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Esteemed delegates of the United Nations Security Council,

I am honored to speak to you today as we discuss one of the most pressing issues facing our
global community: the ongoing conflict in the South China Sea.

As many of you are aware, tensions in the region have escalated in recent years, with
several countries claiming territorial rights over the waters and the islands within them. This
has resulted in disputes, military buildups, and increased geopolitical tensions that threaten
the stability and security of the region.

As a member of the UN Security Council, it is our responsibility to address this issue and
work towards a peaceful and diplomatic resolution. We must uphold the principles of
international law and respect the sovereignty of all nations involved.

Egypt recognizes the importance of the South China Sea for trade and commerce, and we
are committed to ensuring the freedom of navigation and the peaceful use of the waters by
all parties. We urge all parties involved to engage in constructive dialogue and find a
peaceful solution that benefits all parties involved.

In conclusion, Egypt believes that the Security Council must play an active role in resolving
the conflict in the South China Sea. We must work together to find a solution that is based
on the principles of justice, peace, and respect for international law. Thank you.

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