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A Traditional Native American Legend

A long time ago, the colors of the world were arguing. Each claimed that it was the best, the most
beautiful, the most important, the most useful, and the favorite color of most people.

Green said, “Look at the grass and the leaves. You

can see that I am the most important color. I am
the color of life and of hope. I am everywhere”.

Blue exclaimed, “Look at the sky and the sea! Water is the basis of all life and
without me there could not be blue skies.”

Yellow interrupted and said, “I am bright and warm.

Every time you look at a yellow sunflower, you smile. The sun, the moon and the
stars are all yellow. The day couldn’t start and end without me.”

Orange said, “I am the color of good food that brings health and
strength. Carrots, oranges, and pumpkins have valuable vitamins.”

Red shouted, “I am the ruler of all life. Blood is red and blood is life. I am the color
of love as you see in the red rose and other beautiful flowers.”

Purple exclaimed, “I am the color of royalty and kings. Powerful people have always chosen
me because I am the color of authority and wisdom.”

At last, Indigo spoke, “You can hardly notice me, but you need me for balance and contrast,
and for inner peace.”

The arguing continued, each color was sure to be the best. Suddenly, it started to rain.
The colors were scared because of the thunders and they huddled together for

Then the rain said, “You, colors, are so foolish. You are fighting about who is the best.
Don’t you understand that each of you is unique and different? Join hands and
follow me.”

The rain continued talking, “From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch
out across the sky in a great arch of color. The rainbow will be a sign of peace
and hope.” Since then, the colors live happily.

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