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Problem A. Weak interactions: past and present...

In the spontaneously broken Glashow-Weinberg-Salam (GWS) theory of electroweak

interactions two massive gauge bosons, W + and Z 0, are the carriers of the weak
force. Let us consider the W induced decay  ! e e . In the GWS theory the
interaction terms relevant for this process are given by
LGW S = 2pg 2 W +[ (1 5) + e (1 5)e] + h:c:
where g is the weak coupling.
In the old Fermi theory of the weak interactions the amplitude for the decay
 ! e e was described by the lagrangian
LF = pG2 ( (1 5))(e (1 5)e)
where G is the Fermi coupling.

1. What are the dimensions of g and G respectively? Given that in momentum

space the W + propagator has the form iA =(q2 m2W + i), where q is the
momentum transferred by the gauge boson, write the form of the tree level
contribution to the amplitude A( ! e e) in the GSW theory in the
unitary gauge (A = g q q =m2W ).
2. Take the zero momentum limit (q2=m2W ! 0, me=mW ! 0) of the previous
result. By comparing the e ective amplitude obtained from the GWS theory
with that of the Fermi theory relate the Fermi constant G to mW . Assuming
g = O(1), what is the order of magnitude of mW (take G = 10 5mp 2 , where
mp is the proton mass)? What are the tipical distances probed by the weak
3. Reconsider question 1) using the Feynman gauge for the gauge boson prop-
agator (A = g ). Should the amplitude depend on the choice of gauge?
Which of the two results do you believe should be trusted? Can you argue
why they are di erent? (Hint: think about the role of transverse and longi-
tudinal components of the massive vector eld in your calculation, and about
the physical and unphysical bosons appearing in the GWS theory).
Problem B. Lagrangian Description of Scalar Particles
Consider two real scalar elds '1 and '2 with Lagrangian

L = 21 @ '1 @  '1 + 12 @ '2 @  '2 + b @'1 @  '2 21 a1 '21 12 a2'22 a12'1 '2 : (1)
1) Find a transformation '1 = '1 (1 ; 2), '2 = '2 (1 ; 2) which brings the Lagrangian
to the form
L = 12 @ 1 @  1 + 21 @ 2 @  2 12 A1 21 21 A2 22 A121 2 : (2)
Does the transformation exist for all values of the parameter b? Is it unique?
2) Depending on the value of b, how many propagating particles are described by the
Lagrangian (1)? What are the masses of the particles described by the Lagrangian
(2) when A1 = A2 = 32 M 2 and A12 = 12 M 2?
3) What is the symmetry group of the Lagrangian (2) with the above values of A1, A2
and A12 ? What is the symmetry group of the Lagrangian (2) when A1 = A2 = M 2
and A12 = 0?

Problem C. Extimate of Ground State Energy in Quantum Mechanics
Exact results in Physics are quite rare but a quite good estimate of physical quan-
tities can be often obtained by means of some approximation schemes. The aim
of this exercise is to apply two of these approximations to a simple example of a
quantum mechanical system. In the following h is the usual Planck constant and
h = 2h .
Consider the motion of a quantum particle of mass m on a real axis 1 < x <
+1 with Hamiltonian given by

H = 2pm + k j x j ; k > 0

1. Discuss the symmetry of the Hamiltonian, the nature of the spectrum (if con-
tinuous or discrete) and its degeneracy. Using dimensional analysis, construct
a quantity E in terms of h , m and k which has the dimension of an energy
and which can be used as the scale for all the energy eigenvalues.
2. Using the uncertainty principle p x  h , give an estimate of the ground
state energy E0 of the system and the size of the corresponding wave function.
3. Using the semi-classical quantization condition
I  1 
p(x) dx = 2 n + 2 h
nd the (approximate) energy levels En of the system. In particular, calculate
E0 and compare with the result of point (3).
Problem D. Second Quantization of the Dirac Equation in the Majorana
Consider the massless Dirac equation in the Majorana representation for the
matrices: 0 1 0 1
0 i 1 A =@ i 0 A 1

i1 0 0 i
0 1

0 1 0 1
2 = @ i 3 0 A 3 =@ 0 i 1 A
0 i 3 i1 0
where each entry represents a 2  2 matrix and k are the usual Pauli matrices.
1. Find the x ; x independent (i.e. with momentum in the third direction) plane
1 2

wave solutions of the Dirac equation in the Majorana representation.

2. Prove that the Dirac equation is compatible with the constraint
= ?

3. Recalling the second quantised representation of a real ( = y) massless

scalar eld with momentum in the third direction:
Z dp i(jpjt px3 )
(t; x ) =
2 j p j [ap e + ayp ei jpjt
( px3 )
] ;

write, using the solutions found at 1), a similar representation for the real Ma-
jorana eld ( = y). How many one-particle states with a given momentum
are there?
Problem A. Angular Momentum and Spin
Let the unperturbed Hamiltonian of a spin 1/2 quantum rotator be

H0 = L2 + S2

where L and S are the orbital angular momentum and spin operator, respectively.

1) Describe the spectrum (eigenvectors, eigenvalues and their degeneracies) of H0.

2) Let us add to H0 a spin{orbit coupling term

H1 = L  S

 being a generic real number. Describe the spectrum (eigenvectors, eigenvalues and their
degeneracies) of H0 + H1 .
Problem B. Scattering in the Born approximation
Consider two nonrelativistic particles with the same mass interacting each other
through a Yukawa potential. The Hamiltonian is (r = j~r1 ~r2 j):

H = 21m 41 21m 42 + g e r

Assume to be in the center of mass frame.

1) Consider the scattering amplitude in the Born approximation. Determine its de-
pendence on the momenta of the incoming and outgoing particles, supposing that the two
particles are not identical. (disregarding overall factors, like normalization constants)
2) Answer the same question 1), supposing now that the two particles are identical
Fermions with the usual spin. Consider the two cases:
i) the two particles are in a spin triplet con guration.
ii) the two particles are in a spin singlet con guration.
Determine a spin con guration and a scattering angle for which the scattering ampli-
tude is zero.

Problem C. Statistical Mechanics
Let us consider a quantum system of volume V described by the Hamiltonian H .
Let em (V ) (m = 0; 1; : : : ; 1) be the energy spectrum. The system is put in contact
with a heat reservoir at temperature T .

1. Prove that the expectation value of H , denoted by E (T; V ), is a monotonic

function of the temperature T .
2. Assume that the energy levels are homogeneous functions of the volume V
according to the formula

em(V ) = x em (V ) :
Show that E (T; V ) satis es a di erential equation of the form
@ @
a T @T + b V @V + c E (T; V ) = 0 :
Determine a, b and c.

Problem D. Majorana Fields and Discrete Symmetries

Let (x) be a free spin-1/2 Majorana eld in 4 space-time dimensions, i.e., a 4-component
(second quantized) spin-1/2 eld which satis es the Dirac equation and the Majorana con-
C (
(x))T =  (x); (i)
where C is the charge conjugation matrix,

CT = C; C 1  C = T ; (ii)

(  being the Dirac matrices), and  is a phase factor, j j2 = 1. Under the CP conjugation
operation the eld (x) transforms as follows:
UCP (x)UCP = CP 0 (x0 ); (iii)

where jCP j2 = 1, and x0 = (x0 ; x1 ; x2 ; x3 ). The factor CP is the CP parity of the
Majorana eld (x).

1. Prove that CP = i.

2. Prove that
: (x) (x) : = 0;
where the sign : means normal ordering. What is the physical meaning of this result?

Problem A. Two{dimensional harmonic oscillator.

A quantum two{dimensional harmonic oscillator may be described in terms of two

creation and two annihilation operators a ; ay, (i = 1; 2), with commutation relations
i i

[a ; a ] = 0 = [ay; ay];
i j i j
[a ; ay ] = 
i j i;j

The Hamiltonian is H = 2J + 1, where J = 12 ay1a1 + ay2a2 .
1) Consider the operators
J1 = 12 ay2a1 + ay1a2
i y y

=2 2 1 1 2
J2 a a a a

J3 =
1 ay a ay a 
2 1 1 2 2
Compute [H; J ] and [J ; J ] and interpret the latter.
i i j

2) Find the expression of J2 = J12 + J22 + J32 in terms of J .

3) Find the eigenvalues of J2 ; J and J3 corresponding to the states (ay1) (ay2) j0 >,
k l

with k and l non{negative real numbers. Consider the subset of such states with xed
eigenvalue j of J : what is the condition on k; l and j for such subset to form a nite
complete basis of eigenstates of J and J3 ?
(Hint: use J = J1  iJ2 ).
4) What is the degeneracy of the eigenvalues of H ? Devise possible generalizations of
the present model to remove such degeneracy.

Problem B. Classical Statistical Mechanics of a q-state Model
Let us consider an open one-dimensional lattice of N sites, with a uctuating vari-
able i de ned on each site i. The possible values assumed by i are i = 1; 2; : : : ; q
and the Hamiltonian of the model is given by
N 1
H (1 ; : : : ; N ) = J  (i ; i+1 ) ;

where J is a real constant and

>< 1 if a = b
 (a; b) = >
: 0 if a =
6 b

1. Under which transformations is the Hamiltonian invariant? Describe the

ground state for J > 0 and for J < 0 and determine its degeneracy in the two
2. Let us put the model in contact with a heat reservoir at temperature . 1

Compute the partition function ZN ( J; q) de ned by

q X
ZN ( J; q ) = ::: e H (1 ;:::;N )
1 =1 N =1

(Hint. Obtain a recursive equation ZN ! ZN by using the mathematical


identity ex a;b = 1 + (ex 1)(a; b)).

( )

3. Since ZN ( J; q) above computed is an analytic function of the variable q, the

model results to be also de ned for continous values of q and in particular in
the \unphysical" region q < 1. Determine the occurrence of phase transitions
for J > 0 and J < 0 and the critical temperature c (q) as a function of q.

Problem C. Stress-Energy Tensor of Quantum Field Theory between
two planes
Consider two in nite planes which are parallel and at distance a apart along the
z-axis. Suppose that a massless Quantum Field Theory is de ned in the region
between the two planes. The boundary conditions are such that the stress-energy
tensor ; has a vacuum expectation value ; ( )  0 j ; ( ) j 0 di erent
T t t; ~
x < T t; ~
x >

from zero. By virtue of the symmetry of this time-independent problem, ; must be t

written in terms of ; and tensors composed from the unit vector ^ = (0 0 0 1).
g z ; ; ;

1. Write down the most general form of t; based upon based the considerations
2. Show that the conservation law  ; ( ) = 0 and the condition that the
@ T t; ~

trace of ; vanishes (which expresses the massless nature of the Quantum

Field Theory) uniquely determine ; up to a constant. Use dimensional


analysis to x this constant up to a numerical factor in terms of a single

parameter of the problem that bears a dimension.
3. Using the form of t; so obtained, compute the force per unit surface between
the two planes.

Problem D. Elementary Particle Physics
Consider the decay of the pseudo-scalar 0 meson into two real photons, generated
by the electromagnetic interaction: 0 (q) ! (k1) + (k2), where q; k1 and k2 are the
4-momenta of the 0 and the two photons, q2 = m2 , k12 = k22 = 0, m being the mass of
the pion. The amplitude of the decay, A(0 ! 2 ), can be written in the form:
A(0 ! 2 ) =< (k1 ) (k2) j S j 0 (q) >=
= e2 (2) 9=2
(8k10k20 q0 ) 1=2
e1 (k1) e 2 (k2) M  (k1; k2; q) (2)4 (k1 + k2 q); (1)
where S is the S-matrix, e is the proton charge, e1 (k1) and e 2 (k2) are the 4-vectors of
polarization of the photons (i = 1; 2), M  (k1; k2; q) is the matrix element which contains
the whole information about the dynamics of the decay, the  function expresses the energy{
momentum conservation law, and the other factors in (1) are simply normalization factors,
k10; k20 and q0 being the energies of the two photons and the 0 meson.
1. What are the constraints on M (k1; k2; q) following from:
i) identity of the two photons in the nal state?
ii) Lorentz invariance and parity conservation?
iii) the gauge invariance of electromagnetic interaction?
2. Using the results obtained by solving the above problem and the energy{momentum
conservation, construct the most general explicit expression for M  (k1 ; k2; q). On how
many constant parameters does it depend?
3. Exploiting the general properties of M  (k1; k2; q) and of the photon polarization vectors
e (ki); i = 1; 2 one can reduce the di erential rate of the 0 ! 2 decay in the 0 rest

frame to the form:

d ( ! 2 ) = e (2)2 16m
0 4 1 3 X
[M  (k1; k2; q) (M (k1; k2; q))] (k1 +k2 q) dkk1 dkk2 ;
 ; =0 10 20
where the star  means complex conjugation and k1 and k2 are the momenta of the photons.
Using eq. (2) and the expression for M (k1; k2; q) derived by solving problem 2. nd the
total 0 ! 2 decay rate: (0 ! 2 ) = ! 2 ). Try to estimate (0 ! 2 ).
d ( 0

Problem A. Field theory and spontaneous symmetry breaking.
The lagrangian of a eld theory in 4 dimensions is

X 1 Ki;j @ i@  j Mi;j ij

V (i) (1)
i;j =1 2
where Ki;j and Mi;j are real symmetric constant matrices; Ki;j is non{singular positive
de nite matrix.
1. What is the largest internal symmetry of the kinetic term? Call the corresponding
group G. What is the form of Mi;j such that the mass term is invariant too under G?
2. Suppose now that V (i) is also invariant under G. Write the conserved currents of this
symmetry and compute the canonical commutators of the corresponding charges.
3. Can there be in V (i) (which is invariant under G) a term of the third order in i?
Write the fourth order term in V (i). In the presence of the latter write a possible
scenario of spontaneous breakdown of the symmetry G.

Hint: for any positive de nite symmetric matrix K one can nd a real matrix E such
that EtE = K , where E t is the transpose of E .
Problem B. Implications of Discrete Symmetries in Elementary Particle Physics.
1. Consider the positronium atom (e+e ) at rest in a state je+e ; L; S > with orbital
momentum L and spin S. The P- and C- parities of this state are respectively equal to
P (e+ e ) = ( 1)L+1 and C (e+ e ) = ( 1)L+S :

UP je+e ; L; S >= P (e+e ) je+e ; L; S >;

UC je+e ; L; S >= C (e+e ) je+e ; L; S >;
where UP and UC are the unitary operators of space re ection and charge conjugation.
i) What are the constraints the charge conjugation symmetry of the electromagnetic in-
teraction imposes on the electromagnetic decay of the positronium atom in a state je+e ; L; S >
into n photons, je+e ; L; S >! n ? What is the minimal value of n in the cases of S = 0
(parapositronium) and S = 1 (orthopositronium)?
ii) Consider the case of decay of positronium in a state with L = 0 into the minimal
allowed number, nmin , of photons:
je+e ; 0; S > ! nmin :
What are the allowed values of the total spin S and the total orbital momentum L of
the photons in the nal state? (Use the constraints following from the space-re ection
symmetry, angular momentum conservation and the fact that the photons are bosons.)
2. Consider the strong interaction mediated annihilation of a proton p and antiproton
p into n pseudo-scalar  0 mesons:

p + p ! n 0 :

Denoting the total angular momentum and the total spin of the p{p system by Lpp and Spp,
nd for which values of Lpp  2 and Spp annihilation into two 0 mesons can take place.
(Use the constraints following from the charge conjugation and space re ection symmetries
of the strong interaction and the fact that C (0 ) = 1.)
Problem C. Field Theory Description of a Statistical Model
The aim of this exercise is to study the continuum version of a lattice statistical
model of microscopic lattice length  near its critical temperature Tc. Let '(x) and
A= 1 2
2 (@ ') + V (')
d x

2 4
V (') = a' + b' + g'
6 (1)

be respectively the continuum limit of the order{parameter of the model and its
Euclidean action in D{dimensions. In eq. (1) a and b are real parameters whereas
g > 0 and in our units, the action A is a dimensionless quantity. Assume the

validity of the tree level (alias mean eld ) approximation to answer the following
1. Determine the curve b(a) where three distinct vacua coexist.
2. Consider now the case b = 0 and a = a0 t, where t is the temperature di erence
t=T Tc . The correlation length  of the system is de ned in terms of the

2{point function in momentum space as h'(k)'( k)i  k2+1 2

Show that
  0 j t j 1=2

and compute the ratio of the amplitudes 0 above and below Tc.
3. Determine by dimensional analysis how the coupling constant g depends on
the lattice length . Use this information to nd the dimensions D for which
the tree level approximation is expected to be exact in the continuum limit
of the model.
Problem D. Fermion coupled to a constant gauge potential on S 1
Consider a massless Dirac fermion coupled to a U (1) gauge eld A into 2 space{
time dimensions (t; x). Assume that the space consists of a circle S 1 of length
2 and that the fermion eld obeys periodic boundary conditions in x, that is
(t; x) = (t; x + 2). The Lagrangian is given by:

L = i  D
where D = @ + iA and 0 = 2 and 1 = i1 , 's being the usual Pauli matrices.
Assume the gauge potential to be constant along the space direction, A = (0; a)
where a is any real number.

1. (i) For which values of a the above gauge potential can be removed from the
Lagrangian by means of a nite U (1) gauge transormation?
(ii) What is the range of physically inequivalent values for a ?
2. (i) Write the Hamiltonian H in terms of left- and right-moving components
L and R , i.e. the two eigenstates of  with eigenvalues +1 and 1
3 0 1
(ii) Consider now for simplicity only the part HL of H depending on L. By
using the expansion L = p12 P+1 n= 1 bn e
inx and y = p1 P+1 by e inx ,
L 2 n= 1 n
where b and by are fermionic oscillators, determine the anticommutation re-
lations among the b; by's, and nd the ground state of the system by writing
the (normal ordered) hamiltonian HL in terms of the oscillators.
3. Write the partition function ZL = tre HL .
SISSA entrance examination


Trieste, October 1998

SISSA entrance examination
Tics, general
he problems are grouped in two classes. Problems in class A are
in eld theory. Problems in class B deal with quantum mechan-
relativity and statistical mechanics. The candidate should try
and solve completely at least one problem out of each class. In
some problems, parts that are more dicult and are considered optional
are marked by an asterisk . The candidate should nish within 3 hours.

A.1. Fermion Masses, Mixings and Couplings to
Scalars and Vectors

SISSA entrance examination

C onsider the following Lagrangian of two fermionic elds A and B :
L1 = i A(xh)  @ A (x) + i B (x) @ iB (x)
m A (x) B (x) + B (x) A (x)
M B (x) B (x) (1)
where the mass parameters m and M are real.
1. Find the mass eigenstates 1 and 2 , their masses and the mixing
angle as a function of such masses.
Comment: Remember that if you obtain a negative mass eigenvalue for one
of the fermions you should not worry since the minus sign can be reabsorbed in
a phenomenologically viable way.

C eld (x):now the interactions of


A (x) and B (x)

with a real scalar

L2 = L1 + a A (x) B (x) (x) + B (x) A(x) (x)

+ b B (x) B (x)(x) + 21 (x) r2 + 2 (x) ;
h i
with a and b real parameters of the same order of magnitude.
Assume that its mass  is much larger than M and m. Take also M  m.
2. Compute the ratios of the following partial decay rates:
( ! 1 1 ) and ( ! 1 2 ) : (3)
( ! 2 2 ) ( ! 2 2 )

3. Which relation of the parameters a and b with m and M enforces

( ! 1 2 ) = ( ! 2 1 ) = 0?
L andusV add: to L the interactions of

1 A and B with the vector elds V
L3 = L1 + g1 A (x)  V(x) A (x) + B (x)  V (x) B (x)

SISSA entrance examination

h i
+g2 A (x) V0 (x) B (x) + c:c: (4)
with g1 and g2 real coupling constants. Consider the limit M  m and V
and V 0 very much heavier than all fermions.
4. Compute the ratios of the following rates:
(V ! 1 2 ) and (V0 ! 1 2) : (5)
(V0 ! 2 2 ) (V ! 2 2)

C c, d and sthe). Takeup- andtheirdown-quarks

onsider of the rst two generations (i.e., u,
mass matrices to be ( = (1  )=2):
L;R 5

Lm = v hij uL uR + v kij dL dR + c:c: ;

i i i i
with v the vacuum expectation value of the scalar Higgs eld providing quark
masses and
hij = ij ; k12 = k21 = x ; k22 = y ; k11 = 0: (7)

5. Compute the Cabibbo angle in terms of the physical quark masses

(remember that this angle represents the relative rotation of the up- and
down- quark mass matrices to bring them into a diagonal form).

Compute the ratio:
(W ! ud) (8)
(W ! us)
where W denotes the charged vector boson of the electroweak standard

Prove that the neutral vector bosons (photon) and Z 0 of the elec-
troweak standard model cannot have the couplings:
( ; Z 0) d0 s0 (9)
where d0 and s0 denote the mass eigentstates of the down-quark mass matrix.

H owever, we experimentally observe transitions between a quark d0 and

a quark s0 (for instance, in the oscillation K 0 K 0 ).

SISSA entrance examination


How would you account for these processes in view of what you have
seen in this exercise?

A.2. Free Massive QED in Three Dimensions

C by the following

SISSA entrance examination

onsider the eld theory model in d = 3 space{time dimensions de ned
L = 41g2 F F  + 2  A F A J  ;
where A is an Abelian vector, F = @ A @ A its eld strength, and
J  an external classical source. The external current J  is conserved, i.e.
@ J  = 0, and g and  are coupling constants.
1. Discuss in which sense the model is gauge{invariant.
2. Find the mass spectrum of the model. Is there a mass gap?
Hint: There are many ways to compute the mass spectrum, the easiest of
which is to consider the equation satis ed by the eld strengths.

3. Compute the spin of each particle in the spectrum.

4. Discuss the properties of the various particles under P , T and C .
5. Consider the topological \magnetic" charge Q = 1 A dx (i.e. the
Wilson loop taken along the circle at in nity in space). Show that there is a
conserved current V  associated to this conserved charge.
6. Consider the sector of the Hilbert space in which the `magnetic' charge
Q has a de nite value. Let q = R d2x J 0 be the usual (external) electric
charge. Find the allowed values of q in each sector of de nite Q.
Hint: The Hilbert space is de ned by the constraint given by Gauss' law.


Find the static eld con guration induced by a static external point
charge. What is its spin?

8. Consider two \localized" states with charge pairs (q; Q) and (q0; Q0)

which are not in the list of (6). Using the constraint (Gauss's law) discuss
in which sense there is a \con ning potential" between them.

SISSA entrance examination


Give the propagator of A in a gauge of your choice. Say a few words
on the interpretation of the various poles, and their relation with the previous

B.1. Relativistic Scattering

SISSA entrance examination

Comment: This problem is made up of seven steps to be solved in the given
order. They are of somewhat increasing diculty. Steps 1 to 3 only require
knowledge of elementary quantum mechanics. Steps from 4 to 7 make use of a
rudimentary form of quantum eld theory. If, after having solved all steps up to
number 7, you still have \t E > 0", you can try step 8.

C of a scalara potential
onsider particle of mass m and charge e moving under the in uence
(x) = 00 xx < (1)

1. Write the time-independent relativistic equation (Klein-Gordon equa-

Hint: Recall that in the relativistic case (p p + m2 ) (x) = 0, where p is the
four-vector of the particle's momentum, and that the external electro-magnetic
eld is introduced (minimal coupling) by replacing p ! p eA , where A is
the electro-magnetic potential. The index  runs from 0 to 3|e.g., p = (E; p~),
where E is the particle's energy|and the metric signature is + .

2. Find the solution (x) of the equation of point 1 above in terms of

plane waves of momentum p and q, respectively for x < 0 and x  0.
Hint: The solution of this relativistic equation is the same as the corre-
sponding non-relativistic Schrodinger equation once the appropriate values for
the momenta p and q are taken. Write the normalization of the plane waves
in terms of the re ection amplitude r( ) and trasmission amplitude t( ), where
 = q=p.

3. Write the coecients of re ection R and of trasmission T and brie y
discuss the three cases:
 E > e 0

SISSA entrance examination

 E < e 0 and e 0 E < m
 E < e 0 and e 0 E > m,
where E is again the energy of the particle. What is taking place in the third
Hint: The third case above is called the Klein's paradox in the textbooks.

n order to better understand the Klein's paradox, we can think of the

I scattering as accompanied by a process of particle-antiparticle pair cre-
ation from the vacuum in the presence of the strong potential. However, this
is still a rather vague idea. The three following points try to make this idea
more precise.

4. Write the solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation which contain:

 only an asymptotically outgoing particle for x > 0, call it 1 (x)
 only an asymptotically incoming particle for x > 0, call it 2 (x)
 only an asymptotically outgoing particle for x < 0, call it 3 (x)
 only an asymptotically incoming particle for x < 0, call it 4 (x).

in ipx
p in iqx
Hint: Introduce ' = e = p and '~ = e = q and similarly for the outgoing
j j
p p
states. Write the (x) in terms of these four normalized single-particle states.

ou have thus de ned two complete sets of states|one representing

Y asymptotically only an outgoing particle (or antiparticle) and those rep-
resenting only an incoming particle (or antiparticle). These two sets are not
independent and are related by an unitary trasformation, the S matrix:
j (in)i = S j (out)i : (2)

SISSA entrance examination

5. Consider an arbitrary eld operator in terms of the two complete sets
of states you have de ned at point 4
(x) = ^bink'ink(x) + d^ink y'ink(x) (3)
and X
(x) = ^boutk 'out
outy (x)
k (x) + d^k 'out k (4)
where the creation operators are de ned by
^bink yj0(in)i = jk(in)i d^ink yj0(in)i = jk~(in)i ;
the annhilation operators by
^bink j0(in)i = 0 d^in
k j0(in)i = 0 ;
and similarly for the outgoing states. Find the relations among the various
out and in creation and annhilation operators (Bogolioubov's relations).
Hint: Write 1 (x) in terms of 4 (x) and 2 (x) and so on.

6. By means of the previous results, compute the vacuum to vacuum

h0(out)j0(in)i  eW : (5)

Hint: Compute rst the amplitude for the creation of 1 pair
A1 pair = h0(out)jd^out ^boutj0(in)i (6)

SISSA entrance examination

and than that for n pairs. Impose the unitarity condition that
j k pair j
= 1: (7)

Remember that the n-particle states are normalized as jni = (^by )n j0i= n! and

that [d^out ; d^outy ] = 1.

7. Write the amplitude for a particle to be re ected with no pair being

Aref ^out ^binyj0(in)i
0 pair = h0(out)jb (8)
and that for re ection with n pairs being created Aref n pair . Verify that the
total probability for scattering accompanied by the production of no, one,
two etc. pairs is one (unitarity).


Retrace your steps from 1 to 7 in the case of a particle of spin 1/2
(Dirac equation).
Hint: Anticommuting implies that only a single pair can be created since
more than one would violate the Pauli exclusion principle.

[Reference: B. R. Holstein, Am. J. Phys. 66 (1998) 507.]

B.2. Light Deflection by the Sun

SISSA entrance examination

Comment: This is a problem in general relativity which only requires an
elementary knowledge of the theory.

C onsider a light ray (photon) in the gravitation eld of the sun.

1. Show that the equation of its trajectory in the spherical space coordi-
nates (r; ; ) can be written as
d2 u + u = 3u2 ;
where u  GM =r. G is Newton constant and M the mass of the sun.
Hint: Write the condition g p p = 0 for the momentum p of the massless
photon and bear in mind that the momenta conjugated to time, p0 , and , p are
constants of motion (call them E and L, respectively) and that the motion takes
place in the plane  = =2. Be careful with the up and down indices and recall
that space-time around the sun is described in general relativity by the metric
ds = 1
2 2 GM
dt + 1
2 2 GM
dr2 + r2 d2 + sin2 d2 ;
r r

which de nes the metric tensor g via the relation ds2 = g dx dx .

2. Introduce the impact parameter b as the closest approach distance

of the light ray (photon) to the sun. Compute for GM =b  1 and to the
lowest order in GM =b, the de ection angle ' of the light rays (photons)
in the gravitation eld of the sun.

Hint: Write the zeroth-order solution (straight line) as
u =
2GM sin 

SISSA entrance examination

and expand u = u0 + u1 + . Compute by means of u1 the two angles at r =

and obtain the de ection angle ' as their di erence.

B.3. Three-Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator

SISSA entrance examination

iven a tridimensional harmonic oscillator, whose Hamiltonian is written
= 21 !
h i h i
r + p2 = ! y
a a + 3=2

1. Verify that the degeneration of the energy levels is higher than that
which is implied by the SU (3) rotational invariance.
2. Verify that the other conserved observables allow for the construction
of three further SU (2) algebras.
Hint: Remember that a two-dimensional harmonic oscillator admits an SU (2)

3. Write down some examples of perturbations that only partially re-

moves the degeneration of the levels.
4. Explain why, although the various SU (2)'s allow for the construction
of a complete algebra of SU (3), it is not possible to nd among the eigenstates
of H bases for all the representations of SU (3).

B.4. Statistical Mechanics of a Spin Chain

SISSA entrance examination

onsider a spin-chain, that is a one-dimensional lattice with a spin Sn
placed at each site = (with 2 ). Each spin takes two possible
x n n Z Sn
values +1 and 1. The energy (Hamiltonian) of a con guration of spins is
given by a nearest neighborhood interaction plus a magnetic term
H =J
X( n+1
S Sn )2 +h
X Sn :
n n

1. Consider a nite chain of N spins and assume periodic boundary

conditions SN +1  S1. Compute the corresponding partition function ZN for
all values of the temperature T and magnetic eld h.
2. Compute the free energy F in the thermodynamical limit N ! 1
(in nite chain).
3. Assume J > 0. For the in nite chain, nd for which temperatures T
there is a spontaneous magnetization at zero magnetic eld h = 0.
Comment: By spontaneous magnetization we mean a spontaneous breaking
of the Z2 symmetry of the h = 0 model signaled by a non{vanishing statistical
expectaction value hSn ijh=0 .

4. Let J < 0. Describe the thermal state of the in nite chain in the limit
h ! 0, T ! 0.


In the in nite chain, compute the connected correlation function
hSn Sm iconn = hSn Sm i hSni hSmi:

Compute the correlation length  .

SISSA entrance examination
Entran e

Parti les
Se tor

Trieste, 12 O tober 2000

SISSA entrance examination
T here are 6 problems. Problems 1, 3 and 6 deal with quantum me han-
i s; problems 2 and 5 with the phenomenology of parti le physi s and
problem 4 with a simple example of eld theory. The andidate should try
and solve as mu h as possible of two problems. The andidate should
nish within 3 hours.

1. Charged Parti le in a Constant Magneti Field

SISSA entrance examination

onsider the motion of a parti le of harge e in a onstant magneti eld
in the dire tion z , denoted by B = B ^e . Choose the following ve tor

A = ( By; 0; 0) and V = 0 : (1)

1. Write the time-independent S hrodinger equation for the problem.

2. Show that the following separation of variables

(x; y; z ) = exp i [(p x + p z )=h
x  ℄ '( y ) ;
z (2)
used after substituting y = y 0
p =(eB ), leads to the equation of a harmoni

os illator.

3.What are the energy eigenvalues? The energy states thus de ned are
known as Landau levels.

C onsider now the same problem for a relativisti fermion.

4. What is the time-dependent equation in this ase?

5. By writing the 4- omponent wave fun tion as

= exp i [Et=h
℄ ; (3)

where ' and  are 2- omponent spinors, show that the Dira equation leads
again to a harmoni os illator plus a part depending on the spin.

~ )(~  B
Hint: Re all that (~  A ~ ) = A~  B
~ + i ~  (A~  B
~ ) and then try again the
separation of variables '(x; y; z ) = exp i [(px x + pz z )=h℄ u(y ).

6. Show that in the relativisti ase the eigenvalues are

E 2 = 4 m2 + p2 2 + h (2n + 1 k) (4)
n;k z

where n labels the level of the os illator and k = 
1 depends on the spin

eigenfun tion.

SISSA entrance examination

Hint: The 2- omponent spin wave fun tion are of the form

! !
u1 0
u = for k = 1 and u = for k = 1:
0 u 1

2. Dis rete Symmetries in Strange De ays

SISSA entrance examination

onsider the hadroni de ays of the neutral strange mesons K 0 into two
or three pions: K 0 ! . Knowing that kaons and pions are pseudo-
s alar parti les:

1. Show that the two-parti le states j +  i and j 0  0 i are CP even

eigenstates, where C represents the harge onjugation operation, whi h a ts
as follows
 0 ; rK i
C jK 0 ; rK i = jK
C j +; r+ i = j ; r i (1)
C j 0 ; r0i = j 0 ; r0 i ;
and P is the parity transformation,

P j; r i = j; r i : (2)

Hint: onsider the de aying kaon in its rest frame and use translational in-
varian e to write j1 2; r1 ; r2i / j1 2; r1 r2 i .

2. Show that the CP eigenvalues of the three pion state j +   0 i depend

on the orbital angular momentum ` of  0 with respe t to the enter of mass
of the  +  system:

CP j +  0 i = ( )`+1 j +  0 i ; (3)

while the state j 0  0  0 i is CP odd:

CP j 0 0  0 i = j000 i : (4)

T he physi al eigenstates of the K 0 K 0 system are denoted by KL (long-

lived) and KS (short-lived). What an you infer on the CP symmetry
of weak intera tions and the KL;S properties from the experimental eviden e

3. Both KL ! + and KL ! 000 are seen,


4.The de ay rate for KL ! + is mu h smaller than the rate for

SISSA entrance examination

KS !  +  ?

C onsidering the results of the dis ussion above and given that mK
MeV and m ' 140 MeV,
' 500

5. Can you give a qualitative argument for the large di eren e in lifetimes
of KL and KS (experimentally L =S  600) ?

Assume that the 2 and 3 pion modes are responsible for a large fra tion of

the KL;S de ay widths.

3. Spin-1/2 Parti le in a Magneti Field

SISSA entrance examination

spin 1/2 parti le with magneti moment ~ = g S~ = gh~ =2 is initially
in the state Sz = h
 =2. A magneti eld of absolute value B is swit hed
on in the x-dire tion for 0  t  t1 .

1. Disregarding the spa e dependen e, what is the spin eigenfun tion of

the parti le during this interval? How mu h time does it take for the spin to
ip to Sz = h  =2?

C all t0 the time found at point 1 and set t1 = 3 t0 =2. Now suppose that
for t > t1 the magneti eld gets doubled.

2. What is the eigenfun tion for t > t1 ?

3. What is the probability of nding the parti le in the eigenstate Sx =

h =2 at t = 2 t1 ?

Notation: The Pauli matri es needed in the problem are

0 1 1 0
x = and z = :
1 0 0 1

4. S alar Field Theory

SISSA entrance examination

et i , i = 1; 2, be two real s alar elds. The Lagrangian
L0 = 2 1   2 (1)

des ribes two independent modes.

Explain why one of them is unphysi al. Write the Lagrangian in a

form that makes this expli it.

2. What is the symmetry group G of L0 , besides the rigid translations of

i .

C onsider now the intera ting Lagrangian

1 2 2 i i X
1 4
L = L0 m 2
 i 4 i (2)
2 i=0 i 1 2 4! i=0 i 1 2

Find the values of mi ; i for whi h the unphysi al mode de ouples

from the physi al one.

4. Find the values of mi ; i for whi h the symmetry G is preserved.

In the latter ase, indi ate graphi ally the Feynman rules and the
ontributions to the 2-, 3- and 4-point fun tions up to one loop.

Notation: The metri has signature (1; 1; 1; 1).

5. Propagation of High-Energy Cosmi Rays

SISSA entrance examination

1. Find the energy threshold of the rea tion

+ p !  + N; (1)

where N is the nu leon and the initial proton is at rest.

T he ross-se tion of the rea tion (1) is about 5  10

of photon E  1:2 1:3 GeV.
m2 at the energy

2. Consider propagation of the osmi rays (take for de niteness, pro-

tons in the Universe lled in by the osmi mi rowave (ele tromagneti )
ba kground radiation with temperature 2:7K .) Find the energy E of osmi
rays at whi h the rea tion (1) be omes important.

3. Cal ulate the distan e from whi h osmi rays with energies E > E
an rea h the Earth?

The density of the osmi mi rowave ba kground radiation is  400 m


1eV = 1:16  4
10 K .

6. Nonrelativisti S attering

Cj i

SISSA entrance examination

onsider a non relativisti s attering pro ess for a spinless parti le with
mass m from a potential V. In the Dira formalism (set h = 1) the two
kets p~1 and jp~2 i represent states of de ned momentum of the parti le before
and after the ollision.
The observable properties of the s attering are provided by the so alled
s attering amplitude f (p~1 ; ~p2) whose squared modulus gives the di erential
ross se tion of the pro ess. In the so alled Born approximation one has:
f (p p2 ) =
~1 ; ~ 4  2 m hp~2 jVj ~p1 i (1)
where V is the operator asso iated to the potential energy of the problem.
Call ~q = p~2 p~1 the momentum transfer of the pro ess, q its modulus, p
the modulus of p~1 and  the s attering angle between the nal and the initial
momentum, su h that

q = 2 p sin : (2)

1. What relationship must exist between the two ve tors ~

p1 ; ~
p2 in order
that the ollision is an elasti one?

2. Write the expression of the s attering amplitude for a entral potential

V=V(r), where r is the (three dimensional) distan e between the parti le and
the s attering entre (suggestion: introdu e a omplete set of proje tors on
the position ~r variable).

3. Show that in the limit  ! 0 (forward s attering) the value of the s at-
tering amplitude is nite if the potential vanishes at in nite r more qui kly
than the inverse third power of r. Show that in this ase the value of the
amplitude does not depend on the parti le energy.

4. In the previous limit, the s attering amplitude is real in Born ap-

proximation. What fundamental property of the s attering pro ess does this
approximation violate? In parti ular, what theorem is violated?

SISSA entrance examination 2001
Entran e

Parti les
Se tor

Trieste, 15 O tober 2001

SISSA entrance examination 2001
F ive problems are given. You should try and solve as many as you

an within three hours. We do not expe t anyone to solve them all.

1. On the hyperfine stru ture of the hydrogen

SISSA entrance examination 2001

A ~ , generates a stati magneti eld
nu leus having magneti moment M
with magneti potential

1) Write the nonrelativisti Pauli Hamiltonian for an ele tron moving in

this ele tromagneti eld, keeping at most terms linear in M~.

2) Identify spin-orbit and spin-spin intera tions.

3) Estimate the size of these orre tions to the energy levels of a Hydrogen
atom in the lowest states, that is the size of the ratio of the orre tion to the
unperturbed energy. Remember that the Bohr magneton of a parti le with
mass m is e=2m, that the Bohr radius is 1=me e2 and the ground state energy
of the Hydrogen atom is me e4 (in units h  = = 1).

Note: the determination of signs and numeri al fa tors is not required, but

pay attention to dimensionful parameters.

2. S attering amplitudes and nonrelativisti po-
tential in s alar theory

SISSA entrance examination 2001

C eld.
onsider a omplex s alar eld  des ribing a s alar parti le of mass
M with possible harges e minimally oupled to the ele tromagneti

1) Write the Lagrangian for the system.

2a) Write the Feynman diagram des ribing at the lowest order the s at-
tering of two s alar parti les of the same harge, and the orresponding am-
plitude in momentum spa e.
2b) Suppose that the eld  also intera ts with a neutral massless s alar
eld ' with an intera tion L =  '. Compute the lowest order

ontribution due to this additional intera tion to the amplitude of question

3) In the nonrelativisti Born approximation the s attering amplitude is
expressed in terms of the potential des ribing the intera tion.
Find the intera tion potential (as a fun tion of the oordinates) whi h in
the Born approximation reprodu es the amplitude of question 2) in the limit
in whi h the ratio three-momentum/mass is put to zero.

NOTE: the pre ise determination of numeri al fa tors or powers of  is not

required, but pay attention to the dimensionful parameters.

3. Symmetries of free fermions

SISSA entrance examination 2001

L et
a , = 1
m ;:::;m

;:::;N , be a set of free Dira fermion elds with masses

1)Starting from the general variation of the a tion under linear trans-
formations of the elds (a ting on the index ) nd the global internal sym-

metries of the theory:

- What is the symmetry group if all the masses are di erent?
- What is the symmetry group if all the masses are equal?
- What happens if some of the masses are zero?
2) Using the anoni al equal time anti ommutation relations show that
the Noether harges generate the symmetry transformations of the elds.

4. Cosmi gamma rays

SISSA entrance examination 2001

ne of the main sour es of the di use Gala ti -ray radiation is the de ay
of pions produ ed by the intera tion of primary osmi rays (mainly
protons) with the interstellar medium. On e  0 s are produ e, they rapidly
de ay and the dominant pro ess is:
0 ! 2 (1)
with photons emitted isotropi ally in the pion rest frame.

1) Derive the minimum total energy of the pion E (rest mass plus kineti
energy) needed to produ e a photon of energy E .

2) Sket h the photon energy spe trum and show that its main features
are independent of details in the hain of  0 produ tion.

3) Given that the pro ess in Eq. (1) is the dominant  0 de ay mode, how
large a bran hing ratio do you expe t for the pro ess  0 ! 3 ? ( onsider
both pro esses as ele tromagneti )

5. Physi s of e+ e annihilation

SISSA entrance examination 2001

onsider the pro ess of ele tron-positron annihilation into a muon-antimuon
pair to the lowest perturbative order in the two ideal situations orre-
sponding to the ex hange of a single photon and of a single Z boson respe -
tively. In both ases, onsider two di erent initial onditions that orrespond
to the presen e of right -handed (R) and left-handed (L) ele trons in the ini-
tial beam.

1) Write the intera tion Lagrangian in the four separate ases.

2) Consider the di erential ross se tions in the enter of mass frame, for
.m. energies mu h larger than the muon mass, for the 4 di erent ases.
- Whi h expressions do you expe t for the ratios of the left-handed to the
right-handed di erential ross se tions, in the single photon and in the single
Z ases? Why?
- What form of angular dependen e (versus the osine of the .m. s at-
tering angle ) an exist for the 4 di erential ross se tions? Why?

3) Following the dis ussion (2), de ne at least one, possibly two, experi-
mental observables of the pro ess that will di er essentially in the two ideal
ases, namely the ex hange of a photon or a Z. Try to nd two di erent .m.
energy values for whi h the real physi al pro ess an be treated to a good
approximation, to the lowest perturbative order, as only due to either photon
or Z ex hange. Try to provide, in the two ases, a simple expression for these
spe ial observables and, possibly, stress the presen e of relevant features.

SISSA entrance examination 2002

Particle Theory

Trieste, 22 July 2002

SISSA entrance examination 2002
F our problems are given. You are requested to solve
two of them.

Problem 1.
A potential
particle of mass m is constrained on the x axis and subject to the

SISSA entrance examination 2002

V = 21 m!2x2 (1)
1) Sketch the derivation of the energy eigenvalues En . Sketch the deriva-
tion of the eigenfunctions n(x) from the vacuum one, 0 (x) = 114 e 12 m!h x2 .

2) Suppose the particle is electrically charged, with charge e > 0, and an

electric eld is switched on along the x axis. Find the new eigenvalues En0
and describe the modi cations of the new eigenfunctions n0 (x) with respect
to n (x),
 A) in the case the potential is (constant electric eld E0 )
VA = 12 m!2x2 eE0 x (2)
where E0 is a constant electric eld;
 B) in the case the potential is (linearly rising electric eld)
VB = 21 m!2x2 12 eK0 x2 (3)
where K0 is a constant. Find the bound on K0 so that the system
remains a harmonic oscillator.
3) If the system is initially in the fundamental eigenstate of V , and the
electric eld is switched on at t = 0, describe the time evolution of the system
for t > 0.

1) Writeq the Hamiltonian

q H = 12 m(x_ 2 + !2x2 )  h!H and express H in terms
of q = m! h x and p =
m _ . Then assume the quantum bracket [q; p] = i and
h! x
de ne a = p12 (q + ip), ay = p12 (q ip), etc.
3) Integrals involving eigenfunctions are to be left indicated.

SISSA entrance examination 2002

Problem 2.
C onsider the action

SISSA entrance examination 2002

1 1 T M 2  1   i j k l ]
d4 x[ @ T @   (1)
2 2 4! ijkl
where  is a N component real scalar eld with components i, i = 1; ::::N ,
M is an arbitrary N  N real symmetric matrix and ijkl are real parameters.

1) Draw a 1-loop diagram with 4 external lines and write down the mo-
mentum space expression for it.

2) List all the global transformations on the vector  which leave this
action invariant for a general choice of M and . What happens if M = 0 ?

3) What is the largest internal invariance group of this action and for
what choice of the matrix M and the couplings ijkl this group is realized?

4)Choose the matrix M and the couplings  such that the internal
symmetry is maximum.
 i) Write down the conserved Noether current and construct the corre-
sponding conserved charges in terms of the elds i and their conjugate
momenta i .
 ii) Calculate the commutation between these charges.

SISSA entrance examination 2002

Problem 3.
C ( ) on electron e ,
onsider the elastic scattering of muon neutrino ( ) and antineutrino

SISSA entrance examination 2002

(k) + e (p) ! (k0 ) + e (p0); (1)

(k) + e (p) ! (k0 ) + e (p0); (2)
k and p (k0 and p0 ) being respectively the four-momenta of the initial ( nal)
state neutrino and electron. Assume that the muon neutrino is massless and
that the processes (1) and (2) are generated by the weak neutral current
interaction described by the Standard Theory e ective Lagrangian:
Leff = G pF L(x) (1+ 5)L (x) e(x) [gL(1+ 5)+ gR(1 5)]e(x) : (3)
Here GF is the Fermi coupling constant, e(x) and L (x) are the electron
eld and the left-handed eld of the muon neutrino, and gL and gR are
the left-handed and right-handed electron neutral current couplings (gL =
0:5 + sin2 W , gR = sin2 W ).
Consider the kinematic regime in which
s = (p + k)2 = m2e + 2(pk) 
= 2(pk) >> m2e ; (4)
me being the electron mass. In the rest frame of the initial electron (which
coincides with the laboratory frame), the above kinematic regime corresponds
to E >> me , where E = k0 is the initial neutrino energy. In the indicated
kinematic regime and neglecting terms of the order of m2e =s, the di erential
cross sections of the processes (1) and (2) to leading order in GF have the
simple form:
d(e ) =  [g2 + g2 (1 y)2]; d( e ) =  [g2 + g2 (1 y)2]; (5)
dy 0 L R dy 0 R L

where 0  G2F s= and y = (pq)=(pk), q = k k0 = p0 p. In the laboratory

frame one has: y = T=E , where T = p00 me is the kinetic energy of the nal
state electron.

1) Find the interval of values the kinematic variable y can take in the
lab. system. What is this interval if me=E << 1 and terms of the order of
me=E are neglected?

SISSA entrance examination 2002

2) Show that in the laboratory system (p = (me ; 0; 0; 0)) the angle be-
tween the momenta of the initial state neutrino and the nal state e is given
for a relativistic nal state e (i.e., when T = p00 me >> me) approximately
2  me (1 y)  me << 1: (6)
2 = T T
Give a physical interpretation of this result.

3) As it follows from eq. (5), for y = 1 both the contribution of the right-
handed electron (the term with the factor gR in Leff ) to the cross-section
of the process (1) and the contribution of the left-handed electron (the term
 gL in Leff ) to the cross section of the process (2), vanish. Give a physical
explanation of this fact.


3) neglecting the electron mass, consider the processes (1) and (2) as well as the
condition y = 1, in the center of mass system of the initial state particles.

Problem 4.
A ccording to naturalness principles, the Early Universe is usually de-

SISSA entrance examination 2002

scribed as a particle-antiparticle environment with zero net quantum
numbers. The process which leads from such baryon-symmetric state to the
nowadays Universe where the amount of antimatter seems to be negligible is
called \baryogenesis".
Consider an initial setup with net baryon number equal to zero and a
particle physics theory which conserves CPT.

1) Show that the two conditions below are necessary ingredients for baryo-
 1a) Baryon number violation
 1b) CP or C violation
(together with a third condition, departure from thermal equilibrium, these
are known as Sakharov criteria)

2) Postulate the existence in the initial state of some supermassive spin-0

boson X and of its antiparticle X , and assume that X and X have the same
abundances. Assume that X can decay, through baryon number violating
processes, into light fermions fi . Let the baryon number of the fermion fi be
Bi , the baryon number of X be zero, and assume that all fermion masses are
much smaller that the mass of X . For simplicity, consider the case in which
X has only two decay modes, those allowed by the interaction:

Lint = ga X f2 f1 + gb X f4 f3 + h:c: : (1)

 2a) Verify, in this example, that both conditions 1a) and 1b) are needed
by writing an expression for the induced net baryon number X , in
terms of the values Bi and of the branching ratio of one of the two
decay modes. Why are at least two decay modes needed?
 2b) Show that X is zero at the lowest order in perturbation theory (it
is not required to perform explicit calculation of kinematic factors)

SISSA entrance examination 2003
Entran e

Parti le Theory
Se tor

Trieste, 22 July 2003

SISSA entrance examination 2003
F our problems are given. Ea h of them has three questions, the
rst being introdu tory. Try to do as mu h as you an within three
hours. You are not expe ted to solve all the problems.

Problem 1. Quantum Field Theory

C elds, withthe mass

SISSA entrance examination 2003

onsider quantum eld theory des ribing two intera ting real s alar
and with mass , with
M  m , with the a tion:
M >m
d4 xf (   
1 (    g
= M 2 2 ) + m2 2 )
2  g (1)
2 2 

1) Write the expression for the probability amplitude des ribing the de ay
of the  parti le, at the lowest order in the oupling onstant g.

2) Find the de ay probability per unit time, and therefore its inverse that
is the lifetime, of the  parti le, at the lowest order in g and in the limit
M  m. (It is allowed to ignore numeri al fa tors, powers of  , et . You
an do the standard omputation or use a short ut argument).

3) Consider the elasti s attering of two  parti les, say

(p1 ) + (p2 ) ! (p3 ) + (p4 ) ; (2)
where p1, p2 , p3 and p4 are the four-momenta of the orresponding parti les.
Draw the Feynmann diagrams ontributing at the lowest order in g; nd
the value of the orresponding s attering amplitude in the resonan e limit
(p1 + p2)2 ! M 2 and in the limit g ! 0 (make use of the result of question 2).

SISSA entrance examination 2003

Problem 2. Majorana Spin 1/2 Fields and Parti les

SISSA entrance examination 2003

onsider a free massive spin 1/2 eld  (x), = 1; 2; 3; 4, whi h satis es
the Dira equation and the additional Majorana ondition:

C ((x))T =  (x); j j2 = 1; (1)

where C is the 4  4 harge- onjugation matrix, (x) = ((x))y 0 is the

Dira onjugated eld, 0 being the 4th Dira gamma matrix, and  is a
phase fa tor. The matrix C satis es

C 1
 C = (  )T ; (2)

where  are the Dira gamma matri es. In the Bjorken-Drell representation,
for instan e, one has: ( 1;2;3 )y = 1;2;3 , ( 0 )y = 0 . It follows from eq. (2)
that C T = C . One an always hoose C to be unitary: C y = C 1 .

1) What, a ording to you, are the physi al onsequen esof the Majorana
ondition? Show also that the Majorana ondition is not invariant with
respe t to global U(1) phase transformations. Give a physi al interpretation
of this fa t.

2) Prove that the ve tor, tensor and pseudo-tensor urrents of a free spin
1/2 (se ond-quantized) Majorana eld are equal to 0:

: (x))  (x) := 0; (3)

: (x))  (x) : = 0;   (     ) ; (4)
: (x))  5 (x) : = 0 ( 5  0 1 2 3 ): (5)
Indi ate possible physi al onsequen es of these results.

N.B.: The double-dot sign : ::: : in equations (3) - (5) means \normal ordering of
the operators". Under this sign  (x) and (x) anti- ommute.

SISSA entrance examination 2003

Problem 2. ( ont.)

SISSA entrance examination 2003

3) Under the CP-symmetry operation the eld (x) transforms as follows:

UCP  (x) UCP = CP ( 0 )  (x );

y 0

where UCP is the unitary operator of the CP-transformation, x = (x0 ; x),


and CP is the CP-parity of the eld  (x). Prove that

CP =  i: (7)

Note that the operator UCP does not a t on the Lorentz index of the eld  (x),
e.g., that UCP ( 0 )  (x) UCP = ( 0 ) UCP  (x) UCP , et .
y y

SISSA entrance examination 2003

Problem 3. Classi al Field Theory

SISSA entrance examination 2003

onsider a lassi al real s alar eld  (x ), with lagrangian
L =      V () (1)
(let the metri be g = diag(1; 1; 1; 1)), whi h undergoes a phase tran-
sition that shifts V as follows:
1 h i2
V () = m2 ( (x ))2 ) V () = ( (x ))2 2 ; (2)
2 4
where m,  and  are real onstants, and  > 0.

1) Sket h the two potentials and nd the orresponding shift of the

ground-state values of the eld , say, e.g.,

0 ) +0 and 0 : (3)

2) Suppose that, after the transition is ompleted and the system has
ome to a stationary equilibrium state, instead of taking everywhere the
same on guration, the system has evolved in su h way that in some region
of spa e the ground state is +
0 while in others it is 0 ; for simpli ity assume
 to be just a fun tion of the spatial oordinate z , i.e. (t; x; y; z )  (z ),
with (z = 1) = 0 and (z = +1) = + 0 . Verify that the lassi al
solution with the appropriate boundary onditions has the form:
(z ) = A tanh (4)
and nd the parameters A and B .

SISSA entrance examination 2003

Problem 3. ( ont.)

SISSA entrance examination 2003

3) Find the energy density  and the pressure ~p for the system, using
their relation to the stress energy tensor
T = diag(; px ; py ; pz ); (5)
write down the Poisson's equation for the resulting Newtonian gravitation
potential  applying the Newtonian limit R00 !  in Einstein's equation:
R00 = 8GN T00 (6)
2 T g00
(T is the tra e of T). Qualitatively, how would a test mass behave in the
resulting Newtonian gravitation potential ?

SISSA entrance examination 2003

Problem 4. Statisti al Me hani s

SISSA entrance examination 2003

onsider a system of ve spins as shown in the gure below, where
only the entral spin (denoted as 0 ) intera ts with the other four spins
(denoted as 1 ; : : : 4 ), with oupling onstant J; thus the Hamiltonian of the
system is:
H = J 0
X :
i (1)
Ea h spin has values  = 1.

σ1 σ2

σ4 σ3

1) Write the expression for the partition fun tion for the system.

2) Compute the partition fun tion and the internal energy.

3) Derive the magnetization in the presen e of an external magneti

eld h. Has the system spontaneous magnetization?

X ::: X X X

1  : : :  N = 1  :::  N
1 = N = 1 = N =

SISSA entrance examination 2005

Particle Theory

problems are given. Each of them has three questions of

F our
increasing difficulty. Do as much as you can within four hours.
You are not required to solve all the problems.

Trieste, 18 July 2005

SISSA entrance examination 2005

Problem 1. Classical Field Theory

SISSA entrance examination 2005

onsider a system of two complex scalar fields φi , i = 1, 2 in four space-
C time dimensions.

1. Write the most general lagrangian density L1 for the two fields invariant
under the U(1) transformation

φi (x) → eiα φi (x), i = 1, 2

for any value of α.

[ Here and in the following, consider only lagrangians that are Poincarè (i.e.
Lorentz and space-time translation) invariant, renormalizable (i.e. such that
the dimension in energy of the couplings is non-negative), and local (i.e. in
the form L1 (x) = L1 (φi (x), ∂φi (x))) ].

2. Write the most general lagrangian L2 that is also invariant under the
φi (x) → Uij φj (x), i, j = 1, 2

for any 2 × 2 unitary matrix U (U(2) group). For which range of values
of its parameters is L2 physically viable? Justify the answer.

3. Is L2 invariant under a group of transformations that is larger than

U(2)? If so, which one? Finally, determine the most general transfor-
mation under which both L2 and the specific value of the fields

φ1 (x) 0
φ2 (x) 1
are invariant.
[ Consider only linear and global, i.e. space-time independent, transforma-
tions ].

SISSA entrance examination 2005

Problem 2. Statistical Mechanics

SISSA entrance examination 2005

onsider a system in 3 space dimensions having energy levels En = n
C with n positive integer n = 1, 2, · · · , ∞. Each level is degenerate: the
states having energy En are eigenstates of the angular momentum Jˆ2 with
eigenvalues j(j + 1) and j takes integer values from 1 to n: j = 1, . . . , n.
The system is in a heat bath at temperature T (set the Boltzmann con-
stant = 1).

1) Compute the entropy of the system at T = 0.

2) Find the asymptotic form of the partition function of the system in

the limit T → ∞ (write just the leading term).
d aβ
[ Hint: set β = 1/T and note that aeaβ = dβ
e ]

3) Find the asymptotic form of the entropy of the system in the limit
T → ∞ (write just the leading term).

[ Hint: remember that, given the probability distribution P , the entropy

S is the average of −log(P ), that is S = − < log(P ) > ]

SISSA entrance examination 2005

Problem 3. β−Decay Hamiltonian

SISSA entrance examination 2005

onsider the β−decay Hamiltonian (density):
C HIβ (x) =
p̄(x)O i n(x) ē(x)Oi (Gi − G′i γ5 )ν(x) + h.c. (1)

Here p(x), n(x), e(x) and ν(x) are the proton, neutron, electron and neutrino
(Dirac) fields, respectively, O S = I (scalar), O P = γ5 (pseudo-scalar), O V =
γ α (vector), O A = γ α γ5 (axial-vector), O T = σ αβ (tensor), where γα are the
Dirac gamma matrices and σαβ ≡ 21 (γα γβ − γβ γα ).
[ In the Bjorken-Drell representation, for instance, one has:
(γ1,2,3 )† = −γ1,2,3 , (γ0 )† = γ0 ]
The complex constants Gi and G′i characterize respectively the scalar and
pseudo-scalar parts of the Hamiltonian.

1. Under the P -symmetry operation, x → x′ , where x = (x0 , x), x′ =

(x0 , −x), the fields p(x), n(x), e(x) and ν(x) transform as follows:

UP ψja (x) UP† = (γ0 )ab ψjb (x′ ), j = 1, 2, 3, 4, ψ1 (x) ≡ p(x), ψ2 (x) ≡ n(x), etc.,

where UP is the unitary operator of the P -transformation and a, b are Lorentz

Show that the requirement of invariance of the Hamiltonian (1) under
the P −transformation (2), that is the requirement UP HIβ (x) UP† = HIβ (x′ ),
implies G′i = 0, i = S, P, V, A, T .
[ Note that, e.g., UP γα UP† = γα ]


SISSA entrance examination 2005


SISSA entrance examination 2005

2. Consider the left-handed (LH) and right-handed (RH) neutrino field
components νL (x) and νR (x):
1 1
νL (x) ≡ (1 − γ5 ) ν(x), νR (x) ≡ (1 + γ5 ) ν(x) . (3)
2 2
Suppose that instead of the neutrino field ν(x), only its left-handed compo-
nent νL (x) enters into the expression of the Hamiltonian (1) (two-component
neutrino theory).
What form the β−decay Hamiltonian (1) takes in this case? Write the
corresponding expression.
How does the field νL (x) transform under the P −transformation?
Can the new Hamiltonian be made invariant under the P −symmetry
transformation by suitably choosing Gi and G′i ?
Can a theory which contains only the LH neutrino field νL (x) (and no
RH field νR (x)) be invariant under the P −symmetry transformation ?

3. Assume that the β−decay Hamiltonian (1) is formed by the LH com-

ponents not only of the neutrino field, but also of all other fermion fields.
Following this hypothesis make the change

p(x) → pL (x), n(x) → nL (x), e(x) → eL (x), ν(x) → νL (x), (4)

in the Hamiltonian in eq. (1). Write the expression for the new Hamiltonian
obtained after the change (4). Comment the result.

SISSA entrance examination 2005

Problem 4. Quantum Mechanics

SISSA entrance examination 2005

et us consider a non relativistic particle in one space dimension with
L Lagrangian
L(q, q̇) = [e(q)]2 (q̇)2
where e(q) is a positive function on the real line and, as usual, q̇ = dq

1. Compute the Hamiltonian of the system and the action in the Hamil-
tonian formalism.
2. Determine a function f (q, p) such that the canonical transformation
q ′ = f (q, p) and p′ =
satisfies the relation
p′ dq ′ = pdq.
Write the Hamiltonian in the new phase space variables (q ′ , p′ ).
3. Let’s finally consider the system from a quantum mechanical point of
view. Show that for the position eigenstates the relation
|q >= e(q)|q ′ >

< qf |e−itĤ |qi >,
where Ĥ is the operator Hamiltonian, that is the transition probability
amplitude from an initial position eigenstate at qi at initial time ti = 0
to a final position eigenstate at qf at final time tf = t. Keep h̄ = 1 for

[ Hint:
(q ′ )2
dp′ −i (p′ )2 t+iq′ p′ ei 2t
e 2 =√ ]
2π 2πit

July 19, 2006


Particle Theory

olve two out of the four problems below

Problem 1

T herentmostµ
general form of the matrix element of the electromagnetic cur-
j (x) between two electron states ψ , ψ characterized by momenta
1 2
p1 , p2 and by spinor wave functions u1 , u2 respectively is

hψ1 |j µ (x)|ψ2 i =
e−iqx ū1 [iq µ (f1 + ig1 γ5 ) + γ µ (f2 + g2 γ5 ) + iσ µν qν (f3 + ig3 γ5 )] u2 ,

where q = p2 − p1 , fi = fi (q 2 ), gi = gi (q 2 ), σ µν = (i/2)[γ µ , γ ν ].

1. Show that the conservation of the electromagnetic current implies q 2 f1 =

0 and q 2 g1 + 2mg2 = 0, where m is the electron mass.

2. Derive the constraints on the functions fi and gi following from the

hermiticity of the electromagnetic current.
[Reminder: u† = ūβ, with β㵆 β † = γµ , βγ5† β † = −γ5 , β † β = 1]

3. Consider a parity transformation on the electron states such that p →

pP = (p0 , −p1 , −p2 , −p3 ) and u → uP = eiθ γ0 u, where θ is an arbitrary
phase. Assuming invariance under parity, so that the electromagneric
current correspondingly transforms as, j µ (x) → jµ (xP ), show that the
functions gi , i = 1, 2, 3 must vanish.

Problem 2.

slow neutrons with spin initially in some given direction.

What are the spin measurements in the x and y directions expected to
yield if the neutron spin is in the z direction?

2. At time t = 0 a constant uniform magnetic field of absolute value H is

switched on along the positive y direction.
2a. Write the Schrödinger equation for these neutrons.
2b. Disregarding the kinetic energy of the neutrons, what is their eigen-
function at time t, if their spin is initially aligned with the positive y
2c. When are the neutrons expected to have the spin aligned to the
positive x axis?

3. Answer question 2a, in the case in which H = H0 t.

→ →
Hint: write the neutron magnetic moment as µ= g~
σ, with
0 1 0 −i 1 0
σx = , σy = , σz =
1 0 i 0 0 −1

Problem 3.

onsider the following classical Lagrangian describing the interactions

C between two complex scalar field doublets φ = (φ , φ ) and χ = 1 2

(χ1 , χ2 )T :

L = (∂µ φ)† (∂ µ φ) + (∂µ χ)† (∂ µ χ) − λ|φ∗1 χ1 + φ∗2 χ2 |2 − λ′ |φ1 χ2 − φ2 χ1 |2 , (1)

where λ, λ′ > 0.

1. Identify the global continuous internal symmetries of L.

2. Find the corresponding conserved currents expressed in terms of the

fields φ and χ.

3. Add to L the following term:

Lǫ = ǫ(φ∗1 φ2 − φ∗2 φ1 ) , (2)

where ǫ is a purely imaginary parameter. Identify the global internal

symmetries and conserved currents of L + Lǫ .

4. Which is the maximal global continuous internal symmetry of L when

λ = λ′ = 0 ?

Hint: you may use σa∗ = −σ2 σa σ2 , where σa are the standard Pauli
matrices (a = 1, 2, 3).

Problem 4. Majorana Neutrinos and Neutrinoless
Double Beta Decay

onsider the effective (V-A) β-decay Hamiltonian in the case of three-

C neutrino mixing:
HIβ = √ p̄(x)γ µ (1 − γ5 )n(x) ē(x)γµ (1 − γ5 ) Uek χk (x) + h.c., (1)
2 k=1

where GF is the Fermi constant, p(x), n(x) and e(x) are the proton, neutron
and electron fields, respectively, Uek are the elements of the first row of
the 3×3 unitary neutrino mixing matrix U and χk (x), k = 1, 2, 3, is the (4-
component) field of Majorana neutrino with mass mk satisfying the Majorana

C (χ̄k (x))T = χk (x), C −1 γµ C = −(γµ )T , C −1 γ5 C = (γ5 )T , C T = −C , (2)

C being the charge conjugation matrix and χ̄k (x) ≡ (χk (x))† γ0 .

1. Using the Hamiltonian (1) show that if the neutrino fields χk (x) satisfy
the Majorana condition (2), the process of neutrinoless double beta
((ββ)0ν -) decay n + n → p + p + e− + e− is allowed and can proceed
in second order of perturbation theory in the Fermi constant GF . Draw
the Feynman diagram of the process.

2. Consider the case when the two initial state neutrons and the two fi-
nal state protons are at rest. Show that if the neutrino masses mk ,
k = 1, 2, 3, are sufficiently small, i.e., if m2k are negligible with respect
to (mn − mp )2 − m2e in the case specified above, mn , mp and me being
the neutron, proton and electron masses, respectively, the dependence
of the (ββ)0ν -decay amplitude A(ββ)0ν on mk and Uek factorizes in the
effective Majorana mass < m >:

2 2 2

A(ββ)0ν = < m > M, |< m >| = m1 Ue1 + m2 Ue2 + m3 Ue3 , (3)
where M is matrix element of the process. Only a schematic expression
for M can be given.

3. Derive approximate leading order analytic expressions for |< m >| for
the following three types of neutrino mass spectrum:
a) m1 ≪ m2 ≪ m3 (normal hierarchical or NH), with m1 = 0;
b) m3 ≪ m1 ≪ m2 (inverted hierarchical or IH), with m3 = 0;
c) m = m1 ∼ = m2 ∼ = m3 , m2 ∼
= m2k ≫ |∆m221 |, |∆m231 |, k = 1, 2, 3, where
∆m2kj ≡ m2k − m2j (quasi-degenerate or QD).
In solving this problem use i) the standard parametrisation of Uek ,
Ue1 = cos2 θ12 (1 − sin2 θ13 ), Ue2
= eiα sin2 θ12 (1 − sin2 θ13 ), Ue3 2
iβ 2
e sin θ13 , where θ12 and θ13 are neutrino mixing angles and α and
β are physical phases (Majorana CP-violating phases), and ii) the fact
that, as it follows from the existing experimental data, sin2 θ13 ≪
cos 2θ12 , sin2 θ12 , and ∆m221 ≪ |∆m231 | ∼
= |∆m232 |. Express the results
in terms of the mixing angles, ∆m2kj and phases.

4. For each of the three types of spectra, NH, IH, and QD, determine
the interval of values |< m >| can take using the existing data on θ12 ,
θ13 , ∆m221 and ∆m231 , sin2 θ12 = 0.30, sin2 θ13 < 0.04, ∆m221 = 8.1 ×
10−5 eV2 , |∆m231 | = 2.5×10−3 eV2 , and the fact that the phases α and β
are unconstrained and can have any value in the interval 0 ≤ α, β ≤ 2π.
In the case of the QD spectrum use 0.1 eV ≤ m ≤ 0.6 eV. Comment
the results. What is the role played by the Majorana phases α and β?

Hint: use the Majorana condition and take into account the fact that
the Majorana neutrino field χk (x) has a standard propagator

d4 q ei(x−y)q (q µ γµ + mk 1)ab
< 0|T (χka (x)χ̄jb (y))|0 >= δkj Sab (x−y) = δkj ,
(2π)4 q 2 − m2k
where 1 is the unit 4 × 4 matrix.

SISSA entrance examination (2007)

Theory of
Elementary Particles

Trieste, 18 July 2007

SISSA entrance examination (2007)
problems are given. You are expected to solve completely
F our
two of them. Please, do not try to solve more than two problems;
only two for each candidate are going to be marked. You have four
hours. Please, write clearly and in block letters.

SISSA entrance examination (2007)
Problem 1.

his problem is about the standard model of elementary particles. It

T includes three questions.

1. Before knowing about the experimental existence of neutral currents, a

perhaps more economical choice for the gauge structure of the standard model
would have been to try and build the group SU(2) with charges identified
(in the lepton sector of the first generation) by the currents
Jµ− = ν̄e γµ (1 − γ5 )e , Jµ+ = Jµ−
Jµem = −ēγµ e .
In this alternate standard model, neutrinos only interact with charged cur-
rents. Is this choice possible? Explain by considering the algebra of the

2. Consider again only the lepton sector of the first generation of the
standard model fermions, that is the electron e and the neutrino νe . What
is the decay width for the W − gauge boson?

Hint: Unless you happen to know it by heart, answering requires a computa-

tion. The leading order result is sufficient and you can neglect subleading terms
proportional to me /mW . Useful formulas:
Lint = − √ ψ̄νe γ µ (1 − γ5 )ψe Wµ
2 2
1 |pe |
Γ(W − → e ν̄e ) = |T |2 2 with hp|p′ i = 2E(2π)3 δ3 (p − p′ )

CM frame 8π 2 mW

Trγ µ γ ν γ ρ γ σ = 4(gµν gρσ − gµρ gνσ + gµσ gνρ ) , g2 = 8m2W GF / 2

3. In the gaugeless limit of the standard model in which we take both the
SU(2) coupling g and the U(1) coupling g ′ to zero, what particles are stable
among the gauge boson W − , the electron e and the neutrino νe ? Please,
motivate your answer.

SISSA entrance examination (2007)
Problem 2.

onsider a massive fermion ψ with mass m interacting with a massive

C vector field Zµ of mass MZ and a massive scalar field H of mass MH .
The vector is like the Z 0 vector meson, the scalar is like the physical Higgs
and the fermion is like a heavy fermion of the standard model after symmetry
breaking, except that there are no the other fields like gluons, photon or W ’s
and for symplicity we take the interaction to be parity conserving:

Lint = gZ ψ̄γ µ ψZµ + gH ψ̄ψH .

Take m to be much larger than MZ and MH .

1. Write the elastic fermion-fermion scattering amplitude from the lowest

order tree-level Feynman diagrams in terms of the spinor wave-functions in
momentum space ui(pi ).

2. Take the spin of the two fermions in the initial and those in the final
state to be the same. Compute the scattering amplitude for the process in
1. as a function of the scattering angle (in the center-of-mass frame) at the
leading order in the non-relativistic limit—that is, take the momentum of
the fermions to be negligible with respect to their mass m, but not negligible
with respect to MZ and MH .
[Hint: Use the non-relativistic approximation for ūγµ u and ūu.]

3. What is the dependence on the distance r of the potential that—in

the lowest order approximation for a non-relativistic scattering—reproduces
the momentum dependence of the amplitude of question 2.? Is the potential
for the exchange of the vector particle attractive or repulsive? And that for
the exchange of the scalar particle?

SISSA entrance examination (2007)
Problem 3.

onsider the usual Hamiltonian of a one-dimensional harmonic oscilla-

C tor:
p2 mω 2 x2
H0 = + .
2m 2

1. Add to H0 the term ǫx3 and compute in perturbation theory the

energy spectrum at first order in ǫ.

2. Add to H0 the term ηx4 and compute in perturbation theory the

energy spectrum at first order in η.

3. Take ǫ = η = 0 and assume that the harmonic oscillator is in its

ground state. Suddenly, at t = 0, a perturbation of the form −F x is added
to H0 . Compute the probability to find the oscillator in the old ground state
for t > 0 in perturbation theory at leading order in F and then exactly, to
all orders in F .

SISSA entrance examination (2007)
Problem 4.

onsider the lagrangian for a scalar field φ(t, x) in two space-time di-
C mensions
1 1
L = (∂t φ)2 − (∂x φ)2 − V (φ) ,
2 2
µ4 λ
V (φ) = − µ 2 φ2 + φ4 ,
2λ 2
and µ , λ are positive parameters. The potential is a mexican-hat likeqpoten-
tial, with a maximum at φ = 0 and two minima at φ = ±a with a = µ2 /λ.

1. Derive the equation of motion for φ and show that for a static (i.e.
time-independent) configuration φ = φ(x) it can be easily integrated to
(∂x φ)2 − V (φ) = c ,
with c an integration constant. Fix the value of c by requiring the time-
independent field configuration to have finite total energy E.

[Hint: Express the energy density ρ as a function of φ and V (φ) and impose
R +∞
the integral E = −∞ ρ(x)dx to be finite.]

2. Using the previous results, find an analytic expression for such a finite
energy, time-independent but non-trivial (that is x-dependent) solution.
= arctanhy, for y 2 < 1.]
[Hint: Recall that 1−y 2

3. Compute the total energy E of the static solution φ(x) and draw the
qualitative shape of the energy density ρ(x).

SISSA entrance examination 2008

Particle Theory

Trieste, July 15, 2004

SISSA entrance examination 2008
problems are given. The candidates are requested
F our
to solve two of them.

Problem 1.
he one-dimenional Schroedinger equation for a particle of mass m and

SISSA entrance examination 2008

charge e in the presence of a scalar potential V (x) is

~2 d 2
∂ψ(x, t)
i~ = − + eV (x) ψ(x, t) (1)
∂t 2m dx2

Suppose that V (x) = − x1 , x > 0 and V = ∞ for x ≤ 0.

1. Show that ψ0 (x, t) = B (x − βx2 ) e−βx e−i ~ t is an eigenfunction of (1)
if β takes a precise value. Determine β and E1 and the normalization
constant B.

2. Compute the
√ average position of the particle < x > and its indetermi-
nacy ∆x = < x2 > − < x >2 .

3. Compute the average momentum. Can you give an a priori explanation

of the result?
Hint: for questions 2 and 3, express the result in terms of β.
Suppose now that V (x) = − |x| , −∞ < x < ∞.

4. Show that ψ0 (x, t) = A |x| e−α|x| e−i ~ t , with appropriate α and E0 ,
satisfies (1). Is it acceptable as en eigenfunction of (1)?

Problem 2.
Consider a point particle moving in the upper half plane

SISSA entrance examination 2008

H ≡ {z ∈ C| Im(z) > 0} (1)

with action functional

Z t2
S[z; t1 , t2 ] = ˙
[g(z, z̄)ż z̄] dt (2)

for any path z(t) and end points zi = z(ti ), i = 1, 2. and where g(z, z̄) is a
positive real function on H and, as usual, ż = dtd z.

1. Prove that H is closed under the action of the group of real linear
fractional transformations G, that is the group of maps γ(z) = cz+d
with a, b, c, d ∈ R and ad − bc > 0.

2. Determine (up to a multiplicative constant) the function g(z, z̄) in (2)

such that the action is symmetric under G.

Hint: Consider first invariance under the subgroup γb (z) = z + b. Then

study invariance under the whole group.

3. Calculate the equations of motion for the action resulting at point 2

for trajectories with fixed end points.

4. Verify that particles moving monotonically along circular arcs centered

on the boundary of H are solutions of the equation of motion resulting
at point 3.

Problem 3.
Problem 3. Consider the neutrino Yukawa type interaction Lagrangian:

SISSA entrance examination 2008

LY (x) = λjl Nj (x) Φ† (x) ψlL (x) + h.c. (1)
j=1 l=e,µ,τ

Here λjl are, in general, complex constants, Nj (x) are the fields of three heavy
Majorana neutrinos with masses Mj > 0, ψlL (x), l = e, µ, τ , is the Standard
Model (SM) lepton doublet field, ψlL (x) = (νlL (x) lLT (x)), νlL (x) and lL (x)
being the left-handed (LH) flavour neutrino and charged lepton fields, and
Φ† (x) is the SM Higgs doublet field, Φ† (x) = ((Φ(0) (x))† (Φ(−) (x))† ). The
fields Nj (x) satisfy the Majorana condition:
C(N j (x))T = Nj (x), j = 1, 2, 3, (2)

where C is the charged conjugation matrix: C −1 γα C = −γαT , γα being the

Dirac gamma matrices (α = 0, 1, 2, 3), C T = −C, C † = C −1 .
1. Derive the constraints which the requirement of CP-invariance of
LY (x) imposes on the neutrino Yukawa coupling constants λjl , knowing that
Nj (x), νlL (x), lL (x), Φ(0) (x) and Φ(−) (x) transform as follows under the CP-
symmetry operation:

UCP Nj (x) UCP = ηjN CP γ0 Nj (x′ ) , ηjN CP = iρN
j = ±i , (3)

UCP flL (x) UCP = i γ0 C(flL (x′ ))T , flL = νlL , lL , l = e, µ, τ , (4)

UCP φ(x) UCP = φ† (x′ ) , φ = Φ(0) , Φ(−) , (5)

where UCP is the unitary CP-transformation operator, x = (x0 , x), x′ =

(x0 , −x) and ηjN CP = iρNj = ±i is the CP-parity of the heavy Majorana
neutrino Nj . Comment the result obtained.
2. Assume that the flavour neutrino fields
νlL (x) = Ulk χkL (x), l = e, µ, τ, (6)

where χkL (x) is the LH component of the field χk (x) of a light Majorana
neutrino having a mass mk and U is the 3 × 3 unitary neutrino mixing
matrix. Derive the CP-invariance constraints on the elements Ulk of the
matrix U using eqs. (4), (6) and

C(χkL (x))T = χkR (x) , k = 1, 2, 3, , (7)

UCP χkL (x) UCP = ηkνCP γ0 χkR (x′ ) , ηkνCP = iρνk = ±i , (8)

where χkR (x) is the right-handed (RH)component of the field χk (x). Com-
ment the result.
[ N.B. Use the Bjorken-Drell representation for the γ-matrices: (γ1,2,3 )† =

SISSA entrance examination 2008

−γ1,2,3 , (γ0 )† = γ0 , (γ0 )2 = 1 - the unit 4 × 4 matrix. Note also that, e.g.,

UCP γα UCP = γα .]

Problem 4.

SISSA entrance examination 2008

onsider two sets of real classical (~ = 0) scalar fields in four dimensions
C 
φ1 (x)
 
ρ1 (x)

φ(x) = φ2 (x) and ρ(x) = ρ2 (x) ,

φ3 (x) ρ3 (x)

with lagrangian
1 1
L = ∂µ φi ∂ µ φi + ∂µ ρi ∂ µ ρi − a(φ2 − m2 )2 − b (ρ2 − µ2 )2 − c (φ ρ)2 ,
2 2
where a, b, m, µ > 0, c ≥ 0, φ2 ≡ i φ2i , ρ2 ≡ i ρ2i , φ ρ ≡ i φi ρi .

Assume first that c = 0:

1a. Identify the group of the global, linear symmetry transformations on

the fields.

1b. Determine the value of the fields minimizing the potential up to a

symmetry transformation (consider only field configurations constant
in space-time). What is the group of symmetries leaving the vacuum

1c. Consider fluctuations around the minimum field configuration. How

many real fields turn out to be massive? What are their masses?

Suppose next that c 6= 0 is switched on:

2. Answer the above questions in the case c 6= 0.

July 19, 2010

SISSA entrance examination 2005


PhD in Elementary
Particle Theory

S olve two out of the five exercises

Problem 1

1) Consider the Quantum Field Theory of a real scalar ϕ in d space–time

SISSA entrance examination 2005

dimensions specified by the Lagrangian
1 µ 1 λ
L= ∂ ϕ ∂µ ϕ − m2 ϕ2 − ϕ4 (1)
2 2 4!
from the point of view of perturbation theory (as an asymptotic power series
in the small quartic coupling λ).
Let Nk (d) be the number of all (namely connected and disconnected)
vacuum Feymann diagrams at order λk counted (i.e. weighted) with the
weight corresponding to the statistical factor of each diagram.

1. Discuss the dependence of Nk (d) on the number of space–time dimen-

sions d.

2. Exploiting the discussion in 1, give an estimate of Nk (d) which is valid

(at least) for large order k.

3. Argue that the number Nk (d)conn. of the connected diagrams of order

k is of the same order (for large k) as Nk (d).

2) Rescale the field as φ = λ1/2 ϕ, so that the action reads

1 1 µ 1 2 2 1 4
S[φ] = d x ∂ φ ∂µ φ − m φ − φ (2)
λ 2 2 4!

and λ may be identified with ~.

How many loops have the Nk (d)conn. vacuum diagrams appearing at order
λ ?

3) Consider the particular case d = 1 (Quantum Mechanics) at a finite

temperature T , and assume m2 > 0. Let Γk = Γk (m, T ) be the coefficient
of λk in the perturbative expansion of the thermal expectation value of the
operator ϕ2
2 Tr ϕ2 e−H/kT
hϕ iT ≡ ≈ Γ0 + Γ1 λ + Γ2 λ2 + · · · , (3)
Tr e−H/kT

and consider the modified power series

X Γk
λk ≡ G(λ; T ). (4)

SISSA entrance examination 2005


Using the ideas underlying the computations in 1), determine the radius of
convergence ̺(T ) of the power series (4) and discuss its dependence on the
temperature T . In particular, compute its behaviour as T → ∞, and for low
temperature T ∼ 0.

4) In the set–up of item 3), extend the definition of the function G(λ; T )
beyond the disk |λ| < ̺(T ) by analytic continuation in λ ∈ C. Assuming
that G(λ; T ) is regular on a neighborhood of the positive real axis, prove the
2 1
hϕ iT = e−z/λ G(z; T ) dz. (5)

Problem 2.

Consider a particle on the real plane with Lagrangian function

SISSA entrance examination 2005

 
 2  2
1 dq1 1 dq2 
L=  + 2 (1)
2 dt 1 + 12 dt

where (q1 , q2 ) are the coordinates of the particle in the plane and q is a real
non vanishing parameter.

• Compute the Hamiltonian of the system.

• Discuss the symmetries of the system.

• Compute the transition amplitude between two states at different fixed

positions in the q1 direction and fixed momenta in the q2 direction, that
is < (q1 )f , (p2 )f ; tf |(q1 )i , (p2 )i ; ti >.

Problem 3.

SISSA entrance examination 2005

The one-dimensional Schroedinger equation for a particle of mass m sub-
ject to a potential V (x) is

~2 d 2
∂ψ(x, t)
i~ = − + V (x) ψ(x, t) (1)
∂t 2m dx2

Suppose that V (x) has the following form:

∞ x<0
V (x) = 0 0 ≤ x < a (2)
v0 x≥a

where v0 and a are positive.

1. Write down the generic solution for a bound state and the conditions
its parameters must satisfy in terms of m, v0 and a.

2. Argue that there exists a condition on m, v0 and a so that no bound

state solutions are possible, and try to determine it as accurately as

3. Evaluate the limit v0 → ∞ and determine the eigenfunctions and their


4. In the limit v0 → ∞ find the average position of the particle trapped

in a generic bound state.

Problem 4. Properties of Majorana Fermion Cou-

SISSA entrance examination 2005

Consider the effective neutral current (NC) interaction Lagrangian:
Leff (x) = − λ N̄1 (x) γµ (V − Aγ5 ) N2 (x) Z µ (x) + h.c. , (1)
where λ is a real couping constant, N1,2 (x) are the fields of two spin 1/2
Majorana fermions having masses M1,2 > 0, Z µ (x) is the field of the Stan-
dard Model (SM) weak Z 0 -boson, and V and A are complex, in general,
(vector and axial current) constants. The fields N1,2 (x) satisfy the Majorana
C(N j (x))T = ρj Nj (x), j = 1, 2; ρ1 = ±1, ρ2 = ±1 , (2)
where C is the charged conjugation matrix: C −1 γµ C = −γµT , γµ being the
Dirac gamma matrices (µ = 0, 1, 2, 3), C T = −C, C † = C −1 .
1. Derive the constraints on the constants V and A following from the
fact that N1,2 are Majorana fermions (i.e. N1,2 (x) satisfy the condition (2)).
2. Derive the constraints which the requirement of CP invariance of
Leff (x) imposes on the constants V and A, knowing that Nj (x) and Zµ (x)
transform as follows under the CP-symmetry operation:

UCP Nj (x) UCP = ηjCP γ0 Nj (x′ ) , ηjCP = iρj = ±i , (3)

UCP Zµ (x) UCP = κµ Zµ (x′ ) , κ0 = −1, κ1,2,3 = +1 , (4)
where UCP is the unitary CP-transformation operator, x = (x0 , x), x′ =
(x0 , −x), and ηjCP = iρj = ±i is the CP-parity of the heavy Majorana
neutrino Nj . Comment the combined result obtained from the constraints
derived in points 1. and 2.
3. Consider the case of Leff (x) = LN eff (x) when N2 coincides with N1 :
N2 (x) ≡ N1 (x) ≡ N(x), M2 = M1 ≡ M, ρ2 = ρ1 ≡ ρ. What is the CP-
invarinat form of LN eff (x)?
a) Consider the process N + N → e− + e+ , generated by the CP-invariant
LNeff (x) and the Standard model coupling of e to Z :
± 0

e g 2 + g ′2
LNC (x) = − ē(x) γµ (ve − ae γ5 ) e(x) Z µ (x) + h.c. , (5)
where ve = −0.5 + 2 sin2 θW , ae = −0.5. Assume that the initial N + N are in
a state with total spin S(N + N) = 1 and orbital momentum L(N + N) = 0.

Taking into account the conservation of CP-parity and of the total angular
momentum, determine the orbital momentum of the e− + e+ pair, knowing
that the CP-parity of the latter is given by η CP (e− e+ ) = (−1)S+1 , S being
the total spin of the e− + e+ pair.

SISSA entrance examination 2005

b) Derive the additional constraints one obtains on the CP-invariant LN eff (x)
from the requirement that LN eff (x) is i) P -invariant, ii) C-invariant (P =
reflection of the 3 spatial coordinates; C = charge conjugation), knowing
that under the P - and C- symmetry transformations,

UP N(x) UP† = η P γ0 N(x′ ) , η P = ±i ; †

UP Z µ (x) UCP = − κµ Z µ (x′ ) ;(6)
UC N(x) UC† = η C N(x) , η C = ±1 ; UC Z µ (x) UC† = − Z µ (x) . (7)

[ N.B. Use the Bjorken-Drell representation for the γ-matrices: (γ1,2,3 )† =

−γ1,2,3 , (γ0 )† = γ0 , (γ0 )2 = 1 - the unit 4 × 4 matrix. Note also that, e.g.,

UCP γµ UCP = γµ .]

Problem 5.

he three dominant decay channels of the charged pion are π + → µ+ νµ ,

SISSA entrance examination 2005

T π + → e+ νe , π + → e+ νe π 0 .

1. Based on kinematical considerations, identify the dominant decay chan-

nel and motivate the suppression of the two subdominant ones. Discuss
also the relative importance of the two subdominant channels and es-
timate the partial decay width ratio Γ(π + → µ+ νµ )/ Γ(π + → e+ νe ).

2. Consider the matrix element

Mµ (p) ≡ hΩ|uγ µ PL d|π + (p)i,

where π + (p) is the one particle state corresponding to a pion with 4-

momentum pµ and Ω is the vacuum state. Write Mµ (p) in terms of p
and fπ ≡ 2i(∂M0 /∂p0 ). Which of the two terms in PL = 1/2 − γ5 /2
contributes to the matrix element and why?

3. Calculate Γ(π + → µ+ νµ ) in terms of GV , mπ± , mµ , fπ .

eminder. The charged pion π ± is a pseudoscalar meson with mass

R mπ± ≈ 140 MeV. Together with the neutral pion π 0 , with mass mπ0 ≈
135 MeV, it forms an isospin triplet. The muon and electron masses are
mµ ≈ 105 MeV and me ≈ 0.5 MeV. Below the electroweak scale, the charged
pion weak interactions can be described by the effective hamiltonian density
H = 4 √ uγ µ PL d (eγµ PL νe + µγµ PL νµ ),

where PL is the chirality projector on left-handed chirality and GV ≈ 10−5 /GeV2

(which includes the effect of quark mixing). For the purpose of this exercise,
the neutrinos can be considered to be massless.

TPP entrance examination (2012)

Particle Physics

Trieste, 18 July 2012

TPP entrance examination (2012)
T hree problems and a set of questions are given. You are re-
quired to solve either two problems or one problem and the set of
questions. Please, write clearly. Good luck!

TPP entrance examination (2012)
Problem 1

A 4D field theory of four real scalar fields A1 , A2 , B1 , B2 is defined

by the Lagrangian
2 2
1X 1X
L= ∂µ Ai ∂ µ Ai + ∂µ Bi ∂ µ Bi − m2 (A1 B2 − B1 A2 )
2 i=1 2 i=1

1. Derive the equations of motion.

2. What is the (continuous) symmetry group G of the kinetic term? Iden-

tify its subgroup, say H, that preserves the full Lagrangian.

3. Diagonalize the mass term and find its eigenvalues and eigenstates.
Write the Lagrangian in terms of such mass eigenstates.

4. Consider now adding a new term to L so that the total potential be-

V = m2 (A1 B2 − B1 A2 ) + λ(A1 B2 − B1 A2 )2 , λ>0

Find the extremes of this potential and discuss their nature.

[Hint: in order to answer this question, it is convenient to use a

polar representation for the fields]

TPP entrance examination (2012)
Problem 2

A uniform beam of particles of energy E and mass m is incident from

the left on a potential wall at x = 0 given by

V (x) = Ω δ(x) ,
where δ(x) is Dirac’s delta-function, and Ω is real and positive.

1. Find the amplitudes R and T of the reflected and transmitted beams.

2. Consider the cases of the opaque (Ω → ∞) and the almost transparent

wall (Ω → 0). What happens in these two cases? Give your answer in
terms of the reflected and transmitted amplitudes R and T you found
in the previous step.

3. Assume now that Ω < 0 and study the possible bound states of this
potential. Are there any? If yes, give their number and energy.

TPP entrance examination (2012)
Problem 3

P art A. Consider the leptonic part of the charged current (CC) weak
interaction Lagrangian:
LCC ¯l(x) γα (1 − γ5 ) Ulj χj (x) (W α (x))†
lep (x) = − √
2 2 l=e,µ,τ j=1,2,3
χ̄j (x) γα (1 − γ5 ) Ulj∗ l(x) W α (x) .
− √
2 2 l=e,µ,τ j=1,2,3

Here g is a real constant, W α (x) is the the W ± −boson field, l(x) = e(x), µ(x), τ (x)
are the charged lepton fields, U is the 3 × 3 unitary lepton mixing matrix
and χj (x), j = 1, 2, 3, are 3 Majorana neutrino fields having definite masses
mj > 0 and satisfying the Majorana condition:

C(χj (x))T = χj (x), j = 1, 2, 3 .

Derive the constraints on the lepton mixing matix U following from the

requirement of CP-invariance of LCC (x): UCP LCC (x)UCP = LCC (xp ), where
UCP is the unitary CP-transformation operator and x = (x0 , x), xp = (x0 , −x).
Assume that l(x), W α (x) and χj (x) transform as follows under the CP-
symmetry operation:

UCP l(x) UCP = ηl γ0 C(l(xp ))T , |ηl |2 = 1 , l = e, µ, τ ,

UCP Wα (x) UCP = ηW κα (Wα (xp ))† , |ηW |2 = 1 , κ0 = −1 , κ1,2,3 = +1 ,

UCP χj (x) UCP = ηjCP γ0 χj (xp ) , ηjCP = iρj = ±i , j = 1, 2, 3 .

Here ηl , ηW are unphysical phases, ηjCP = iρj = ±i is the CP-parity of the

Majorana neutrino χj and C is the charge conjugation matrix: C −1 γα C =
−γαT , γα being the Dirac gamma matrices (α = 0, 1, 2, 3), C T = −C, C † =
C −1 .
Set ηl = i and ηW = 1 and comment the constraints thus obtain for Ulj . In
this case what are the CP conserving values of the phases 0 ≤ δ, β1,2 ≤ 2π,
present in the elements Ue2 = eiβ1 /2 sin θ12 cos θ13 Ue3 = ei(β2 /2−δ) sin θ13 and
Uµ3 = eiβ2 /2 sin θ23 cos θ13 if θ23 = π/4, θ12 = π/6, and θ13 = π/20?


TPP entrance examination (2012)

art B. Consider the effective interaction Lagrangian of two Majorana
neutrinos χ1 and χ2 with the photon:

Leff (x) = χ̄1 (x) σαβ (a − bγ5 ) χ2 (x) F αβ (x) + h.c. ,

where a and b are, in general, complex constants, F αβ (x) = ∂ α Aβ (x) −

∂ β Aα (x), Aµ (x) being the 4-vector potential of the photon field. The latter

transforms as follows under CP: UCP Aα (x) UCP = κα Aα (xp ), κ0 = −1 , κ1,2,3 =
+1. Derive the constraints on the constants a and b:

i) Following from the fact that χ1 and χ2 are Majorana particles.

ii) Following from the requirement of CP invariance of Leff (x); comment

the result.

iii) In the case of one Majorana neutrino (particle) coupled to the photon:
χ1 (x) ≡ χ2 (x) = χ(x). Give a physical interpretation of the result.

[Use the Bjorken-Drell representation for the γ-matrices: (γ1,2,3 )† = −γ1,2,3 , (γ0 )† =

γ0 , (γ0 )2 = 1 - the unit 4 × 4 matrix. Note also that, e.g., UCP γα UCP = γα .]

TPP entrance examination (2012)

• An electron has total energy equal to four times its rest energy. What
is the momentum of the electron?

• The observer A, who is moving with velocity v with respect to observer

B, says that B’s clock is running slower than his. What does observer
B says about A’s clock?

• A spin-1/2 particle is in a state described by the spinor


where A is a normalization constant. What is the probability of finding

the particle with spin projection Sz = −1/2h̄?

TPP entrance examination (2012)
• Can a spin 1 particle decay into two photons?

• Which of the following is the principal decay mode of the positive muon
µ+ ?

(a) µ+ → e+ + νe
(b) µ+ → p + νµ
(c) µ+ → n + e+ + νe
(d) µ+ → e+ + νe + ν̄µ
(e) µ+ → π + + νe + ν̄µ

• How many independent states of polarization has the vector gauge bo-
son Z 0 of the electroweak interactions?

• A particle of mass M decays from rest into two particles. One particle
has mass m and the other particle is massless. What is the momentum
of the massless particle?

TPP entrance examination (2012)
• Which of the following is NOT a correct assignment for the quark
composition of the corresponding hadrons?

(a) p = uud
(b) n = udd
(c) π + = ud̄
(d) K + = ūs
(e) J = c̄c

• What is the value of the commutator [H, x] for the quantum mechanical
Hamiltonian H = p2 /2m + V (x)?

• The standard model Higgs boson is electrically neutral. How can it

then decay at the LHC into two photons? Draw at least one Feynman
diagram for its decay into two photons.

July 2, 2013


PhD in Theoretical
Particle Physics

two out of the four exercises given below. You are allowed
S olve
to choose among these four combinations: 1-3, 1-4, 2-3 or 2-4.
Problem 1

a charged point particle P , with electric charge q , subject

C toonsider 1
the action of a magnetic field with potential A(x) via the so-called

minimal coupling, given by the Hamiltonian

~ 2
(~p − q1 A)
1. Show that the Schrödinger equation is invariant under the U (1) gauge
transformation defined by (work in natural units, ~ = c = 1)

~ x) → A
A(~ ~ ′ (~x) = A(~
~ x) + ∇α(x)
~ , ψ(~x, t) → ψ ′ (~x, t) = ei q1 α(x) ψ(~x, t)

where ψ is the wave-function of the particle. Choose α(~x) such that

~ ′ = 0 and use this to prove that the particle wave function ψ(x, t)
depends on the magnetic potential only through a phase.

2. Consider the particle P1 moving on a closed path C, in presence of an

external magnetic field. Using the result of point 1, prove that while
moving along C the wave-function picks-up a phase proportional to the
~ across a surface S enclosed by C.
flux of the magnetic field B

3. Consider the previous setting in the specific case in which the magnetic
field is generated by a point-particle P2 which carries a magnetic charge
g2 (this is a so-called magnetic monopole: a particle which sources a
magnetic field). Use the previous result, and impose that the phase
factor depends only on the contour C and not on the particular choice

of the enclosed surface S. Derive from this requirement the famous
Dirac quantization condition:

q1 g2 = 2πn , n∈Z

Hint: Consider two different enclosed surfaces S and S ′ such that S −S ′

contains the monopole P2 in the interior.

4. For particles having both electric and magnetic charges, (q1 , g1 ) and
(q2 , g2 ) respectively, the Dirac quantization condition generalizes to
q1 g1 · M · = 2πn

with M a 2 × 2 matrix. Find the explicit form of M by using the

invariance of the electro-magnetic interactions under

~ B ~ →O E ~ B
q g →O q g , E

with O ∈ SO(2).

Problem 2

A spin 1/2 particlen̂in= a(sinmagnetic field along the direction

θ cos φ, sin θ sin φ, cos θ)

has Hamiltonian
H = ~ ω n̂ · ~σ ,
neglecting the orbital part.

1. Find the eigenstates |±, n̂ > of H in terms of the usual eigenstates

|± > of σz .

2. Evaluate the single-particle canonical partition function Z = tre−βH ,

with β = 1/kT . What is its limit for T → ∞?

3. Consider the operator (density matrix)

ρ= sinθdθdφ|+, n̂ >< n̂, +|.

~ >= trρΣ,
Compute the expectation values < Σ ~ where Σ
~ = ~~σ /2 is the
spin operator.
4. Is there any (pure) state |ψ > such that < ψ|Σ|ψ > reproduces the
results of 3.?

Hint: Notice that n̂ · ~σ can be obtained from σz by a combination of two

rotations with appropriate angles around the y-axis and z-axis.

Problem 3

Consider the following Lagrangian

L = Q̄L i∂/QL + q̄R i∂/qR + |∂µ H|2 + m2 H † H − (H † H)2 + (y Q̄L HqR + h.c.) ,
where H is a complex doublet scalar field, QL is a left-handed chiral fermion
doublet and QR is a right-handed chiral fermion singlet. The above La-
grangian can be seen as a toy version of the Standard Model where all gauge
interactions have been switched off and one fermion pair only is kept.

1. What are the global symmetries of this system? Consider separately

the cases y = 0 and y 6= 0.

2. Find the spectrum of the system when m2 > 0 and λ > 0. Is the scalar
spectrum of the theory that expected from the Goldstone theorem?
Again, consider separately the cases y = 0 and y 6= 0.

3. Draw the tree-level diagram that leads to the decay of a fermion in the
theory and evaluate the associated Feynman rules.

4. Calculate the tree-level decay rate of the unstable fermion. Consider

an unpolarized fermion in its rest frame.

Problem 4

C onsider the following

approximation for the pion lagrangian density:
L= Tr[(∂µ Σ)† (∂ µ Σ)], Σ = eiπa σa /f ,

where πa are the pion fields ( 2π ± = π1 ∓ iπ2 , π 0 = π3 ), f ≈ 93 MeV is the
pion decay constant, σa are the Pauli matrices. Pion masses, electromagnetic
interactions, and higher derivative interactions have been neglected.

1. Expand the above lagrangian in powers of the pion field and write the
four-pion interaction in terms of π = πa σa /2.

2. Use the above expression to obtain the interaction term containing four
charged pions (two π + and two π − ).

3. Write the tree level amplitude for the process

π + (p1 )π − (p2 ) → π + (p3 )π − (p4 ),

where p1 . . . p4 are the pion 4-momenta.

4. Using energy-momentum conservation and the massless approximation

for the pions, write the above amplitude in terms of s = (p1 + p2 )2 ,
t = (p1 − p3 )2 (Mandelstam’s variables).

July 10, 2014


PhD in Theoretical
Particle Physics

S olve two out of the four exercises given below.

Problem 1

n a D–dimensional flat Minkowskian space–time, you are given a field

I theory having an energy–momentum tensor T which is: i) conserved
∂ µ Tµν = 0, ii) symmetric Tµν =R Tνµ , and iii) traceless T µ µ = 0. We also
assume that the operator E = dD−1 x T00 (energy) is well defined with a
spectrum E ≥ 0. Given a state |Ψi, let

E(t, ~x) ≡ hΨ| T00 (t, ~x) |Ψi

be its spatial energy distribution at the time t. Show that for all positive
energy state |Ψi the average square radius of the region in which E(t, ~x) is
not zero grows with time at a speed which rapidly approaches the speed of
light. Comments on the implications of the result for the particle spectrum
of the theory are welcomed.

Problem 2

a quantum field theory model involving two real scalars φ ,

C onsider
i = 1, 2, with canonical kinetic term and potential

1 λ λ′
V (φ1 , φ2 ) = − µ2 (φ21 + φ22 ) + (φ21 + φ22 )2 + φ21 φ22 , (1)
2 4 2
where µ2 >0 and λ > 0.

1. Under which conditions the potential is bounded from below?

2. Identify the internal global symmetries, continuous and discrete, in the

two cases λ′ = 0 and λ′ 6= 0.

3. Find the minimum of the potential and the corresponding mass spec-
trum of the physical particles.

4. Identify the symmetries unbroken in the vacuum in the two cases λ′ = 0

and λ′ 6= 0.

Problem 3

T hejectone-dimensional Schroedinger equation for a particle of mass m sub-

to a potential V (x) is

~2 d 2
∂ψ(x, t)
i~ = − + V (x) ψ(x, t). (1)
∂t 2m dx2

Suppose that V (x) has the following form:

 x<0
0 0≤x<a

V (x) = (2)

 v0 a ≤ x < b
0 x≥b

where v0 and a are positive.

1. Write down and describe the generic form of the solution with energy
E < v0 .

2. Compute the integration constants in the previous solution.

3. Consider the limit b → a. Find the phase of the reflected wave in this

4. Find the phase of the reflected wave to the lowest order in b − a.

5. Without doing any explicit calculation: what is the probability of find-

ing the particle in any finite interval of the positive real axis?

Problem 4

The 3-neutrino mixing matrix in the charged current weak interaction

Lagrangian – the Pontecorvo, Maki, Nakagawa, Sakata (PMNS) matrix, U =
(Ulj ), l = e, µ, τ , j = 1, 2, 3, can be written as:
c12 c13 s12 c13 s13 e−iδ
 

U = (Ulj ) =  −s12 c23 − c12 s23 s13 eiδ c12 c23 − s12 s23 s13 eiδ s23 c13  .
 

s12 s23 − c12 c23 s13 eiδ −c12 s23 − s12 c23 s13 eiδ c23 c13
Here cij = cos θij , sij = sin θij , θ12 , θ13 and θ23 are neutrino mixing angles
which are measured in neutrino experiments, 0 ≤ θij ≤ π/2, δ is a Dirac
CP violation (CPV) phase, and we have neglected the possible presence of
Majorana CPV phases in U . The angles θ12 , θ13 and θ23 have been found
experimentally to have the values corresponding to
sin2 θ12 ∼
= 0.31 , sin2 θ23 ∼
= 0.48 , sin2 θ13 ∼
= 0.024 . (2)
In an approach aiming to describe the neutrino mixing using symmetries, the
PMNS mixing matrix in eq. (1) is assumed to originate from:
U = R12 (θ12 ) P (φ) UT BM , (3)
where θ12 is a real angle, φ is a real phase, P (φ) is a digonal phase matrix,
P (φ) = diag(1, eiφ , 1),
q 
 e e
 2 1
cos θ12 sin θ12 0 √ 0
e e e  3 3
R12 (θ12 ) = − sin θ12 cos θ12 0 , UT BM = − √1 √1 − √1  . (4)

6 3 2
0 0 1 − √16 √13 √1

1. Express sin2 θ12 , sin2 θ23 and sin2 θ13 in terms of θ12
and φ. What cor-
2 2
relation between sin θ23 and sin θ13 do you find? Comment the result
taking into account the values quoted in eq. (2).

2. Find an expression for cos φ in terms of θ12 and θ13 . Obtain an es-
timate for the value of cos φ using the values of sin θ12 ∼
= 0.557 and

sin θ13 = 0.155 from eq. (2).

3. Find a relation between φ and δ involving also only the angles θ12 and
θ13 . Use the fact that the imaginary and the real parts of the product


Ue3 Uµ1 of elements of U , obtained using the expressions for U
given in eq. (1) and in eq. (3), should be equal.

4. Using the results obtained by solving problems 2 and 3, derive an ex-

pression for cos δ in terms of the angles θ12 and θ13 . Using the values of
sin θ12 ∼
= 0.557 and sin θ13 ∼
= 0.155 from eq. (2), obtain predictions for
the values cos δ and δ in the approach considered. Comment the result
found for δ.

5. In a similar way, derive an expression for cos δ in terms of the angles

θ12 and θ13 and obtain predictions for the values cos δ and δ in the case
when the matrix UT BM in eq. (3) is replaced by the bi-maximal mixing
matrix UBM ,  1 
√ √1 0
 2 2
UBM = − 12 21 − √12  . (5)

1 1 1
−2 2 √

Comment the result obtained for δ.

July 6, 2015


PhD in Theoretical Particle Physics

Academic Year 2015/2016

olve one problem among I and II and one prob-

S lem among III and IV.
Problem I

Consider the Lagrangian

L = yU ūRα QαLa H a + yD d¯Rα QαLa εab Hb∗ + yL ēR La εab Hb∗ + h.c.
with yU,D,L real couplings (α = 1, 2, 3 and a = 1, 2 are SU (3)C and SU (2)L
indices respectively, while εab is the two-dimensional antysimmetric tensor).
Four component spinor notation is used (ψ̄ = ψ † γ0 ). The lagrangian L
describes the dimension-four SU (3)C × SU (2)L × U (1)Y invariant Yukawa
interactions of the first generation quark and leptons with a complex scalar
doublet Ha (notation in footnote 1).
1. Does L exhibit any additional global symmetry? [Hint: do leptons and
quarks mix?]. What is the possible physical interpretation of the conserved

Consider adding a complex scalar transforming as a SU (3)C triplet, specifi-

cally T α (3, 1)−1/3 .
2. What additional Yukawa interaction terms can you add to L? Is there
any global symmetry remaining? [Hint: take into account that the anti-
symmetric product of N fundamental SU (N ) representations is a group sin-
glet and that, given four-component spinors ψa , ψaT Cψb is a Lorentz scalar,
C being the charge conjugation matrix.]

3. Given the results above, draw a tree level Feynman diagram that leads to
proton decay.

4. Purely based on dimensional arguments estimate the proton decay width ΓP

(use natural units, ~ = c = 1 and assume T much heavier than the proton,
mP ≈ 1 GeV). Assuming a proton lifetime τP ≡ Γ−1 P > 10
33 years and

O(1) Yukawa couplings compute the lower bound on the relevant Ta mass
(~ ≈ 10−24 GeV sec).
The quark fields QαLa = (u, d)αL transform as a triplet of SU (3)C and a doublet
of SU (2)L carrying U (1) charge Y = 1/6: in short-hand notation, QαLa (3, 2)1/6 .
The fields uαR (3, 1)2/3 and dαR (3, 1)−1/3 are triplets of SU (3)C and singlets of
SU (2)L . The lepton fields are given by La (1, 2)−1/2 = (ν, e) and eR (1, 1)−1 . Fi-
nally, H a (1, 2̄)1/2 = (h+ , h0 ) is a doublet of complex scalars (the electric charge Q
within the SU (2)L doublets is given by Y ± 1/2, for the up and down components
respectively, while Q = Y for the SU (2)L singlets).

Problem II

et φ(x) be a complex scalar field with Lagrangian density

L L(x) = |∂µ φ(x)|2 + m2 |φ(x)|2 − λ|φ(x)|4 , (1)

where λ > 0, m2 > 0, so that φ acquires a vacuum expectation value |hφi|2 = v 2 /2

and we can write without loss of generality

v + σ(x) + i π(x)
φ(x) = √ ,
where v > 0 and σ, π are real scalar fields.

1. Determine the squared masses of σ and π and the interactions of order

three in either fields σ, π. Is there an underlying reason why the mass of π

2. Let
δL = (∂µ σ)2 + ξσ
be a correction to the lagrangian density of σ, with 0 < z ≪ 1, 0 ≤ ξ ≪ λv 3
Determine the correction to the squared mass of σ at leading order in z, ξ.

3. The parameters z and ξ are generated at quantum level in the theory defined
by the Lagrangian (1). Draw the diagrams contributing to z and ξ at the
one-loop level.

4. What is the degree of divergence of the one-loop graphs found above?

Problem III

Consider a particle of mass m propagating in one spatial dimension subject to

the well potential 
0, |x| ≥ a
V (x) =
−V0 , |x| ≤ a
1. Compute the eigenfunctions and derive the eigenvalue equation for −V0 ≤
E ≤ 0.

2. Determine the total number of bound states associated to this system.

Consider now a particle of mass m propagating in three spatial dimensions

subject to the radial potential
Ve (r) = − s , λ > 0. (1)
3. Evaluate the L-dependence (sign included) of the average kinetic, potential
and total energy on a trial normalizable wave function of the form ψ(r) =
N φ(r/L), where L is a positive reference scale, with

dψ(r) dψ(r)
lim r = lim r = 0.
r→∞ dr r→0 dr
Verify that the result is in agreement with an estimate obtained by using
dimensional analysis and the uncertainty principle.

4. Using the substitution ψ(r) = χ(r)/r, the Schrodinger equation in 3 di-

mensions associated to the potential (1) can be mapped to a Schrodinger
equation in 1 dimension with x → −x symmetry. Using this identification
and the answer to point 2. above with a = L, prove that for 0 < s < 2 the
potential (1) admits an infinite number of bound states.
[Hints: i) Focus on the asymptotic value of the potential Ve (r) at large dis-
tances. ii) Notice that if a wave function ψ has energies E and E e for an
e e e
Hamiltonian with potentials V and V and V (x) < V (x) ∀x, then E < E.]

Problem IV

1. Consider the Hamiltonian of the quantum one-dimensional harmonic oscil-

p2 1
H= + m ω 2 x2 (1)
2m 2
where x is the position operator and p the momentum operator, p = −i~∂x .
This Hamiltonian can be written in terms of a set of creation and annihilation
operators a and a† , satisfying the commutation relation [a, a† ] = 1 and
defined as
r r
mω  i  † mω  i 
a= x+ p , a = x− p
2~ mω 2~ mω
Find the energy eigenvalues of the system and, starting from the lowest-
energy normalised eigenstate |0i, derive the expression of all higher energy
(correctly normalised) eigenstates |ni.
2. Consider now the following Hamiltonian
Hd = α a† a + β (a + a† )
where α and β are (dimensionful) real constants and, as before, [a, a† ] = 1.
Find all energy eigenvalues of Hd .
3. Add a perturbation to the Hamiltonian (1) as
Hp = H + λ x4 ,
where λ ≪ m2 ω 3 /~. Find the approximate ground state energy of Hp to
second order in the perturbation λ.
4. Consider a particle of mass m subject to the potential
1 2 2 |x|
V = mω x , |ǫ| < 1
2 L
where L is a reference length scale. Estimate the energy of the ground state
to first order in ǫ.
[Hint: you might find useful the formula
Z ∞ √  
−αx 2 π −3/2 1
dx e x ln x = α 1 − (c + ln(4α))
0 4 2
where c is Euler’s constant.]

July 06, 2016


PhD in Theoretical
Particle Physics

Solve two out of the five exercises given below.

Problem 1

Consider the quantum system of a particle on the real line and let (p, q)
1 2 2
be the standard phase space variables. Let H0 (p, q) = 2m p + mω2
q 2 and
consider the Hamiltonian
β 2  mβ 2 4
Hα,β (p, q) = H0 (p, q) + αq + q p + pq 2 + q ,
2 2
where α and β are real parameters.

• Show that the systems Hα,β (p, q) and Hα,β ′ (p, q) for β 6= β ′ are unitarily

• Compute the diffusion kernel K (xf , xi ; T ) = hxf |e−iT H |xi i of the the-
ory defined by the Hamiltonian Hα,β (p, q).

• Compute the partition function and the energy spectrum of the theory.

Problem 2

We have a Quantum Mechanical system with three degrees of freedom

represented by canonical operators qa , pb with commutation relations

[qa , pb ] = i δab , a, b = 1, 2, 3, (we set ~ = 1),

where each coordinate qa takes values in R. The dynamics is governed by

the Hamiltonian operator

1 2 1 2 1 2 k2 2
q1 + 2 q22 + 3 q32 ,

H= p1 + p2 + p3 +
2m 4m 6m 2
acting on the Hilbert space H ≡ L2 (R3 ). m and k 2 are positive parameters.

1. Identify the Lie group G of the continuous symmetries of H which act

linearly on the canonical operators qa , pb .

2. Show that the states at each energy level form an irreducible represen-
tation of G.

3. Which irreducible representations of G appear in H ? How many copies

of each irreducible representation are present in H ?

4. Consider the perturbed Hamiltonian

Hλ = H + λ q12 p22 + 4q22 p21 − 2q1 p2 q2 p1 − 2q2 p1 q1 p2 .

4a. Which Lie subgroup G′ ⊂ G remains a good symmetry for λ 6= 0?

4b. Show that the perturbed energy eigenstates Hλ |Ei = E|Ei are
uniquely labelled by the eigenvalues of the maximal commuting
subset of generators of G′ .
4c. Write the expression of the energy E in terms of the eigenvalues
in question 4b.

Problem 3

Consider the following Euclidean Lagrangian in two dimensions

1 e2 2
LE = 2
F µν F µν
+ Dµ φ † µ
D φ + |φ|2 − ζ
4e 2
with ζ > 0, for a complex scalar field φ and an Abelian gauge field Aµ . The
covariant derivative is Dµ φ = (∂µ − iAµ )φ.

1. Write the equations of motion.

2. List the symmetries of the theory, continuous and discrete. For the
continuous symmetries, write the currents and verify that they are
3. We are interested in field configurations with finite Euclidean action (in-
stantons). Show that the Euclidean action of a configuration is bounded
by its topological number:
S ≥ 2πζ |k| , k≡ F ,
2π R2
and that among all configurations in the same topological class (i.e.
with the same topological number k), those that saturate the bound
are all and only the solutions to the following “vortex equations”:
F12 ± e2 |φ|2 − ζ = 0 ,

D1 φ ± iD2 φ = 0 , (1)
where the upper (lower) sign is for k > 0 (k < 0). Solutions are called
Do vortices also solve the equations of motion?
4. Deform the Lagrangian by the term
δLE = i Fµν ǫµν ,

where Θ is a real parameter. a) How does Θ affects the equations of
motion? b) How does it affect the vortices? c) How does it affect the
partition function of the theory? d) Is there a transformation of Θ that
leaves the quantum theory invariant?

5. The vortex equations (1) cannot be solved analytically. Consider k ≥ 0.
Write an ansatz for solutions with rotational symmetry, and study the
behavior of those solutions at ρ → 0 and ρ → ∞.
Estimate the size of such vortices with rotational symmetry.

Problem 4

Consider the theory of the electron (ψ(e) ) and the muon (ψ(µ) ) interacting
with the photon (Aµ ) and an extra massive spin-1 field (A′µ ) described by
the following Lagrangian

L = LQED + L′ ,

1 2
LQED = − Fµν + ψ̄(e) (iD
/ − m(e) )ψ(e) + ψ̄(µ) (iD
/ − m(µ) )ψ(µ) ,
the covariant derivative Dµ ≡ ∂µ − igAµ and

1 ′ 2 κ µν ′ 1
L′ = − Fµν + F Fµν + M 2 (A′µ )2 + g ′ A′µ (ψ̄(µ) γ µ ψ(e) + h.c.) .
4 2 2
1. Find for which values of the parameters the massive vector decays.

2. Find for which values of the parameters the muon can decay to an
electron and the massive vector. Compute the corresponding decay
rate Γµ→eγ ′ at leading order in perturbation theory.

3. Take the limit M → 0 of the ratio Γµ→eγ ′ /m(µ) and explain the meaning
of the result.

Problem 5

Consider the following Lagrangian for a scalar field π coupled to a static

point-like source
1 1
L = (∂π)2 − 3 (∂π)2 π + απδ 3 (~x) (2)
2 Λ
1. Show how the above Lagrangian transforms under the transformation
π → π + bµ xµ , where bµ is an arbitrary constant 4-vector and discuss
the physical consequences of the result.

2. Discuss at what distance from the source the non-linearities of the π

field become important in the spherically symmetric solution. Consider
α >> 1.

3. Compute the field E(r) generated by the point-like source in the spher-
~ ≡ ∇π
ically symmetric solution, where E ~ ≡ r̂E(r).

4. Set α = 0. Explain why the operators generated at the quantum level

in the theory (2) must have at least two derivatives for each π. What
does it change for α > 0?

July 10, 2017


PhD in Theoretical Particle Physics

Academic Year 2017/2018

S olve two among the four problems presented.

Problem I

Consider a quantum harmonic oscillator in one spatial dimension with

Hamiltonian (in natural units with ~ = 1)
p2 mω 2 2
H= + q + λq 2n , (1)
2m 2
with n a positive integer and λ > 0.
1. Using time-independent perturbation theory, compute at first order in
(0) (0)
λ the correction ∆En to the ground state energy En .
2. Determine the effective dimensionless expansion parameter associated
to the above perturbative expansion.
3. Write the Lagrangian L associated to the system (1) and, with an
appropriate rescaling, cast it in a form where the kinetic term is normalized
to 1/2 (like in usual conventions used in relativistic quantum field theory).
Then, through a Wick rotation in time, pass to its euclidean version LE .
4. Consider the partition function
Z  Z β 
Z(λ) = Dq(τ ) exp − dτ LE [q(τ )] , (2)
q(0)=q(β) 0

where we integrate over all configurations that are periodic over a time β
(inverse temperature). Write a formula for the ground state energy En in
terms of Z(λ).
5. Focus now on the case n = 2. Draw the Feynman diagram correspond-
ing to the leading order correction in λ to the ground state energy En=2 .
Knowing the partition function for the unperturbed quadratic harmonic os-
Z(λ = 0) = , (3)
2 sinh ωβ
and the unperturbed propagator G(τ, τ ′ ) at equal times
1 ωβ
G(τ, τ ) = coth , (4)
2ω 2
calculate the value of this Feynman diagram and rederive the correction
(0) (0)
∆En=2 to the ground state energy En=2 computed in point 1. Show that the
two computations match. R∞ √
[Hint: possible useful relations: Γ(z) = 0 dt e−t tz−1 , Γ(1/2) = π]

Problem II

Consider a statistical ensemble of N × N real symmetric matrices φ with

probability distribution P (φ) = Z1 e−N Tr V (φ) , where V is an even polynomial.
The normalization factor
Z = (dφ) e−N Tr V (φ)

can be seen as the partition function of a field theory in 0 + 0 dimensions (no

space and no time).
1. Discuss the symmetries of this system.
2. Every symmetric matrix can be decomposed as φ = OT ΛO where Λ is
diagonal, with the eigenvalues of φ as entries, and O is orthogonal. We
can use Λ and O as new degrees of freedom. Discuss the virtue of this
parametrization for Z. Do you see an analogy with other systems?
3. Argue that the Jacobian determinant of the transformation φ → {Λ, O}
has the form
det J = Πa<b (λa − λb ) .
[Hint: define a metric Tr(δφδφ) on the space of symmetric matrices.
In the basis {δλa , Rab }, with Rab = δOac Ocb , it is diagonal. The deter-
minant of this metric is the square of det J.]

Rewrite Z as an integral over the eigenvalues. Bring the Jacobian into

the exponent and draw an analogy to the partition function of a one-
dimensional gas.
4. Now consider the Gaussian matrix models with V (φ) = 21 m2 φ2 . The
path integral can be evaluated by the method of steepest descent. De-
rive the equation for the eigenvalues.
In the limit N → ∞ it can be approximated by a continuous equation
1 2
m λ = ℜe G(λ + iǫ) ,
G(z) = dµ .

Determine the spectral density ρ (it is known as Wigner’s semicircle
[Hint: the function G is analytic in z with a cut on an interval (−a, a),
it is real on the real axis outside the cut and it must behave like 1/z
for large z (why?). Based on √ this information, one can guess that it
has the form G(z) = Cz + B z 2 − a2 . Fix the constants. The spectral
density is then given by the discontinuity of G across the cut.]

Problem III

The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics predicts the following ratio
cos2 θW MZ2

to be exactly one at tree level. MW and MZ are the masses of the charged
and neutral gauge bosons, W and Z, and θW is the Weinberg angle, sin θW =

√g , with g and g ′ being the gauge couplings of the SU (2)L × U (1)Y
g +g ′2

gauge symmetry.

1. The Lagrangian describing the interactions between the Higgs field and
the gauge boson sector is

LH = |Dµ H|2 + m2 |H|2 − λ(H † H)2 , (1)

Wµa σ a
Dµ = ∂µ − ig − ig ′ Bµ Y
is the SU (2)L × U (1)Y covariant derivative and H is the Higgs field,
complex doublet of the SU (2)L symmetry with hypercharge Y = 12 .
Starting from LH , prove that ρ = 1 at tree level, that is ρSM
tree = 1.

[Hint: It might help to write the Higgs field in components, namely

1 φ1 + iφ2
H=√ (2)
2 φ3 + iφ4
and assume that in the Standard Model vacuum only φ3 gets a non-
vanishing vacuum expectation value.]

2. The condition ρSMtree = 1 is related to the fact that in the “gaugeless”

limit g, g ′ → 0 the global symmetry of the Higgs Lagrangian (1) is
larger than SU (2)L × U (1)Y . By looking at the Lagrangian (1) in this
limit, find such different global symmetry breaking pattern.
[Hint: use again the component expression (2) for the Higgs field.]

3. Suppose the existence of an electroweak scalar triplet field T with hy-
percharge YT = −1 added to the SM:
t0√ t− / 2

T = ,
t− / 2 t−−

where the superscript indicates the electric charge of the various com-
plex field components of T . The Lagrangian density associated to this
field is

LT = tr |Dµ T |2 − m2T tr |T |2 + ΛT H 2 + Λ(T H 2 )∗ ,

Wµa σ a
Dµ T = ∂µ T − ig Ŵµ T − igT Ŵ T − ig ′ YT Bµ T, Ŵµ ≡ ,
T H 2 ≡ Tab ǫac ǫbd Hc Hd ,

and mT , Λ are new mass scales beyond the SM. For simplicity, we have
considered only trilinear interactions between the Higgs doublet H and
the triplet field T .
Find the minimum of the scalar potential arising from LT +LH and the
corresponding mass spectrum of the vector bosons W and Z. Using the
constraints from ∆ρ, find the bound on the triplet vacuum expectation
value, and the constraints on the m2T /Λ ratio.

[Hints: Consider only the potential associated to one electrically neutral

field component. The Higgs VEV is of order v ∼ 250 GeV.]

Problem IV

An interesting class of field theories are those invariant under the following

xµ → x′µ = λ xµ and φ(x) → φ′ (x′ ) = λ−∆ φ(x) , (1)

where λ is a real positive number, xµ are space-time coordinates and φ(x) is

a field. The quantity ∆ is called scaling dimension of the field φ.
Consider the following action for a real scalar field in (n + 1)-dimensions
1 1 2 2
n+1 µ r
S[φ] = d x − ∂µ φ ∂ φ − m φ − g φ , (2)
2 2

where r 6= 2.

1. Find the scaling dimension ∆ such that the derivative part of the action,
i.e. the action (2) with m = g = 0, is invariant under the transforma-
tion (1).

2. Determine the value of m and r such that the scaling transformation

(1) is a symmetry of the full action.

3. Focus on (3 + 1)-dimensions, that is n = 3, and take the values of m

and r previously found. Using Noether theorem, find the corresponding
current j µ and check explicitly that it is conserved.

4. What do you expect to happen once quantum corrections are taken

into account? Motivate your answer.

March 22, 2018


PhD in Theoretical Particle Physics

Academic Year 2018/2019

olve two among the four problems presented.

Problem I

Consider the quantum mechanical system of a point particle on a plane

which can exist in two spin states. This is described by its position and its
spin. The spin states {|0 >, |1 >} are flipped by fermionic creation/annihilation
operators as
ψ|0 >= |1 > , ψ † |1 >= |0 > ,
where ψ † ψ + ψψ † = 1, ψ 2 = 0 and (ψ † )2 = 0.
Let us collect the position variables X1 and X2 in the complex com-
bination X = X1 + iX2 and let P be the momentum variable canonically
conjugated to X, that is [P, X] = −i.
Define the fermionic operators
Q = ψ · (P + imX † ) , Q† = ψ † · (P † − imX)
and the Hamiltonian of the particle as H = QQ† + Q† Q = Q, Q† . The

parameter m is a non zero real number.

1 Show that the rotation X → eiφ X, P → e−iφ P , ψ → eiφ ψ and ψ † →

e−iφ ψ † is a symmetry of the system, that is write the explicit form of
the generator J and check that it commutes with the Hamiltonian.
2 Define the hermitean operator F = ψψ † . Show that it is conserved,
rotation invariant and determine its spectrum.
3 Define the Grassmann parity (−1)F and work out its action on the
states |0 > and |1 >. Show that for every eigenstate of the Hamil-
tonian with non zero eigenvalue, there exists another eigenstate with
the same eigenvalue and opposite Grassmann parity. Show that the
correspondence within bosonic and fermionic non-zero eigenstates is
[Hint: Do the operators Q and Q† commute with the Hamiltonian?]
4 Assuming m > 0 and κ < 0, compute
h i
I = Tr (−1)F e−βH eκJ .

[Hints: There is no need to work out the explicit form of H. Not all
states in the Hilbert space contribute to I, but those that do are still
infinite in number.]

Problem II

Consider a quantum mechanical one-dimensional non-relativistic system

consisting of a particle with mass m in a potential V (x). Suppose that

ika − tanh(x/a) eikx

hx|ψk i = ψk (x) = √
ika + 1 2π
is an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian for each k ∈ R, and note that
Z +∞
ψk∗ (x)ψk′ (x) dx = δ(k − k ′ ) .

1. Determine the potential V (x).

2. Compute explicitly
Z +∞
hx|ψk i hψk |yi dk . (1)

Is the set {ψk : k ∈ R} a basis for the Hilbert space?

[Hint: The integral can be computed using the residue theorem.]

3. Show that the system admits exactly one bound state, and determine
its wave function ψ0 (x) and energy E0 .
[Hint: Use the result for eq. (1) to guess the form of ψ0 (x).]

Problem III

Consider a theory described by the Lagrangian density

2 2
v12 v22
1 µν 2 2 2 2
L = − F Fµν + |Dµ φ| + |Dµ χ| + λ1 |φ| − + λ2 |χ| − , (1)
4 2 2

where φ, χ are complex scalar fields coupled to a U (1) gauge field Aµ . The
covariant derivatives are defined as follows:

Dµ φ ≡ (∂µ − ieAµ )φ ,
Dµ χ ≡ (∂µ − ieAµ )χ . (2)

1 Consider the limit e → 0 of the theory: what are the symmetries of the
action? What will be the spectrum of the particles and the structure
of the symmetry breaking?

2 Consider now e 6= 0. Identify the mass eigenstates after the spon-

taneous symmetry breaking and the Goldstone boson “eaten” by the
gauge field. Are there remaining massless states and to what do they

3 Consider the limit λ1 ≪ e, λ2 ≪ e. Find the ratio of the decay width

of the two Higgs scalars.

Problem IV

Consider a neutral scalar field ϕ with Lagrangian density:

1 2 1 2 m2 2 g
L= ϕ̇ − 2
(∆ϕ) − ϕ − ϕ4 , (1)
2 2M 2 4!
where ϕ̇ ≡ ∂ϕ/∂x0 and ∆ = i=1 (∂/∂xi )2 is the Laplace operator.

1 Discuss the space-time and global symmetries of this scalar theory.

2 Derive the Feynman propagator in momentum space associated to this

theory when g = 0.

3 Draw the Feynman diagrams that give rise to the one-loop correction
to the coupling constant g.

4 Setting the momenta of all external particles to zero (off-shell config-

uration), show that the one-loop correction in item 3 is finite.

5 Generalizing the theory in d spatial dimensions, find the lowest value

of d where the one-loop integral in item 4 diverges.

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