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Topic 1: Some Vietnamese students study abroad and never return to

work in their home country. What are the reasons for this? What can be
done to attract oversea students to their home country?
In this day and age, the fact that many Vietnamese students decide to stay in foreign
countries where they have studied rather than return home has aroused controversy among
Vietnamese people. According to reports in 'International Graduates Returning to Vietnam:
Experiences of the Local Economies, Universities and Communities', about 60,8% of
students who study abroad want to stay in the country they are learning and have no
intention of returning to Viet Nam. So what are the reasons for this problem and what can
be done to avoid brain drain and make oversea students come back and dedicate for their
home country ?
From my point of view, there are many reasons that make students never return and work
in their home country. The first explanation for this problem is that they want to have a
proper job. If they return to their country, it may be really difficult for them to get a high-
salary job. Because we must admit one fact that in Viet Nam, knowledge and experience are
not enough to get a good job. In some cases, it may depend on social relationships and
sometimes, money. Second, when returning to Viet Nam, it is very difficult for students to
apply the skills, knowledge and experience that they learn into the socio-economic
backgrounds in Viet Nam. For instance, according to some surveys, when oversea students
come back to Viet Nam, they often work in foreign multinational corporations. However,
branches of these corporations in Viet Nam often do not have the Research and
Development or R&D sector but focus on producing, marketing and supply chain
management. As a result, the academic knowledge they learn becomes unsuitable.
Facing this problem, what should we do to have the foreign students’ attention and make
them dedicate for their country? The first solution for this problem depends a lot on the
government. If Viet Nam want to use oversea students’ skills and knowledges, policies
should be designed to encourage domestic companies to receive the returning students.
Because these companies are the only place where we can find the R&D sector. So that only
working for these corporations, knowledge and skills they learn while they were oversea can
become useful. Second, this solution depends on students. Each students must know that
they must fulfill their responsibilities to their home country – where they were born and
grew up. Besides, they can also realize the fact that there are more dangers in other
countries than in Viet Nam. Taking the COVID-19 pandemic for example, many oversea
students have to return to Viet Nam due to the poor treating process in other countries.
Only that they realize the value of staying in Viet Nam.
In conclusion, I think that there are many reasons why oversea students do not come back
and work in Viet Nam. And the utmost thing we must do right now is to bring the above-
mentioned solutions into force. So that we can have the students’ attention and develop the
Viet Nam economy.
Topic 2: Some people say that going to university is the best way to
succeed in life. Do you agree with this opinion?
In this day and age, when it comes to higher education, some people believe that going to
university is the best way to succeed in life. We can not deny the benefits that universities
bring to our future life. But from my point of view, I do not think that getting higher
education is a suitable way for everyone to achieve success in life.
On the one hand, it is undeniable that higher education can help us a lot in our future life.
The first advantage I want to mention is that learning at universities can increase the
possibility to have a good job. A plenty of employers might ask for high academic
qualifications from people applying for some professional jobs. For many high-paying jobs
such as statisticians, economists, and medical jobs, master’s degree is one of the most vital
requirements. Second, in the 21st century, the job market has been more and more
competitive. And a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in your resumé can be a huge
advantage compared to other applicants. Employers would prefer a person who has an
adequate amount of knowledge to work efficiently with less training time.
On the other hand, there are many reasons existing to prove that there are more than one
way to become successful in life. The first reason is that get a job straight after school may
be considered a good option. In fact, many students in Western countries tend to find a job
after high school to afford their living. Moreover, people who choose to start their career
early instead of going to university or college can have more opportunities to gain real
experience and learn exclusive skills for their jobs. Therefore, this may bring out a good
chance of getting promoted to higher positions such as managers or executives. Second, not
everyone can afford for universities’ fee. According to some reports, it may take students 10
to 15 years to pay for the amount of money they owe the bank in order to pay for their
schools’ bills. And some people have to spend their whole life to pay that debt. So going to
universities might not be the best option.
In conclusion, I think that there is more than one way to succeed in life. Besides going to
universities, we can also have many different way to become successful.
Topic 3: Some students tend to pursue disciplines that are that are
trendy. Others choose what they like. Which is more advisable. Discuss
and give your own opinion.
In the 21st century, when it comes to the job market, some students say that they tend to
pursue disciplines that are trendy. However, there are also some students who choose what
they like and follow there dream. In my following presentation, I will discuss both
viewpoints and give my personal opinion as well.
On the one hand, we can not deny that following trendy jobs also brings many benefits. The
first benefit I want to mention is that trendy jobs may offer people with high salary. It is a
fact that popular disciplines are the jobs that can guarantee them high job prospect and
salary. In this day and age, money and profit is the thing everyone desire as they make their
life comfortable and convenient. Secondly, trendy disciplines can give people social
standing. There are some disciplines that have been held in high regard. So pursuing them
can boost their social status and they can come off as an intellectual. As a result, many
students try their best to learn and gain experiences to follow these jobs.
Despite the above reasons, I think that it is much better to do what they like instead of
doing what people like. First, when they are given the liberty to choose what they like, it will
create motivation to work and study. It will be more of a blessing than a burden. When
doing it, people won’t feel tired and they will work with their potential. As a result, the
result will be much better. The second reason is that dream job will bring people with
happiness and satisfaction. Life is more than making alive. Life has to have meaning. When
pursuing your desired profession, you will be more invulnerable to stress and pressure
which is a thing that doing trendy jobs can not do.
In conclusion, I think that instead of doing what people like, we should know what is the
best for us and do it instead of following trends.

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