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CRITERION B: INVESTIGATING B Name: Nuha, Lily, Julia and Dafne

Aim: investigate how a particular trait affects someone’s lung volume.

Research Question:
Use the aim to formulate a research question. Use our previous brainstorming sessions and your
independent variable research to come up with what you want to research/Test.

Describe what you think will happen in this experiment (explain your hypothesis). You should use sources to
back up your argument with a scientific explanation. It can be written in a format like: “If I
(increase/decrease) my (independent variable), the (dependent variable) will (increase/decrease), because
(reasons with information and citation of sources).

Which variable is the independent one?

Which variable is the dependent one?

Suggest the variables you would need to keep constant to make this a fair test.
Include a list to show your:
*Measuring instruments


You will need to devise a method to answer your research question. The key features included must:
a) Explain in detail how you will measure the independent variable precisely (make a reliable test).

b) Explain in detail how you will measure the dependent variable precisely (make a reliable test).

c) Explain how you have controlled the other variables (made a fair test).
d) Explain how you changed the independent variable to collect sufficient and relevant data.

e) Explain how you have made the experiment safe.

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