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01. high on (something)

very excited about or thrilled by something
-> I'm thrilled that the boss seems high on my idea for this year's charity auction.
02. pumped
very enthusiastic or excited (informal)
-> The team came out really pumped up.
03. regimented
very strictly organized or controlled
-> The regimented life of a long-term prisoner.
04. blunder
a stupid or careless mistake
-> She stopped, finally aware of the terrible blunder she had made.
make a stupid or careless mistake; act or speak clumsily
-> The mayor and the City Council have blundered in an ill-advised campaign.
05. radio silence
an absence of or abstention from radio transmission
-> At midnight, the enemy went on total radio silence.
* abstention: the act of not allowing yourself to have or do something fun or something that is
considered bad
06. keep a close eye/watch on sb/sth
If you keep a close eye on someone or something or keep a close watch on them, you observe them
carefully to make sure they are progressing as you want them to.
-> The President's foreign policy team are keeping a close eye on events.
07. keep tabs on sb/sth
to watch something or someone carefully
-> I like to keep tabs on my bank account so that I don't spend too much.
08. catalyst
a substance that makes a chemical reaction happen faster without being changed itself
-> Chlorine will act as a catalyst.
a person or thing that causes a change
09. bullheaded
determined in an obstinate and unthinking way
-> A bullheaded belief that she is right.
10. seer
a person who is supposed to be able, through supernatural insight, to see what the future holds
-> A seer had foretold that the earl would assume the throne.
a person who sees something specified (archaic - very old or old-fashioned)
-> He is a seer of the future.
11. relocate
move to a new place and establish one's home or business there
-> Distribution staff will be relocated to Holland.
12. formulate
create or devise methodically (a strategy or a proposal)
-> Economists and statisticians were needed to help formulate economic policy.
13. presume
suppose that something is the case on the basis of probability
-> I presumed that the man had been escorted from the building.
be audacious enough to do something
-> Kindly don't presume to issue me orders in my own house.
14. commitment
an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action
-> business commitments
15. sovereign
free to govern itself; completely independent
-> A sovereign state
16. fanatical
holding, expressing or connected with extreme or dangerous opinions
-> fanatical anti-royalists
17. be torn between
to be or feel equally compelled to choose between two different people, things, or actions
-> I'm torn between the red dress and the blue one - which do you think looks better on me?
18. commensurate
corresponding in size or degree; in proportion
-> Salary will be commensurate with experience.
19. beat oneself up
to be overly critical of one's behavior or actions; to punish oneself with guilt and remorse over past
-> Oh, honey, I know you're upset about failing the driver's license test, but try not to beat yourself up
too much.
20. credential
a qualification, achievement, personal quality, or aspect of a person's background, typically when used
to indicate that they are suitable for something
-> Recruitment is based mainly on academic credentials.
21. encapsulate
express the essential features of (something) succinctly (ngắn gọc, súc tích)
-> The conclusion is encapsulated in one sentence.
22. peep
to secretly look at something for a short time, usually through a hole
-> I saw her peeping through the curtains/into the room.
23. humdrum
lacking excitement or variety; dull; monotonous
-> humdrum routine work
24. recuperative
having the effect of restoring health or strength
-> the body's recuperative powers
25. feline
relating to or affecting cats or other members of the cat family
-> feline leukemia
26. euthanize
put (a living being, especially a dog or cat) to death humanely - North American
-> Older dogs may find loving homes instead of being euthanized.
27. in the wrong
responsible for something bad
-> We had a green light, so she was clearly in the wrong when she hit us.
28. babe in the woods
a person who is gullible, naïve, or lacks experience in a specific situation
-> Although Jane had always excelled in school, she felt like a babe in the woods when she began
attending college.
29. by dint of (something)
due to something
-> By dint of hard work, I was able to get an A in my math class this semester.
30. malpractice
improper, illegal, or negligent professional activity or treatment, especially by a medical practitioner,
lawyer, or public official
victims of medical malpractice
31. uninhibited
expressing one's feelings or thoughts unselfconsciously and without restraint
-> fits of uninhibited laughter
32. glued to
to use glue to adhere something to something else
-> Have you glued those pictures to the poster yet?
following or staying very close to someone, especially in an annoying or clingy way
-> We thought Sarah would love the freedom of running around the beach on her own, but she's been
glued to us all day.
giving something one's complete attention, and ignoring everything else
-> He's been glued to that book for the entire camping trip. I wish he would take a break and enjoy the
33. gaggle
a flock of geese
a disorderly or noisy group of people (informal)
-> The gaggle of reporters and photographers that dogged his every step.
34. normalcy
the state or fact of being normal a return to normal
-> normalcy after war
35. prowess
skill or expertise in a particular activity or field
-> His prowess as a fisherman.
bravery in battle
-> The hereditary nobility had no monopoly of skill and prowess in war.
36. spangly
covered with beads or jewels or sequins
37. drudgery
hard menial or dull work
-> domestic drudgery
38. disengage
separate or release (someone or something) from something to which they are attached or connected
-> I disengaged his hand from mine.

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