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Psalm de Borja

ABT 10 - B
Film Viewing 3 - Reaction Paper for the Island

According to the National Human Genome Research Institute, a technology as advanced

as human cloning is still not possible. Creating an exact copy of the same human or primate is
much harder than other mammals. The process interferes with the proteins which also affects
cell division and consequently cloning humans. This is why until now, this technology is still
considered as fiction and is often used as a trope where clones are being permitted to be their
own independent person. They are characters which are often different from the original and
develop a more humane narrative in the story.

All throughout watching the movie, I realized that cloning a human means creating
another human for the purpose of exploitation which goes against my principles and beliefs in
life. In the movie, humans were supposed to be clones in its “vegetative state” but since it is not
sustainable, the company decided to hide the fact that the clones have consciousness and are
just as human as their customers. First of all, consent will never be present in the creation of the
human clones just as any other human. The movie dives into the fact that they are creating
another life with the purpose of serving others in exchange for money. The exploitation of these
“clones” alone is disturbing for me. This is entirely different from what we are trying to improve
in the field of biotechnology.

Cloning is not a form of genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is the manipulation of

certain traits to create a desirable effect on whatever purpose including economic, scientific, etc.
Although modern genetic technology includes cloning to be able to create multiple copies of
genes, it is not genetic engineering because it is just making an exact replica of an organism.
Overall, the movie made me learn more about cloning and its possible detrimental effects that
are irreversible and inhumane.

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