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Below are some of the career paths (the ultimate list) to expand the network further:

 Financial Officer along with Financial Manager

Financial officer help to manage the finances of an organisation by keeping track of its revenue and controlling its expenses.
On the other hand, financial manager is responsible for the financial health of an organization by developing plans for the
financial goals of their organization.

 Financial Advisor along with Financial Consultant

A  financial advisor  is a professional who provides expertise for clients' decisions around money matters, personal finances,
and investments to reach their financial goals. On the other hand, a  financial consultant is a professional who helps clients
create a financial plan for their overall financial well-being.

 FinTech Developer (with the know-how of IT Network Technician & IT Technical Support Officer)
FinTech developer is a professional responsible for creating the complex computer programs or applications that
drive  financial  systems in the  finance industry.

 Accountant
Accountant is a professional who is responsible for keeping and interpreting financial records.

 Entrepreneur
Entrepreneur is someone who develops an enterprise around an innovation.

 Financial Expert/Enthusiast (Above All)

The term 'financial expert' is sometimes used as a catch-all covering a number of niche professionals in finance. The
opportunities or possibilities with finance and what one can do as a financial expert are nearly limitless.

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