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FAQ, Lore and World building.

Feel free to check our Lore document! And the info on our world!

What are the general rules on trainers?

● Your trainer must be human.
● They must be aged over ten at least, any younger and they will not be considered a
● Any animal or Pokémon features (ears, tails or wings) must be stated as worn
● Try not to break the lore of the group with your trainer and ranch- no magic, no super
advanced tech, no supernatural powers, no psychic abilities.
● They can have slight mutations given the post apocalyptic setting (see section below
for examples of what’s acceptable)

● If in doubt, ask in questions beforehand or pop them in the design check!

(Design check is not mandatory for trainers but if you feel something is a bit
iffy with them pop them in and we can have a look)

Can my trainer have mutations or disabilities?

With mutation we accept any real world minor genetic mutation, provided you portray them

A general rule of thumb is that if it is a known medical mutation that you can provide us with
evidence of, we'll allow. Things like Heterochromia, albinism, slit pupils, enhanced dark
vision (like cats eyes), pronounced canines, faster keratin (hair, nail) growth, pointed ears,
webbed fingers, a subcutaneous or cutaneous horn, vitiligo, etc are all acceptable.

But high fantasy-esque traits (tails, wings, hooves, full horns, magic, psychic powers, curses)
will not pass, as they're not in keeping with the setting. Remember this is pokemon meets
the Fallout universe essentially.

With disabilities we ask that you please be considerate and respectful with how they are
portrayed. Please do a bit of research into and portray it with some grounds of realism.
Thank you.

Can my trainer be a Ghoul?

What’s an apocalyptic-falllout inspired setting without ghouls!
Within the group, yes we would allow for ghoul trainers. They can look any end of the visual
ghoulifcation scale from the games (such as the more “clean” looking ones from Fallout 4
with the heavy scarring and missing soft squishy bits -noses, ears).

From a lore perspective It would be that they have unnatural longevity, resistance to
radiation but run the risk of eventually going feral after periods of prolonged exposure. They
will have to keep an eye on their radiation exposure and levels or run the risk of further
degradation of their bodies and possible organ shutdown.

Feral ghouls and glowing ones are a big no-no as the trainer would essentially have lost their
humanity and be naught more than a beast.

Note- any gory or graphic details must be spoiler/warning marked correctly when illustrating
or writing them.

How many trainers can I have? Can I make my own NPCs/supporting

characters for a main trainer?
You are free to have as many trainers and ranches as you want (they will all be under your
one inventory for ease of management). You can establish a full family tree of characters or
just have a bunch of completely separate characters.

You are free to denote one as your main and the rest as npcs or actively use all of them as
your active rainers if you so choose.

Any NPCs should still follow the general rules for trainers.

What sort of jobs can my trainer(s) have? Are they limited to working with the
blue moon faction?
No absolutely not, Your trainer can work pretty much as whatever they please:
Farmer, rancher, scavenger, hired gun, tinkerer, pokemon breeder, explorer, body guard,
scientist, researcher, professional battler, professional racer, engineer, builder, medic,
doctor, Pokémon veterinarian, trader, cook, blacksmith, leather smith, teacher.

Can go from a typical post apocalyptic themed job or just a normal everyday job.

They do not have to follow the Blue Moon and can be their own thing entirely if you wish.
Occasionally a Lunatone may turn up as the boss is asking for help.
The main other factions on offer are the Blood Moons and Wastelander faction the Junkers.

Can I make a character that’s not a Blue Moon follower?

● Of course, you do not necessarily have to have your character follow Cresselia (or
agree with the beliefs around them).
● We encourage you to explore colourful characters to serve as your trainers in the
group. We have many trainers who are simply wastelanders trying to get by or those
with other occupations (i.e. scientists, racers, bounty/treasure hunters, doctors) that
are always welcomed.

Does my trainer's or my Pokémon's home have to be a ranch?

Ranch is just the colloquial term used in the group to describe “where your trainer and their
Pokémon park their butts and rest their heads at the end of the day” it can be a proper post
apocalyptic farmstead, a cabin in the woods, a disused abandoned mall, a series of
underground caverns, a mountain range, an underground bunker or lab, ruins of a theme
park etc.

Within reason/not conflicting with lore you are free to set up a homestead as you please.

Can my trainer have Pokémon types or use Pokémon attacks?

● This would fall into more a magic element idea and as magic is not in this group's
setting that would be a no.
● Your trainer can have types they are affiliated with because they like the Pokémon,
but they cannot have power of or use attacks from those types.

Can a trainer be adopted by a group of wild pokemon and coexist with them?

In regards to being looked after and coexisting with groups of Pokémon absolutely yes you

The social difficulties interacting with and understanding other humans that would come as a
result are fine but your trainer wouldn’t end up “animalistic” like Tarzan or Mowgli from jungle

The base lore rule about talking to the Pokémon also applies.

Can my Pokémon talk to their trainer directly?

Only Legendary Pokémon and psychic type Pokémon can communicate directly to their
trainer or open links to allow other Pokémon to communicate.

This applies to all Psychic type pokemon not just those with the ability telepathy. They can
merely connect directly to their Trainer’s minds when they feel like it.

They can also be used as mood readers, mental well-being checkers etc.

If they can’t talk to them can my trainer understand their Pokémon?

They would be able to understand their pokemon like people can with their pets. How one
can understand how their dog or cat may be feeling from looking at them and listening to

You can read the body language and perhaps the tone of their vocalisations. But you will not
know exactly what they want all the time.

Can my trainer be related to or a descendant of a canon Pokémon character?

● Given that it has been a couple of hundred years since the mainlne games. Almost
all the characters are pretty much long gone.
● You can have a hint of “possibly related” or “likes to think they are but they have no
proof” in the design and background of the character but it's best to avoid obvious
links to canon Pokémon characters/use their designs.

Can my trainer be resistant to Pokémon types/attacks?

● Humans regardless of radiation are still very much squishy and vulnerable. They may
be a bit more resilient to bites or scratches or bumps or knocks but as soon as a
Pokémon hits them with flamethrower or thundershock or poison powder it’s going to
potentially seriously harm or kill them.

What does the wasteland, the safe zones and the irradiated zone look like? Are
there any references to its appearance?
A go to reference to explain how the wasteland and the locations within it look is like the
game Fallout (mainly 3, New Vegas and 4).

The towns, cities are in ruin, almost all of the greenery is dead, water sources are not safe
for drinking. Any towns that are inhabited are like ramshackle put togethers from scrap or
buildings that have been made “secure” and habitable- not all of the wasteland is irradiated.

The irradiated zone is the same but basked in the sickly green glow of radiation in the air,
most of the buildings are completely flattened or husks and this is all only in the immediate
fallout zone (similar to the glowing sea from fallout 4).

The purified zones have (thanks to the efforts of Cresselia) greenery, life and a sense of
normality returned to them. There is plant life, grass, trees etc. The waters and air are
clearer. Settlements in them usually are made from natural resources and look more rustic.

I see mentions of “Cecil” and “Derek”? Who are they?

● Cecil is nickname given to Cresselia by some of the longer standing messengers.
Cresselia is never very pleased if they are referred to with such a title. They find it
beneath them and insulting.

● Derek is the nickname Darkrai gave themselves. After hearing the humans called
Cresselia Cecil (and that nickname irritated the Blue moon so) liked the idea of a
friendly open way to be addressed.

(Outside of the lore Cecil and Derek are joke nicknames the mod team has established for
Cresselia and Darkrai, you are free to use them when you refer to the two as well!)

Can I feature or reference Arceus, Cresselia or Darkrai in my stories?

● Cresselia yes, Darkrai yes & Arceus not physically.

Arceus themselves are not a present being within our world (physically) so you cannot
directly interact with them, however your character may worship them or reference them in
speech, same for the other legendaries.
Cresselia themselves can be communicated with and visited in their cavern if you wish.
Cresselia is a fickle beast and may merely answer any questions in riddles or speak rather
argumentatively, bluntly and flatly to those who visit.

They often visit blue moon pokemon or trainer’s in their dreams. But they themselves rarely
leave their cavern (They are more likely to send Lunatone out to commune with trainers in
At present Cecil is in mourning and hasn’t been seen or heard from for a some time.

Darkrai can be physically communicated with, (they do enjoy getting letters), however most
folk are incredibly wary and distrusting of them since the cold moon. Darkrai is also a tad
busy with rebuilding and rebranding their faction at the moment so may not have time to

They can both choose to communicate mentally to folk through dreams and nightmares if
there is something of grave important they wish to discuss.

What kind of technology exists now?

The vast majority of pre-eclipse tech no longer works at all. There are no working powered
vehicles (cars, motorbikes etc.). You’d be very lucky to find a working Pokémon centre
terminal or PC and those that do work are heavily guarded now given how valuable those
pieces of tech are.

Larger inhabited settlements (towns, villages), or properties that were better protected from
fallout may still have working lights, full working kitchen appliances, facilities. Pokeballs still
function, as long as the tag inside is undamaged and still able to be registered via a working
pc which most of the shops that actually stock pokeballs will still have up and running.

Most pre-eclipse tech (even non-working) is considered valuable scrap salvage with parts
and components that would be better to serve in restoring old Pokémon centre terminals, or
things to restore comfort of living.

Small handhelds like Pokédexs, Sylph co’s Dexboy, Gameboys and maybe radios or
Tape/CD players can often be found and repaired to a pre-eclipse standard of working
condition. Some trainers have even encouraged rotom to live in small devices.

Won’t Cresselia be mad if I own Blood Moon Pokemon?

● They may wrinkle their snout at your choice to taint their perfect blue moon creations,
but no overall they aren’t really fussed.

I see the “cold moon” mentioned a lot in the lore? What happened during it?
The cold moon was the end of the Cresselia vs Darkrai arc in the group’s lore.
899503895 (the event journal contains the full story details of what occurred)
The conflict has since been resolved (by Arceus stepping in) that faithful day, whilst there
are still tensions both groups are trying to slowly rebuild and amend what happened. Darkrai
is trying their best to atone and provide assistance and technologies, whereas Cresselia is
locked in a state of grief and mourning.

What happened to the other Legendaries/how do legendaries work here?

Arceus shielded most of the legendaries in his own space between worlds as the chaos and
destruction reigned on the Pokémon world beneath. Some did however choose to stay and
hid themselves away for safety, Kyogre and Groudon being the notable examples of that.

The actual legendaries may or may not be slowly coming out of hiding as the world slowly
becomes pure again.

The legendaries people can own, breed are fragments of the actual genuine legendaries
themselves. Think of them as lesser versions which is why they are able to posses traits,
breed and are generally smaller.

With the aftermath of the eclipse and the nuclear fallout what has happened to
the plant life? Has it all died off?
● not all of them died out as Cresselia did have to preserve samples of plant matter to
help start the world anew. Some humans as well- ones that were in vaults/bunkers-
would also have seeds, saplings stocked and stored for preservation too.

Why are there so many traits now when there were only shinies once?
● Years of living in a climate where radiation is rich have caused a lot of pokemon
genetics to become more quickly adaptable to the harsh conditions allowing larger
breeding pools, direct mixing of species, advanced variation and blending or
enhancing of types.

What are the exclusives?

● The exclusives are a separate subspecies of Pokémon that seem to posses
enhanced thematic variation often portraying a specific role, theme or event. They do
not have ties to Darkrai or Cresselia. They were often specially bred in the world prior
as expensive or fancy designer Pokémon.

How irradiated are humans and Pokemon that live on the wastelands?
Humans vary widely depending on which generation they are from. Generation 3
wastelanders are the most recent and show fewer extreme signs of radiation affecting their
physiology but show off more subtle traits (e.g. sharper teeth, slit pupils, faster keratin
growth for nails, stockier more muscular build).

It also varies depending on how much radiation a wastelander has been exposed to over
their lifespan. Somebody who lives further out into the wastes will have a higher natural
exposure than somebody who lives in the purified zones.
Pokemon are overall for the most part relatively fine…. Apart from the ones that aren’t. But
they stay within the irradiated zones way off in the wasteland (and are incredibly dangerous)
…. They are something to be discussed another time.

Can I live a normal life away from all this conflict?

● Of course, the main areas where conflict would be a possible frequent occurrence
are out in the wasteland and into the irradiated zones. Purified zones are conflict free
and safe, the wasteland towns and cities are also (for the most part) conflict free and
fairly safe.

Is there lore on how Poffins work?

Poffin making is an old culinary art from days before the eclipse & there are folk who still
know/have passed down how to make poffins out there. Regular pastry Poffins are also still
out there and available to be made, patissiers who make the regular Poffins are more easy
to come by than those who make specialised trait granting Poffins.

It does require a hefty amount of berries and other unusual materials (the recipe for Sparkle
Poffins is said to contain 1000 glitter berries) for specific blends and specific mixed species
the Poffins require material from those species.

The way Poffin use works is that your Pokémon would eat the poffin and the effects would
start occurring shortly after- like how touching an evolutionary stone works in the games (the
evo starts as soon as the stone is presented to the Pokémon). You can interpret it as
painless or rather painful process.

1 Amendments:
24/04- Added question on No of trainers allowed, NPC trainers, What is meant by ranches,
lore on Poffins.

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