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Module #5 Assignment


1) Explain 5 differences between the education system from your country VS the US
Education System

2) Explain 3 similarities between the two systems


1)      Here in Peru, the education system about the number of people in a class is on
average of 15 students, but not 100 students in any class like in the USA.

Another difference is that in the education system of my country we don’t have a

teaching assistant in every class as it is in a US classroom. 

From my point of view, a difference between the education system of my country VS

the Us Education is that in some classes the teachers don’t have a lot of engagement
techniques with the students because some people learn differently, some people need
activities, some people need discussions, etc. 

The space of the classroom is another difference, we don't have an enormous class
like the US Education System that is prepared to have 100 students.

In my university, normally the maximum number of students in a class is 20 or 25, this

is different from the US Education System because they have classes of more than 50,
60, and 70.

2)      You can’t be out of time in a class unless you have an emergency. I think that both
education systems allow this only if the student had a real emergency and issue.

Furthermore, another similarity is the Academic Integrity about cheating, plagiarism. In

my country, if you copy anything from a book or research article you will have issues
with the university.

The education system here about communication with teachers is great. We can email
them, talk with them, even if we need to ask something or we don’t understand
something about the class. This is another similarity with the US Education System. I
think that in both education systems students have a good relationship with their

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