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Department of Economics

( Department of Economics )
Name: Farah Hamid

Roll No: FA20-MEC-006

Semester: 4th

Course Title: public sector Economics

Assignment Topic: SDGs And Education

Submitted to: Sir Ehtsham -Ul-Haq

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs

 The united nations (MDGs) are eight goals set by the 189 United Nations number States in September 2000 and
agreed to be achiev ed by the year 2015.
 The united nations Millennium declaration signed in September 2000.
 The MDGs are deriv ed from this declaration and have all specific targets and indicators.
 The eight Millennium Dev elopment Goals are
1. To eradicate extreme pov erty and hunger.
2. To achiev e univ ersal primary education.
3. To promote gender equality and empower women.
4. To reduce child mortality.
5. To improv e maternal health.
6. To combat HIV malaria and other diseases.
7. To ensure env ironmental sustainability.
8. To dev elop a global partnership for Dev elopment

 MDGs (2000 to 2015)

 In February 2015 the government of Pakistan adopted the SDGs through a
unanimous parliamentary resolution.
Sustainable Development Goals

 Method of planning city growth and economic development in order to avoid

depletion of natural resources.
 SDGs (2015 to 2030)
 A final document of SDGs was adopted at the united nations sustainable
Development summit in September 2015 in New York.
 On 25 September 2015 ,193 countries of United Nations general Assembly
adopted the 2030 Development Agenda titled.
 “Transforming our world the 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development.”
 The sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to end
poverty and protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of
everyone everywhere.
The SDGs are grouped around five major themes:

1. People
2. Planet
3. Prosperity
4. Peace
5. Partnerships

 The 17 sustainable Development Goals are:

1: No poverty

2: zero Hunger

3: Good Health and well-being

4: Quality Education

5: Gender Equality

6; clean water and sanitation

7: Decent work and Economic growth

8: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

SDGs Goals

9: Reducing inequality
10: sustainable cities and communities
11: Responsible consumption and production
12: climate Action
13:Life below water
14:Life on land
15: Peace, justice, strong institutions
16: Partnership for the goals
17: Affordable and clean energy
United Nations sustainable
Development Goals index:

 Pakistan ranked 115 spot in 2016

 Pakistan ranked in 117th spot in 2017
 Pakistan ranked in 122 spot in 2018
 Pakistan ranked in 130 spot in 2019
 Pakistan ranked in 134 spot in 2020

 It aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life
long learning opportunities for all.
 SDG 4 is made up of 10 targets.
1: Free primary and secondary education.
2: Equal Access to quality pre- primary Education.
3: Equal Access to affordable technical vocational and higher education.
4: increase the number of people with relevant skills for financial success.
5: Eliminate all discrimination in education.
6: universal literacy and numeracy.
7: Education for sustainable Development and global citizenship.

8: Build and upgrade inclusive and safe schools.

9: Expand higher education scholarships for developing countries.
10: increase the supply of qualified teachers in developing countries.
A quality basic education gives children and youth the knowledge and skills
they need to face daily life challenges and take advantage of economic
and lifelong learning opportunities. It is also a key driver for reducing poverty,
fostering economic growth achieving gender equality and social
development Pakistan need drastic steps to improve the quality of education
as it is prerequisites for it’s development and prosperity.

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