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As a student, having a character education is very essential because even in school weust know how we

behave in our studies in order to have focus on how we achieve our goal. Also having character
education will serve as guide to not be lost in misleading temptations that we will face in our journey as
a student. In addition, we can also know how to respect elders and at the same time practice ethical
values in school and be a good example to younger generation

The factors that will affect character formation were commonly existing around us. But first factor was
our parent or family because they were t our first educators and they will open our eyes to what was
happening around us and can mold our identity and personality. Second was the home, it will serve as
our cradle to giude us on how we face the outside world and its given problem and struggles. Third was
the school and Environment in which they can teach how to handle the problems we are facing and will
develop our chatacter that can give us strength and identity. Last was the culture, it influence our
thoughts and beliefs that we live up to and also other cultures that make our life morr interesting.

In my own idea, good character education can be crrated and be attained by experience and at the same
time conscientiousness because having this we can observe and learn of what was happening in our
daily lives. We could see goo and bad characterestics or personalities, all we can do was to filter or
segregate bad from good and apply or adopt it in our lifestyle. Also we must open for knowledge and we
must willing to learn everyday.

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