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Some people with a good education and experience in their field

decide to move abroad to work. Why do you think that is? What
problems does this cause?
Employment opportunities are the most common reason why people
migrate. Except this, low income and poor working conditions force
people to move abroad for work. I believe that employment based on
migration offers higher living standards and brighter prospects for the
future. Unfortunately, it leads to huge economic problems for the country
people which leave.
First of all, the benefits of moving and living abroad are based on
personal growth and professional development. According to the study,
people who have lived abroad are happier and satisfied with their lives.
The decision of moving abroad demonstrates independence, motivation,
maturity, responsibility and the ability to make decisions and adapt
to changes.
The second reason is that working abroad would offer them to raise their
children better. Therefore, their children will have plenty benefits: good
education and more working opportunities in the future. As a result, their
families enjoy a better life and monthly salary would be improved,
especially for those who were living in developing countries.
However, for some people, moving abroad is a necessity, while for others
it is a choice. In Europe, around 50 million people have migrated for a
better quality of life. Things are developing quickly, economies are
changing and people have become more decisive. Some local companies
aim to provide superior working conditions for their employees. But these
work places are not enough to satisfy every single employee in the
country. As well, people of working age move out reducing the size of the
country's potential workforce. It cause such a phenomenon as brain drain.
In conclusion I would like to say that moving abroad is becoming more
and more popular and has plenty benefits. Also, it leads to brain drain in
the country and causes lots of issues for people who stay. 298 words

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