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Introduction: Hello guys, I’m doing a chemical experiement, I exactly have a passion for chemistry and i

love exploring how substances react. Something you should know about me is that My name is Anh Thu
and now I’m 14 years old, I’m currently a student at Vaschool. In the future, i want to study in science
sector.hmmm, Do you want to see the next member of our team. I’m sure you will like her.

Enounce: we don’t even need to think about that. Give your friends some money and they will be your
best friends forever .more money is more long-lasting friendship.

Situation1 : WELL, in the video these two seem to have a trust problem on together and that is the cause
of the ruin in their friendship. In my perspective, They should consider straight before convicting some
one. Especially in a relationship TRUST is really important. being open and honest with your friends.
Then, you can work out the issue together. Sometimes you have to put your self in your friend’s shoes as
if you can do that you will understand your friend more and build closer, more-sustaining bond.

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