individual's decision- An individual's automatic and unconscious response to a hazard
making process in dynamic situations. The SA model has been widely (i.e., the response of System 1) stimulates the sympathetic part of the
used in various domains to represent an individual's decision-making autonomic nervous system [58,59]. When the sympathetic nervous sys-
process in hazardous environments [34,35]. Albert et al. [36] presented tem is aroused by a perceived risk, it induces physiological changes in
an injury-prevention model that performs hazard recognition, risk per- the body, such as heightened cardiovascular system activity, sweat
ception, risk management, and injury prevention. Moreover, Choi and gland innervation, and thermoregulatory changes [60–62]. Expanding
Lee [37] developed an agent-based model of construction workers' on the aforementioned physiological processes, changes in the patterns
safety behaviors that considers three major steps in the safety decision- of physiological signals related to the activities of the sympathetic ner-
making process: risk perception, risk assessment, and safety behaviors. vous systems can provide useful information on individuals' risk per-
In addition to construction workers' safety behaviors, risk perception ceptions. Several studies have reported the potential for measuring
has been studied in various contexts such as drivers' [38,39], bicyclists' physiological responses to assess individuals' perceived risk levels
[40], pedestrians' [41] safety behaviors, as well as airline pilots' [42] [63,64].
safety and evacuation behaviors [43,44]. The relationship between risk Among various physiological signals, this study focused on electro-
perception and safety behaviors is supported by multiple studies in the dermal activity (EDA), photoplethysmogram (PPG), and skin tempera-
literature [35,45–50]. ture (ST), which can be obtained using wristband-type wearable biosen-
According to the dual-processing theory, there are two different sors. Wristband-type wearable biosensors were used in this study owing
modes of decision-making processes: System 1 and System 2 [51–53]. to their mobility, non-invasiveness, and ease of wearing [65]. EDA
System 1 refers to a rapid, unconscious, and automatic way of thinking refers to “the variations in the electrical properties of the skin in re-
that requires little or no effort on the part of an individual to arrive at a sponse to sweat secretion” [66]. The changes in skin conductance or
conclusion. On the other hand, in System 2, thinking is slow, conscious, skin potential are continuously measured by applying a low, constant
and deliberate, demanding a high level of mental effort [51,54]. While voltage to the skin through two electrodes to non-invasively measure
a multiple names have been suggested for the two systems, there is a EDA (Braithwaite et al., 2013). When an individual perceives risk, the
consensus on the distinction between the two systems [55]. Both sys- sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system triggers the post-
tems play different roles in the decision-making process. System 1 runs ganglionic sudomotor fibers that innervate the sweat glands [67,68].
automatically and continuously provides suggestions to System 2. Sys- Therefore, changes in EDA signals have been widely measured to un-
tem 2 generally adopts the suggestions provided by System 1 without derstand individuals' risk perception in various contexts [26,69–71].

B.G. Lee et al. Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102824

The composite EDA signals can be decomposed into Electrodermal lected physiological data and attempted to understand construction
Level (i.e., EDL, tonic component) and Electrodermal Response (i.e., workers' physical status, such as physical workload [79,103] and fa-
EDR, phasic component) which have different time scales (Braithwaite tigue [85]. While these studies have extended the potential of using
et al., 2013, [72]. The tonic components represent the baseline drift of wearable sensors to improve construction safety, few attempts have
EDA signals while the phasic components reflect short-term fluctua- been made to understand workers' mental status related to safety in
tions which are the results of immediate response to the external stimuli construction projects. Although a few studies have focused on under-
[73,74]. standing mental statuses such as mental workload [104–106], vigilance
PPG provides information on activities of the cardiovascular system [25,107], and hazard recognition [108], they have used wearable EEG
by detecting variations of blood volume in the microvascular tissues sensors or portable eye-tracking glasses, which have some limitations in
[75]. PPG sensor measures changes in the intensity of infrared lights the applicability of ongoing work. There has been a notable paucity of
emitted from the sensor via reflection or transmission through the mi- research on assessing construction workers' perceived risk from physio-
crovascular tissue [76]. The reflection or transmission rate is associated logical signals collected using least invasive means such as the use of
with the blood volume of the microvascular tissues which is affected by wristband-type wearable biosensors, which have high applicability in
cardiovascular system [77]. Electrocardiography (ECG) has also been practice. Although our earlier work investigated the feasibility of using
used to monitor cardiac activity, but the PPG sensor is commonly used EDA signals to assess the risk perceptions of workers [26], a statistically
in wristband-type wearable biosensors because of the simplicity and significant correlation between EDR and perceived risk may not be di-
convenience of the technology [78]. If the sympathetic division of the rectly applicable for determining construction workers' perceived risk
autonomic nervous system is aroused by perceived risk, it innervates during their work. Moreover, the quality of the physiological signals
the heart-related activities [65]. The changes in the heart-related activi- collected from on-site construction workers by using wearable biosen-
ties bring variations of blood volume in microvascular vessels which sors may be lower than that of the signals collected using traditional
can be monitored by PPG sensors. Therefore, previous studies calcu- sensors in controlled laboratory environments because of the lower
lated metrics related to the cardiovascular system [e.g., heart rate (HR) sampling frequency and the higher proportion of artifacts [65,77].
and heart rate variability (HRV)] using PPG data [79]. Also, previous Therefore, the present study aimed to develop and test an automatic
researchers have shown significant relationship between metrics from method to recognize workers' risk perceptions by using wristband-type
activities of cardiovascular system (HR, HRV, etc.) and individuals’ risk wearable biosensors that can continuously capture workers' physiologi-
perception [41,80–83]. Also, the peripheral skin temperature (ST) is af- cal signals without interrupting their on-site tasks. The developed
fected by changes in the blood volumes in microvascular tissues method is expected to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on
[84,85]. As such, ST could be indicative of cardiac activities induced by construction safety by providing a new means to overcome the limita-
the aroused sympathetic nervous system [86–88]. tions of survey-based methods used for measuring the perceived risk.
Survey-based methods used in previous studies to measure workers'
3. Knowledge gaps and research objectives perceived risk have limitations in terms of continuous monitoring, reli-
ability of measurement, and interruption of ongoing work. Further-
The measurement of physiological signals enables us to overcome more, the use of the survey-based method is limited to capturing work-
the aforementioned limitations of the post hoc survey-based assessment ers' responses of System 1 (i.e., automatic activation), which plays a
to understand construction workers' risk perception. First of all, the pivotal role in the safety decision-making process. An in-depth under-
physiological signals can provide more meaningful information about standing of construction workers’ perceived risk acquired through the
construction workers' risk perception because they are indicative of the developed method will pave the way for the identification and manage-
response of System 1 (i.e., automatic activation) [41,89] which is in ment of risks in construction projects. To achieve the research objec-
line with the mechanism of construction workers’ risk perception tive, a supervised machine learning model is trained and validated us-
process but not well understood by previous methods. Also, various ing a broad range of features extracted from EDA, PPG, and ST to recog-
sensors that continuously measure these physiological signals help us nize workers' risk perceptions. Moreover, several filtering methods
capture the changes in workers' risk perceptions over time due to the (e.g., high-pass filter, band-pass filter, hamper filter, and moving aver-
dynamic nature of their work environments. Such continuous measure- age filter) are employed to improve the quality of the collected physio-
ment allows us to avoid the pitfalls of the snapshot approaches. Third, logical signals.
since the signal processing schemes and analysis methods are built
upon objective algorithms, there is no room for deterioration of the 4. Methods
analysis results owing to self-reporting bias.
Despite the advantages of physiological signals in terms of address- Fig. 1 represents an overview of the process for assessing construc-
ing the limitations of the existing measurement methods, the hardware tion workers' perceived risks by using the physiological signals col-
limitations of traditional sensors make it very challenging to use physi- lected from wearable biosensors. First, PPG, EDA, and ST signals are
ological signals in construction sites [65]. Wired connections to palms collected using wristband-type biosensors worn by on-site construc-
or fingers for measuring the physiological signals may interfere with tion workers. Moreover, the authors simultaneously video-recorded
the tasks of construction workers. Most previous studies on the mea- the workers' activities. The collected signals were labeled low- and
surement of physiological signals to understand risk perception have high-risk activities based on the recorded videos. After eliminating ar-
been conducted in controlled lab environments [90]. Recently, owing tifacts in the signals by using several filtering methods and decompos-
to recent advancement of wearable biosensors, they can possibly over- ing the EDA into EDL and EDR, signal features that represent the char-
come the limitations of traditional sensors. Wireless, portable, and af- acteristics of the physiological signal patterns were extracted in the
fordable sensors can facilitate the noninvasive and continuous collec- time and frequency domains. Thereafter, a machine learning model
tion of physiological signal data from construction workers since the for assessing the construction workers' perceived risk was trained and
use of these sensors do not require the interruption of construction tested by applying supervised learning algorithms.
workers' ongoing work [89,91]. Moreover, there has been a dramatic
growth in research related to the use of wearable sensors for developing 4.1. Data collection
safety insights. Such studies have mainly focused on collecting data on
physical or kinematic movements to recognize workers' unsafe postures To develop a machine learning model for recognizing on-site con-
[92–99] and unsafe work conditions [100–102]. A few studies have col- struction workers' risk perceptions, physiological data (i.e., EDA, PPG,

B.G. Lee et al. Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102824

Fig. 1. Overview of process for recognizing construction workers' risk perceptions.

and ST) were collected from eight construction workers (two carpen- participate in our study. The consent form provided information about
ters, one floor finisher, four electricians, and one foreman). The data the subjects’ rights, our research objective, and the data collection pro-
collection procedure was approved by the Institutional Review Board of cedure. The subjects were told that they could withdraw from the study
the University of Michigan. The subjects' ages ranged between 20 and at any point in time. Moreover, all subjects were asked whether they
50 years (M = 32.37, SD = 8.57), and their job experience ranged have any clinical issues that could affect their on-site work. None of the
from 3 to 25 years (M = 10.25 SD = 6.72). Table 1 summarizes the de- subjects reported such problems.
mographic information of the subjects. Before collecting the physiologi- The physiological data were collected from the workers by using E4
cal data, the research team members distributed informed consent wristband-type biosensors (manufactured by Empatica, Cambridge,
forms to all subjects and asked them to sign the form if they agreed to Massachusetts), which can simultaneously collect EDA, PPG, and ST
data. These sensors recorded EDA and ST with sampling rates of 4 Hz
and measured PPG data with a sampling frequency of 64 Hz. Each sub-
Table 1 ject was asked to wear the sensor and perform their daily on-site tasks
Summary of subjects’ information. for half of the workday (i.e., about 4 h per worker). Before starting the
Age (years) Job Experience (Years) Height (cm) Weight (kg) data collection, each participant was given adequate time to familiarize
themselves with wearing the sensor. In the meantime, a member of the
Mean 32.37 10.25 181.5 88.88
SD 8.57 6.72 7.14 12.92
research team ascertained whether the sensor was properly located and
Min 20 3 163 66 operational. The placement of the cameras was carefully selected to
Max 50 25 189 109 minimize interruption of the ongoing work, and at least 3 m of distance

B.G. Lee et al. Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102824

between the subjects and the cameras were ensured to minimize any the collected physiological signals. To attenuate noises in the EDA sig-
emotional influence of the subjects caused by cameras. Additionally, nals, a high-pass filter with a cutoff frequency of 0.05 Hz was applied to
through a consent form, all subjects were informed that the collected suppress low-frequency noises resulting from variations in the imped-
data would be used only for research purposes and would not be shared ance of the EDA sensor electrodes or environmental conditions such as
with others. As a result, the subjects exhibited a natural response during temperature and humidity [26,110]. A moving average filter with a six-
the session, even though they were aware of the cameras at the begin- data-point window was additionally applied to alleviate the high-
ning of the data collection. Furthermore, the data collected during the frequency noises introduced due to users’ motions and electromagnetic
first 10 min of the session were excluded in the analysis to minimize the interference [111]. For PPG, a band-pass filter was used in the range of
effects of the subjects' awareness of the video recording. To prevent any 0.5–4.0 Hz to attenuate both low-frequency (e.g., flicker noise) and
discontinuity in data collection, the research team member checked the high-frequency (e.g., LED shot noise and ambient light noises) noises
status of each sensor after every hour. Moreover, each subject's activi- [112]. To suppress noise in the ST signals, which can be mainly as-
ties were video-recorded using GoPro Hero + handheld cameras for la- cribed to unstable contact between the infrared thermopile temperature
beling the data. reader and human skin, the authors applied a hamper filter (Jebelli et
al., 2018a).
4.2. Data preprocessing
4.3. Feature extraction
After the field data collection, the authors labeled the collected
physiological signals into two classes—low and high perceived risk—by After labeling the physiological signals and suppressing noise, the
using the recorded videos; this step was essential for training and vali- authors extracted different features to understand the patterns in the
dating the classification models for recognizing the perceived risk. It is signals corresponding to different levels of workers' perceived risk. As
almost impractical to ascertain the ground truth about workers' per- the first step in feature extraction, EDA was decomposed into EDL and
ceived risk from the data collected as they perform their tasks. There- EDR. EDL represents changes in the baseline, while EDR reflects sponta-
fore, the authors used the collected data that clearly corresponded to neous fluctuations in EDA [73]. In general, EDL is considered to show
low and high risks under the assumption that workers would perceive the trend in sympathetic activity [113]. EDR typically manifests as a
low and high risk in such obvious moments. First, two data sources (i.e., steep incline toward the peak and a gradual decline toward the base-
the physiological signals and the video recordings) were synchronized line, and it well reflects the short-term sympathetic response to an ex-
based on the time recorded by the wearable biosensors and videos. Two ternal stimulus [114]. Both EDL and EDR are important for understand-
research team members with more than 5 years of field experience on ing people's perceived risk levels because people can perceive risk by
construction sites separately watched the videos and assessed the risks inferring potential risks from underlying conditions as well as by actu-
in the subjects' activities at every second (i.e., 1 Hz) based on their ex- ally observing attention-grabbing events [115], which might be re-
perience and knowledge. Activities that require additional actions to flected in EDL and EDR, respectively. For example, in the case that a
protect workers (e.g., work at height, wearing glasses) were labeled as worker performs a task at a height, they can perceive risk by being at
high-risk activities. Next, data corresponding to inconsistent labeling the elevated position owing to their anticipation of the accidents that
results by these two team members were excluded from the subsequent can occur from that position, without the occurrence of any actual spe-
analysis. The most common high-risk activity was working on a ladder cific event. Moreover, workers can feel at risk owing specific events
to complete tasks such as installing lights or attaching plasterboard to happening on or around them, such as a misstep, falling of an object,
the ceiling. Moreover, tasks involving the use of dangerous tools (e.g., and vibration of a ladder. Therefore, the authors extracted features
plasterboard saw and electric cutter) were labeled as high-risk (Fig. 2). from both EDL and EDR.
In contrast, the data collected during the activities in which the workers Then, the continuous EDL, EDR, PPG, and ST signals were seg-
performed ordinary jobs on the ground, walked and talked with mented with a moving window with 25% shift (i.e., 75% overlap). To
coworkers, or rested were labeled as low-risk (Fig. 2). Consequently, a determine the optimal length of the window to recognize the level of
total of 47,544 labeled data were used to train and validate the classifi- perceived risk, different window lengths were tested from 10 s to 300 s.
cation model. Also, Cohen's Kappa was calculated to determine if there From the segmented signal data points, the authors extracted a total of
was an agreement between the two team members' assessment of the 52 features (i.e., eight features from EDL, 19 features from EDR, 21 fea-
risk levels of the activities. There was a substantial agreement between tures from PPG, and four features from ST). Since the main underlying
the two team members' risk assessment with a κ = 0.869 (95% CI, mechanism bridging the perceived risk and the variations in the col-
0.864 to 0.874). lected physiological signals is the sympathetic arousal in the autonomic
One notable hurdle in the analysis of the physiological signals col- nervous system [60–62], this study selected 52 features that have
lected using wearable biosensors from uncontrolled fields is the signifi- demonstrably been useful for understanding the stimulation of the sym-
cant noise contained in the signals [109]. Because noise can consider- pathetic part of the autonomic nervous system [116–118]. Table 2 sum-
ably distort the measurement of perceived risk by skewing the features marizes the extracted features. Specifically, 20 time-domain features
extracted from the signals, several denoising techniques were applied to and 7 frequency-domain features from EDL and EDR, 16 time-domain

Fig. 2. Example of high and low-risk.

B.G. Lee et al. Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102824

Table 2 formance. From the results of the preliminary analysis, four algorithms
Features extracted from EDA, PPG, and ST signals. (i.e., Gaussian support vector machine (GSVM), K-nearest neighbors
Signal Feature Features (KNN), decision tree (DT), and bagging tree (BT)) were selected. These
Type algorithms have been widely used and have shown good performance
for physiological-signal-based monitoring of sympathetic-arousal-
EDA Time From EDL: Mean, Standard deviation, Median, Maximum,
Domain Cumulative maximum, Cumulative minimum, Minimum-to-
related human responses such as stress [123–125]. These supervised
maximum, Peak-to-root mean square, Kurtosis, machine learning algorithms optimize the classification model in the
From EDR: Standard deviation, Median, Maximum, Cumulative training phase by minimizing their own objective functions, which rep-
maximum, Cumulative minimum, Minimum-to-maximum, resent how many errors the model generates with the training labeled
Peak-to-root mean square, Kurtosis, Integral, Normalized
data [126]. The process of minimizing the objective functions is differ-
average power, Normalized root mean square
Frequency From EDL: Mean frequency, Median frequency
ent in every machine learning algorithm. To validate the performance
Domain From EDR: Mean frequency, Median frequency, Spectral power of the trained classification models, 10-fold cross-validation was per-
between 0.1 and 0.2 Hz, Spectral power between 0.2 and formed because this validation method has been widely used to mea-
0.3 Hz, and Spectral power between 0.3 and 0.4 Hz sure the performance of the classification models in previous studies on
PPG Time Maximum, Cumulative maximum, Cumulative minimum,
measuring human psychophysiological variables, such as stress, emo-
Domain Minimum-to-maximum, Peak-to-root mean square, Kurtosis of
PPG, Mean of rise time, Pulse height minimum, Pulse height tions, and physical exertion, by using physiological signals
maximum, Heart rate, Respiration rate, Average of NN [123,124,127]. In the 10-fold cross-validation, the dataset was first di-
intervals, Standard deviation of NN Intervals, Root mean vided into 10 equal-sized subsets. Nine of the 10 subsets were used to
square of the sequential differences of intervals, Proportion of train a model, and the remaining subset was used to validate the perfor-
NN intervals over 20 ms, Proportion of NN intervals over
50 ms
mance of the trained model. The training and validation were repeated
Frequency Low-frequency power, High-frequency power, Low frequency 10 times so that all subsets were used for validation. Furthermore, since
Domain to high frequency ratio, Mean frequency, Median frequency of the number of low-risk data points (i.e., 33,860) was greater than that
PPG of high-risk data points, the low-risk data points were first randomly
ST Time Mean, Standard deviation of ST
undersampled to balance the two classes before conducting the ten-fold
Frequency Mean frequency, Median frequency of ST
cross-validation. To ensure that the resultant validation accuracy
Domain showed the general performance, not the performance in a randomly
undersampled data set, this undersampling-cross validation procedure
features and 5 frequency-domain features from PPG, and 2 time- was repeated ten times, and the averaged accuracy is reported.
domain features and 2 frequency-domain features from ST signals were Specifically, this study applied the 10-fold cross-validation method
extracted. without shuffling to minimize the dependency between the training and
After feature extraction, the authors selected the most meaningful the validation sessions, even though the 10-fold cross-validation
features out of the 52 extracted features. Feature selection is required to method with shuffling is more widely used to validate supervised ma-
not only reduce the computational cost and the time required to mea- chine learning models (Fig. 3). The physiological signals considered in
sure risk perception, which is important in practice, but also to improve this study were time-series data, in which the neighboring data points
reliability by reducing the risk of overfitting [119]. As the feature selec- are not clearly independent of each other [128–131] because features
tion method, the binary particle swarm optimization method, a type of in the data points do not vary drastically between neighboring data
wrapper method, was applied [120]. While filter methods evaluate the points in time-series data. Therefore, if training and validation sessions
usefulness of features individually, wrapper methods can evaluate a are conducted without consideration of the temporal sequence by shuf-
subset of features in a task [121]. Since understanding sympathetic- fling before session division (X ̃_t: arranged in the validation session, X ̃_
arousal-related psychophysiological responses such as risk perception (t±1): arranged in the training session), the validation session is not
requires multiple features from different physiological signals, not an truly unseen when training classification models (a in Fig. 3). In this
individual feature, wrapper methods could provide better performance setup, where training and validation sessions are not clearly indepen-
in this study. Specifically, the authors applied the binary particle swarm dent of each other, the performance of the trained model in the valida-
optimization method because this method has shown better perfor- tion session might be considerably superior to that in a general setup,
mance than the other wrapper methods (e.g., forward selection and where training and validation sessions are clearly independent. This
backward elimination methods), especially when the number of test performance overestimation due to the dependency between the train-
features is large as in the case of this study, by overcoming the limita- ing and validation sessions reduces the reliability of the test of general-
tions of the latter, such as high computational cost, long duration, and ization ability of the model [129,131].
stagnation in local optima in the case of the evolutionary computation
technique [119]. The parameters of the binary particle swarm opti- 5. Results
mization method were set following previous studies [120,122] that
have analyzed biosignals to understand different status of human body To test the performance of the classifiers and find the optimal win-
(population size: 30, maximum number of iterations: 100, cognitive dow length, the authors trained and validated multiple classifiers by
learning factor: 2, social learning factor: 2, maximum inertia weight: changing the window length from 10 s to 300 s in increments of 10 s.
0.9, minimum inertia weight: 0.4, and maximum velocity: 6). Fig. 4 displays the changes in the validation accuracy of the classifiers
with changes in window length. GSVM outperformed the other algo-
rithms across window lengths and at the maximum point of validation
4.4. Perceived risk classification
accuracy (GSVM: 0.812, KNN: 0.788, DT: 0.707, and BT: 0.771). This
result is consistent with those of previous studies on detecting the sym-
With the extracted and selected features, the authors trained classifi-
pathetic-arousal-inducing human responses by using physiological sig-
cation models to recognize the level of perceived risk by applying su-
nals [65,110,132]. Regardless of learning algorithms, the validation ac-
pervised learning algorithms. To select the appropriate supervised
curacy remains rather low (0.627–0.680) when the window length is
learning algorithms, the authors tested a wide range of algorithms (e.g.,
smaller than 60 s. Then, it gradually increases as the window length in-
linear, quadratic, and Gaussian discriminant analysis; logistic regres-
creases up to 210 s, which is the maximum point of validation accu-
sion; Gaussian naïve Bayes; and linear, quadratic, and cubic support
racy. After the maximum point, the validation accuracy decreases
vector machine) on 25% of the entire dataset and compared their per-

B.G. Lee et al. Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102824

Fig. 3. Comparison between 10-fold cross-validation with and without shuffling.

Table 4
Features selected by the binary particle swarm optimization.
Signal Feature Selected Features

EDA Time From EDL: Mean, Median, Maximum, Cumulative maximum,

Domain Cumulative minimum, Minimum-to-maximum, Peak-to-root
mean square
From EDR: Median, Cumulative maximum, Cumulative
minimum, Minimum-to-maximum, Peak-to-root mean square,
Integral, Normalized root mean square
Frequency From EDL: Mean frequency
Domain From EDR: Mean frequency,
PPG Time Cumulative maximum, Cumulative minimum, Kurtosis of PPG,
Domain Mean of rise time, Pulse height minimum, Pulse height
maximum, Standard deviation of NN Intervals, Root mean
square of the sequential differences of intervals, Proportion of
NN intervals over 20 ms
Frequency High-frequency power, Mean frequency of PPG
Fig. 4. Validation accuracy of the classifier for different window lengths. Domain
ST Time Mean, Standard deviation of ST
rapidly relative to its slow incline from 60 to 210 s. The highest valida- Domain
tion accuracy (0.812 with GSVM at 210 s) is comparable to the results
of other similar studies involving the detection of sympathetic-arousal- spectively. The precision of a class indicates the proportion of correctly
inducing human responses (e.g., stress) by using physiological signals classified data points in the total data points classified into the class.
[110,123,124]. Moreover, given that the authors applied a more rigor- The recall of a class refers to the proportion of correctly classified data
ous validation method (i.e., cross-validation without shuffling) than the points in the number of actual data points of the class. The trained clas-
traditional methods, this result can be more promising than those of the sifier has a higher precision for high perceived risk than that for low
previous studies. perceived risk and a lower recall for high perceived risk than that for
Tables 3 and 4 are the confusion matrix of the classification model low perceived risk. This means that the trained classifier is pickier when
trained with GSVM at the optimal window length (210 s) and the list of classifying data points under high perceived risk instead of low per-
the 29 features selected by the binary particle swarm optimization, re- ceived risk. Consequently, it classifies very few data points under high
perceived risk, but these points are mostly correctly classified.

Table 3 6. Discussion
Confusion matrix for distinguishing between low and high-stress levels.
Predicted Actual Risk Level Recent wearable biosensing technologies have the potential to con-
Risk Level tribute to construction safety because they can be used to assess con-
Low High Precision F-score struction workers' perceived risk levels during their work. However, the
lower sampling frequency and significant artifacts in the physiological
Low 0.425 0.113 0.790 0.819 signals collected using wearable biosensors in the field have limited
High 0.075 0.387 0.838 0.805
their application in construction sites. To address this gap, the authors
Recall 0.851 0.774 Accuracy = 0.812

B.G. Lee et al. Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102824

applied advanced signal processing and machine learning techniques in stress and physical exertion are phasic variables that change rapidly
conjunction with wearable biosensors to train and validate classifiers to even due to small external stimuli, such as sudden acoustic noises and
detect the level of perceived risk. The trained classifiers yielded an ac- physical load on hands, the long window length might not be able to
curacy of 0.812, which indicates that construction workers’ perceived capture their rapid fluctuations. By contrast, the level of perceived risk
risk levels during work can be detected using wearable biosensors. tends to be sustained for a certain duration, and it usually changes at a
The authors validated the classifiers by using the cross-validation slower pace than stress and physical exertion because workers' traits
method without shuffling. According to previous studies, the cross- can be considered static within a relatively short period (e.g., a day and
validation method without shuffling is considerably less accurate than a month) and the overall work conditions in construction contexts do
the traditional cross-validation method with shuffling for the same clas- not rapidly change in general. This coincides with the authors’ observa-
sifier, but the former has better validation performance in assessing the tions during data collection. Once the subjects started a task under a
generalization ability of the classifier when time-series data are used particular condition, they continued for at least a couple of minutes.
[129,131,133]. To examine the difference in validation accuracy be- However, this result does not necessarily mean that 210 s is a context-
tween the cross-validation methods with and without shuffling, the au- independent optimal window length for monitoring the perceived risk
thors validated the classifiers using both the cross-validation methods level. Different contexts (e.g., other manufacturing jobsites and sports)
by changing the window length. The results are shown in Fig. 5. The could have different optimal window lengths depending on their dis-
validation accuracy continuously increases with small fluctuations as tinct work conditions.
the window length increases, which differs significantly from the result Lastly, the authors trained the classifiers by using only one physio-
obtained with the cross-validation method without shuffling. This is not logical signal to investigate the usefulness of each signal for monitoring
reasonable because every task that involves detecting a status has an the perceived risk. Because ST alone is insufficient for understanding
optimal window length, which is determined based on the duration for sympathetic arousal, which is the underlying mechanism for monitor-
which the status is reflected in the signals and the frequency with which ing perceived risk by using physiological signals [65,135], only EDA
the status shows up [134]. This continuous increase in the validation and PPG were tested in this study. As a result, the performance of each
accuracy may be explained by the effect of overlap between the neigh- signal was comparable to the performance achieved when all the sig-
boring data points that occurs when a moving window is employed. The nals were used together (Fig. 6). This result is not consistent with those
authors observed 75% overlap in the moving window, which means if of previous studies, in which the accuracy was notably higher when
the window length was 100 s, the neighboring data points shared 75 s multiple physiological signals were used at once (e.g., EDA and PPG)
of signals. In this regard, as the window length increases, the length of than when one signal was used [65,125]. The results of previous studies
overlap between the neighboring data points increases as well, thus are supported by the fact that different physiological signals contain
raising the dependency between the data points. As mentioned earlier, noise from different sources based on the recording mechanisms used
the dependency between adjacent data points leads to overestimation and the related body organs [125]. Although a substantial amount of
of the performance of the tested classifiers. This result indicates that the noise was alleviated by the denoising process, residual noise can signifi-
traditional cross-validation method with shuffling can overestimate the cantly distort the signal in several time frames. Thus, dependence on
performance of the trained classifiers, especially when the indepen- one signal alone cannot guarantee the performance of the trained classi-
dence between neighboring data points is not guaranteed, as in the case fiers, whereas multiple signals can complement each other because it is
of time-series data. unlikely that different noise factors of multiple signals occur simultane-
The results of this study show that GSVM outperforms the other su- ously. By contrast, owing to the relatively long window length for de-
pervised learning algorithms in recognizing risk perception by using tecting the perceived risk, the effects of residual noise on each data
physiological signals. This might be because of the robust performance point can be minor in this study, even when using only one physiologi-
of GSVM in controlling the overfitting and outlier issues that are com- cal signal. Although several seconds of a signal are distorted by the
mon when using multiple physiological signals [110]. Moreover, 210 s residual noise not filtered out by the denoising process, the features ex-
was found to be the optimal window length for recognizing the level of tracted from the long window length might not be affected considerably
perceived risk when applying GSVM to physiological signals. This win- by the relatively minor distortion. This intersection between the num-
dow length is rather long given that the optimal length for the monitor- ber of signals and the window length is observed in Fig. 6. When the
ing of other psychophysiological variables, such as stress and physical window length is relatively short, shorter than 50 s, the models trained
exertion, is 10–30 s [65,132]. This notable difference in optimum win- using only one single signal (i.e., EDA or PPG) yield a notably lower val-
dow length compared to those of other psychophysiological variables idation accuracy than those trained using all the signals together.
might be ascribed to the fact that risk perception is a cognitive process Meanwhile, when the window length is longer than 50 s, the difference
determined by interaction between workers' traits (e.g., prior knowl- in validation accuracy between the models trained using only one sig-
edge and experience) and the overall working conditions. Because

Fig. 5. Comparison of validation accuracy between the 10-fold cross-validation

methods with and without shuffling. Fig. 6. Validation accuracy when using only EDA and PPG, separately.

B.G. Lee et al. Journal of Building Engineering 42 (2021) 102824

nal and those trained using all signals together is considerably smaller. ological signals acquired from wristband-type wearable biosensors. To
This implies that if the long window length is applied, the perceived achieve the objective, the authors developed and validated a supervised
risk can be successfully detected with only a reasonable unimodal wear- machine learning model by using a broad range of features extracted
able biosensor without the need for advanced multimodal sensors. from the physiological signals (i.e., PPG, EDA, and ST). The perfor-
In this study, the authors found that workers' perceived risk levels mance of the model was examined using more than 30 h worth of phys-
could be monitored even as they worked, through the combination of iological signals acquired from eight construction workers over the
wearable biosensing and advanced signal processing and machine course of their daily work. The developed GSVM model achieved a vali-
learning techniques. However, a couple of limitations also should be ac- dation accuracy of 81.2% in terms of distinguishing between low and
knowledged. First, the data collected in this study may not adequately high levels of perceived risk. The results indicate that the physiological
reflect the environmental variability (e.g., temperature, humidity, and signals collected from wearable biosensors can feasibly be used e to rec-
radiation) because the data collection process lasted only two days. ognize construction workers' perceived risk levels during work. This
Give that environmental variability is essential to generalize the trained study contributes to the literature by providing a new means of continu-
model, especially in the construction context where people work under ous, objective, and non-invasive monitoring of construction workers'
diverse environmental conditions, future studies should adequately in- perceived risk levels. Given the limitations of previous methods to mea-
corporate environmental variability in the data collection process. sure workers' perceived risk levels, the proposed method extends our
Moreover, owing to the individuals' uniqueness in terms of their physio- understanding of construction workers' perceived risk at construction
logical response, the proposed risk perception recognition method sites. Continuous measurement of construction workers' perceived risk
could be subject-dependent. However, this study attempted to collect could provide valuable information for improving construction safety
data in naturalistic work environments in construction projects. The management practices. Although the recognition of workers' perceived
data were collected from diverse types of workers in terms of trade, risk levels may not help identify all potential hazards at construction
field experience, age, etc., to extend the generalizability of the results. sites, it would be useful for identifying immediate and substantial haz-
The demographic variables of subjects did not show any significant re- ards encountered by workers during work. Safety managers will be able
lationship with the proportion of high-risk activities and the patterns of to localize hazardous activities by integrating workers' perceived risk
physiological signals, implying that the demographic characteristics of levels and location information. This will help the safety managers to
each participant may not reduce the significance of the results of this determine the priority of on-site safety supervision in large construction
study. However, since workers' personal characteristics other than the sites. Furthermore, the integration of workers' perceived risk levels with
demographic characteristics (e.g., psychological and physiological other information, such as location, types of activities, age, and gender,
traits) can induce individual variability in their physiological responses will be helpful for characterizing various hazards in construction pro-
to a perceived risk, it is important for future studies to apply advanced jects.
transfer learning algorithms to computationally buffer individual dif-
ferences in physiological responses, thereby improving the generaliz- CREdiT author statement
ability of the model. Finally, the labeling methods applied in this study
may be limited in fully measuring a worker's subjective assessment of Gaang Lee: Formal analysis, Writing-Original draft preparation,
risk at each moment. It is possible that a worker may not show signifi- Byungjoo Choi: Conceptualization, Data curation, Writing-Original
cant changes in the patterns of physiological signals in high-risk activi- draft preparation, Houtan Jebelli: Data curation, Writing-Reviewing
ties if he/she is used to working in high-risk situations. Surveys or inter- and Editing, SangHyun Lee: Conceptualization, Supervision, Writing-
views regarding a worker's subjective assessment of the risk levels of Reviewing and Editing.
his/her activities can be a data collection method to study the effects of
adaptation on perceived risk. However, it is impractical to record each Declaration of competing interest
worker's subjective assessment of the risk level at every second. Addi-
tionally, a subjective assessment of the risks may not be capable of cap- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
turing the response of System 1 (i.e., immediate and automatic re- interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
sponse), which is the main focus of this study. Furthermore, a self- ence the work reported in this paper.
reported data collection method may be vulnerable to various biases
such as courtesy bias, demand characteristics, and social desirability Acknowledgement
bias. The ultimate goal of this study is to identify the risk levels that
each worker experiences using physiological signals acquired from This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of
wearable biosensors. This study applied the concept of perceived risk to Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No.
link the physiological signals and the risk levels of the activities. In this 2020R1G1A1004797). The authors wish to thank their industry part-
sense, this study focuses more on labeling the risk levels of worker ac- ners for their help in data collection, as well as anonymous participants
tivities by a third party rather than asking the workers for their subjec- who participated in the data collection.
tive assessment of the risk levels. The study employed two independent
construction experts to assess the risk levels of the activities to acquire References
more reliable data labels. The results of the calculation to determine in-
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